
China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

author:Nanke Yan-hsien


The content of this article has reliable sources, and the relevant sources are stated at the end of the article, please read it rationally.


The conquest of space seems to have always been the goal of mankind, and the manned space industry has expanded from rockets and spaceships to space stations.

From Shenzhou 1, which rushed to the sky alone, to Yang Liwei, who flew to the vast universe in Shenwu alone, to now our Tiangong space station has been able to operate normally.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

From zero to one, we used decades, and in the field of manned spaceflight, we do not have many competitors, and now the manned space rocket is erected at the same time as the United States, but the performance of both sides is not the same, one has a 100% success rate, the other is still unknown.

How is the development of manned space flight in the United States today? Who has a 100% success rate?

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

Starliner delayed test flight

The test flight of the "Starliner" that was supposed to take place on May 6, US time, has not been carried out until now.

According to relevant reports, foreign media reported that the manned space test flight of Boeing's "Starliner" spacecraft was postponed again.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

The reason for this postponement was that one of the safety valves on the rocket carrying the spacecraft failed, and in this case, in order to ensure the safety of the rocket and the astronauts, the test flight had to be suspended.

At that time, the astronauts had even entered the capsule, and after discovering the malfunction, they could only follow the arrangement and abort the test flight.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

This is not the first time that a Starliner test flight has been postponed, and each time the reason for the postponement is different, with Boeing and SpaceX building their own spacecraft after winning the project.

However, due to various reasons, the Starliner project has been delayed for a long time than originally expected, and the first unmanned test flight has not successfully entered the intended orbit.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

Although the second unmanned test flight stumbled into the predetermined orbit later, the manned test flight has not been carried out until now.

According to the original plan, the Starliner was supposed to conduct a test flight on May 6 local time and arrive at the International Space Station in 26 hours.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

Although it was only a test flight, it was planned that they would also stay on the ISS for eight days before returning to Earth.

However, the plan could not catch up with the changes, because the interstellar airliner has been postponed many times, and even the astronauts who flew the test flight have been replaced by batches.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

Compared with the previous test flights, the planned test flights are actually relatively mature, and the astronauts have also been carefully selected.

Although the two astronauts, one is 58 years old and the other is 61 years old, they are out-and-out veterans, but the advantage of the veterans is that they have experience and can calm down and solve problems in the face of emergencies.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

The Starliner project is also a rare opportunity for Boeing, and if this test flight is successful, Boeing will become another private enterprise capable of carrying out commercial manned space flight after SpaceX.

After all, Boeing's reputation over the years is indeed not very good, and they urgently need an opportunity to turn over, manned spaceflight, which is obviously a good choice to save their reputation.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

In recent years, Boeing's aircraft safety around the world has been seriously questioned, originally Boeing is the world's largest aircraft production base, and the world's reputation is safety and trust.

However, recently, Boeing has had frequent accidents, and at the beginning of this year, Boeing was pushed to the top of public opinion because of safety accidents.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

At that time, a Boeing 737 was in the process of flying, the emergency hatch opened and fell instantly, but at this time, the plane had already taken off, and the passengers were so frightened that they screamed.

Fortunately, the altitude was relatively low, and the plane quickly made a forced landing for repairs, and although the accident did not seem serious, it was another serious blow to Boeing's reputation.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

Previously, because of safety issues, Boeing's business has had many accidents, originally thought of raising eyebrows through manned spaceflight, but I didn't expect this project to be delayed again and again, and there has been no real test flight until now.

Although Boeing itself has some problems, and Boeing is also involved in this project, in the final analysis, the problem is not at all Boeing, a private enterprise, and there is actually a great controversy about the development of space in the United States.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

The controversy of the United States in the field of astronautics

Recently, there has been a heated discussion on the Internet that the United States achieved a manned landing on the moon that year, and even the astronauts left footprints on the moon, which seems to be a conspiracy.

At that time, there was a fierce struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union in terms of science and technology, and even the United States made their astronauts achieve "a giant leap for mankind" in the 60s.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

At that time, it took them only 8 days to get to the moon, but it took us 53 days until the last few decades.

At that time, both internationally and domestically, there would be some voices that were not as strong as the United States.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

However, this time, China Aerospace released a high-definition geological atlas of the moon, which shocked people not only that the map was in color, but also that the place where the United States landed on the moon did not seem to have been found.

If the remark that the US moon landing was fake news had been placed 10 years ago, it would have attracted overwhelming abuse, after all, we at that time did not seem to have the position or ability to openly question it.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

But now that people are questioning the footprints left by American astronauts on the moon, it seems that there is more falsifiable evidence.

Smooth "heaven and earth talk", the American lunar rover galloping on the surface of the moon, and the American flag fluttering in the wind even on the moon.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

In fact, no matter whether the United States landed on the moon back then was true or not, whether the technical level in the 60s could achieve a manned landing on the moon is no longer so important.

Because in the decades since, there seems to be no progress in their technology, and it is not even comparable to the "big step for mankind" that caused a sensation in the world.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

In recent years, NASA has even reached the point where there is no space shuttle available, as their last shuttle was retired in 2011.

For the United States, it is not difficult to build a new spacecraft, because the United States gives the impression that they are not short of technology or money.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

They planned to invest more than $40 billion, and each launch was actually only tens of millions, which was not a heavy burden for them, so they began to do what they said.

However, after starting to build the space shuttle, I found that technology and cost are not the biggest expenses at all, and the real money is spent on the cost of system maintenance and huge labor costs.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

But they had to send it when they were ready to fly, they spent a lot of money, and if the space shuttle they built worked, it would be fine, but these products were not competitive.

Neither the Challenger nor the Columbia returned safely to Earth, causing irreparable catastrophic accidents.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

However, the United States also knows that they cannot just admit defeat in the space industry, otherwise the face of the space power will be disgraced.

With the advent of Space X, the U.S. government has discovered that the space industry does not have to be done by the aeronautics and astronautics itself, and it is not a good choice to cooperate with private enterprises.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

As a result, the U.S. space strategy began to change, which is also another point that has been criticized in addition to questioning their technology, and the rapid transformation of technology to commercialization has turned the space industry into a business.

However, for the U.S. government at that time, such a choice could not only save costs, but also promote the development of the entire aerospace industry through commercial means.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

However, although there were many advantages at the time, the business model and technological development were fundamentally different, so not all plans could be realized as scheduled.

The Starliner project has been postponed many times, and the most important reason is technical failure, which has even affected the international status of the United States in the field of aerospace.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

100% success rate in China

Last month, we successfully launched the Shen-18 manned spacecraft, and all three astronauts have already successfully stationed on the space station.

Flying to the space station on board the Shen-18 is the only rocket on the mainland that can carry out manned missions, the Long March-2F carrier rocket.

The Long March-2F carrier rocket is of extraordinary significance to China, because it is a manned space mission, and human life is at stake, because the requirements for safety and reliability are much higher than those of ordinary rockets.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

The most unique feature of the Long March-2F launch vehicle is that it has a fault detection system and an escape and life-saving system, which other rockets do not have.

Because the safety of the Long March-2F launch vehicle means the safety of astronauts, these systems are designed to ensure the safety of astronauts.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

The monitoring system will diagnose the flight status throughout the process, and in case of a rocket failure during the mission, the detection system will immediately detect whether there is a fatal failure.

In the event of a fatal failure, the escape and life-saving system is immediately activated to bring the astronaut to a safe area.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

However, these two crucial systems have not played a real role until now, because the rocket has not had such a failure since its first flight.

In short, since the first flight of the Long March-2F launch vehicle, the success rate is still 100%, but even if it has not been used, technical improvements have been carried out to continuously optimize and ensure the reliability of the launch process to the greatest extent.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

We have made amazing achievements in this regard, but the data of the United States in this regard is unknown, after all, the United States has not made any substantial progress in manned space flight for so many years.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?


For the aerospace industry, especially for manned spaceflight, the two most important spirits, in addition to taking risks is cautious, and there is a delicate balance between them.

Although we now have a 100% success rate, we should continue to remain humble and cautious, China's aerospace footsteps have never stopped, in the future, we will continue to insist on innovation and transcendence, in the vast universe to break out of their own world.

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?
China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

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CCTV news client reported on May 6, 2024 that the Boeing "Starliner" spacecraft will carry out its first manned test flight

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

On May 8, 2024, reported on "Rocket Failure, Boeing Postpones the Manned Test Flight of "Starliner".

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

CCTV News published a report on April 25, 2024 titled "100% launch success rate!" The "magic arrow" of tonight's "expedition" also has two "unique skills".

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

On May 12, 2024, ZAKER Information published "Have Americans Been to the Moon? ".

China and the United States erect manned rockets at the same time! The success rate is 100%, the other is unknown, who is better?

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