
Full score essay: taste the wheat fragrance

author:Hingo 1979

Full score essay: taste the wheat fragrance

【2018 Heilongjiang Qiqihar Secondary School Entrance Examination Essay Questions】

Taste the fragrant tea, enjoy the tea fun of one bitter, two sweet, three sweet; taste June, appreciate the summer ink and color; taste the Tang poems and Song words, sigh the elegance of the ancient rhyme; taste the small things around you, feel the true meaning of life...

Please fill in the appropriate words at the horizontal line of "Fine_____" and write an essay.


(1) Except for poetry and drama, the style is not limited, and the style should be distinct.

(2) Express true feelings, and must not be copied or copied.

(3) The real place name, school name, or person name shall not appear in the article.

(4) The number of words is not less than 600 words.

2018 Heilongjiang Qiqihar Secondary School Examination Fan Wen III: Taste the wheat fragrance

It's the middle of summer again, the summer night is dry and hot, taste a mouthful of wheat tea from the hometown, sweet and cool off. The wheat tea emits a refreshing wheat fragrance, which is the smell of the wheat of the hometown, and the breath of the farmers in the hometown.

When I was a child, I lived in my hometown, and the wheat field was my paradise. The wind blows the wheat waves, the wheat fragrance overflows, savor it, the fragrance contains indifference, this is the wheat fragrance, but also the aroma of the wheat people.

I thought that all plants have their own flowers, and the wheat is so fragrant, the wheat fragrance must be charming and beautiful. Excitedly, he put on a golden bucket hat and carried a magnifying glass in his hand and slipped into the fragrant wheat field. Shuttling through the wheat, holding up the wheat straw with one hand, slowly holding the ear of wheat, and holding a magnifying glass in the other hand, he looked up from the bottom up, without any gain. Lie on the ground, smell the fragrance of the earth, and savor the smell of this land of growing wheat fields, the thick and pure taste. The wheat pricked my little hand, and lying on the ground, I longed to find the unintentional spilled wheat fragrance, but found nothing. I had to go home in frustration and shrug my little head.

Grandma saw that I was depressed and brought me a cup of wheat tea. Take a sip from your small mouth, it's so sweet, and you take a big sip. "The flowers of the wheat fall after the ear is formed, it is too small for anyone to pay attention to on weekdays" "Then why doesn't the wheat bloom larger and more beautifully?" "That nutrient is absorbed by the flowers, and the wheat grows no mile." Grandma spoke meaningfully, while I looked out over the wheat field and savored Grandma's words. It seems to understand something, but it is not quite understood.

On the occasion of the harvest, farmers harvest in the wheat fields overflowing with the joy of the harvest. The ears of gold wheat were bent over, and the farmers were also bent over to harvest. Golden wheat fields with golden sunshine and golden buckets at the top form a picture of the harvest of the countryside in a good year. On the side, I took a pot of wheat tea to quench my thirst, savored the idyllic aroma of wheat tea, and my heart exploded - wheat flowers gave up the beauty they could have pursued in order to have a full harvest of fruits, and wheat bent down in order to have fruitful fruits. And the hometown people who are busy in the wheat fields work hard in the heat for a good harvest and for their livelihood. They have lived in the wheat field for most of their lives, they do not know a few big characters, they all exude the fragrance of wheat, and they have the style of golden wheat.

Farmers are like wheat flowers, small and low-key, although the incense does not show off, the hometown people are like wheat straw, willing to bear the hardships for success. They know that the bigger the flower of speech, the smaller the fruit of behavior, so they are calm and humble, daring to face and bear everything. Taste the fragrance of wheat, which is the fragrance of wheat and the sweet fragrance of the hometown people.

And today, when soil and water replace golden wheat fields. When money replaces golden wheat, farmers go into the city, talk about small profits in restaurants, show off their performance, and change the low-key style of the past at the entrance of the store, presumably they have forgotten the wheat field, forgotten the melodious wheat fragrance, and forgotten the true meaning of wheat.

On summer nights, holding a cup of wheat tea, under the moon, braided like wheat ears swaying in the wind and stirring up the smell of wheat. I only hope that in tonight's dream, I can find the people of the past, put the fragrance of wheat flowers into their dreams, savor the spiritual style of wheat fragrance in their dreams, and regain the golden wheat field that was once there.

Savor the wheat aroma and wait for the flowers to bloom...

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