
Sun Yaoting, the last eunuch in China: The queen never takes a bath herself, but also kneels to serve her master


The Secret Shadow of the Forbidden City: Sun Yaoting's Court Memories

In the long river of history, the Forbidden City is like a bright pearl, embedded in the ancient land of China. It has witnessed the glory and loneliness of countless emperors, and also hides many unknown secrets. Today, through the eyes of a special witness, Sun Yaoting, we can get a glimpse of the secrets in the depths of this palace and feel the magnificent history.

Sun Yaoting, the last eunuch in China: The queen never takes a bath herself, but also kneels to serve her master

Sun Yaoting, an ordinary teenager from the countryside, was forced by life to finally enter the deep palace compound of the Forbidden City. His life is closely linked to this palace, and his memory, like a vivid court documentary, reveals to us the true face of that era.

When he first entered the court, Sun Yaoting was just an unknown little eunuch. He endured the oppression and torture of the old eunuchs, and struggled on the edge of life and death every day. However, he never gave up hope, and he used his wisdom and courage to gradually emerge in the face of adversity. He learned to read words and how to survive in the complex environment of the court.

Sun Yaoting, the last eunuch in China: The queen never takes a bath herself, but also kneels to serve her master

With the passage of time, Sun Yaoting gradually gained the appreciation of the imperial concubine Duankang. With his wit and talent, he won more and more opportunities in the court. He began to come into contact with the heart of court life, and also with the noble and mysterious Empress Wanrong.

In Sun Yaoting's eyes, Empress Wanrong is not only a noble queen, but also a gentle and kind woman. She treats the palace ladies like sisters, never putting on a stand and never losing her temper. Her private life is full of fun and warmth, which is very different from the court life that Sun Yaoting imagined.

Sun Yaoting, the last eunuch in China: The queen never takes a bath herself, but also kneels to serve her master

Sun Yaoting remembered that once he happened to see the scene of Empress Wanrong walking in the garden. She is dressed in a gorgeous palace dress and a golden hairpin on her head, and every step is light and elegant. She had a happy smile on her face, as if the whole world was under her control. At that moment, Sun Yaoting was deeply attracted by her beauty and temperament, and he felt unprecedented shock and awe.

However, court life was not always so rosy. In Sun Yaoting's memory, the court was also full of intrigue and struggle. He witnessed countless palace coups and power struggles, as well as the joys and sorrows of countless people. He knew that in this palace, everyone was fighting for survival and power.

Sun Yaoting, the last eunuch in China: The queen never takes a bath herself, but also kneels to serve her master

However, Sun Yaoting was not consumed by these dark sides. He has always maintained a kind and upright heart, and he interprets the brilliance of humanity with his actions. He helped the palace ladies in need, and he used his wisdom to resolve countless crises. He became a clear stream in the court, allowing people to see hope and light.

Looking back on Sun Yaoting's life, we can't help but be moved by his tenacity and perseverance. He grew from a rural boy to a court eunuch and went through countless trials and tribulations. However, he never gave up his pursuit and yearning for a better life. His story teaches us to maintain a positive attitude and courage to face life's challenges, no matter what the circumstances.

Sun Yaoting, the last eunuch in China: The queen never takes a bath herself, but also kneels to serve her master

At the same time, Sun Yaoting's memory also makes us re-examine that period of history. Behind the prosperity of the court, there are countless secrets and details that are not known. These secrets not only give us a deeper understanding of the social and cultural background of that era, but also give us more thoughts and insights about history and life.

Today, when we walk into the Forbidden City again, the ancient buildings and artifacts still quietly tell the story of the past. Sun Yaoting's memory opens a window to history for us, allowing us to travel through the tunnel of time and space and experience that magnificent history firsthand

Sun Yaoting, the last eunuch in China: The queen never takes a bath herself, but also kneels to serve her master

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