
Nine-year-old "Eight Roads" Yang Junpeng

author:Yunbu Hall

Written by Yuan Guoxiang

Nine-year-old "Eight Roads" Yang Junpeng

Yang Junpeng, former director of the Urumqi General Hospital of the Lanzhou Military Region, I met him in 1950. In the past, I only knew that he was an "old Eighth Road" and a medical expert, but I didn't know that he was a "young" old revolutionary who joined the army at the age of 9. Since the autumn of 1937, he has gone through eight years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, four years of the War of Liberation, and 58 years of fighting in Xinjiang, and his military service has reached 70 years, which is rare among our retired cadres. Yang Junpeng, who is 80 years old, has a red face and a strong body, and although he has rested, he still holds the leadership responsibilities of several expert groups and medical research associations. I think it is necessary to dig up and publicize his legendary life experience, so that everyone can see how the People's Liberation Army and the Communist Party have cultivated a young and ignorant child into a strong revolutionary fighter and a famous medical expert.

Growing up in the Revolutionary War

Yang Junpeng was born in a poor peasant family in Baiyangdian Village, Xin'an County, Hebei Province, and has been collecting firewood and dung since he was a child to participate in labor. But his parents were frugal and thought of providing for his second brother Yang Zhenpeng, who was 7 years older, to go to school. When "VII. Seventh, "the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the second brother who graduated from the Baoding Jian Normal School, was introduced by the underground party to join the Eighth Route Army. Influenced by his elder brother, his younger brother Yang Junpeng also wants to follow him to fight Japan. Zhenpeng was 16 years old at the time, and he had participated in the anti-Japanese student movement, and he could afford to carry a gun and walk, but his parents could not stop him, so he had to agree. But Junpeng was only nine years old, so he wouldn't let him go. But Xiao Junpeng was determined not to be a slave to the country, crying and making trouble to go, and Zhenpeng was also willing to take him. In this way, the elder brother took the younger brother's hand, and the two left their hometown, crossed the Japanese blockade line, and joined the 359th Brigade led by General Wang Zhen.

Brother Yang Zhenpeng changed his name to Yang Zhen and entered the teaching team, [later became a cadre, fought bravely, was wounded in battle, and made second-class meritorious service; When he was the battalion commander, he fought from Liaoshen and Pingjin to Hunan; When he was the head of the regiment, he received the "Order of Freedom of the First Class" personally awarded by Prime Minister Kim Il Sung in North Korea; Later, he served as the director of the Political Department of the Logistics Department of the 47th Army, and transferred to the Shuikoushan Mining Bureau as the director. His younger brother Yang Junpeng was too young, so he had to be a small nurse in the rest house of the Ministry of Health, and it would be good to be able to feed the wounded and cover the quilt.

Nine-year-old "Eight Roads" Yang Junpeng

In the winter of 1938, Dr. Bethune went to the anti-Japanese front. Yang Junpeng followed the doctors and nurses to welcome him. Bethune got off the big red horse and smiled happily when he saw many baby soldiers in front of him, and he saw the prospect of victory in the anti-Japanese resistance from these "little eight roads". Dr. Bai did not listen to the dissuasion of the Minister of Health Gu Zhengjun, did not eat or rest, and went to the homes of ordinary people to see the wounded and sick first. When Bethune came to Xiao Yang's caretaker farmhouse, he kept his eyes on the high-nosed, yellow-eyed foreign uncle to examine the wound of the soldier who had been shot in the abdomen, and when he saw that the wound was serious and bleeding, he decided to operate immediately. In this way, while he was nervously making preparations, he witnessed the whole process of Dr. Bethune's operation, cutting off a necrotic part of the small intestine and reviving the warrior. At night, when Xiao Yang lit firewood and Qiao Maipi to burn the kang and warm the room, he also fell asleep on the kang. Unexpectedly, after several surgeries, Dr. Bai came to see the seriously injured man again. When Yang Junpeng saw the tired foreign old man, kindly touched the head of the wounded, and asked about the situation, Xiao Yang said: "He is shivering and afraid of the cold!" Bethune didn't say anything, but took off the grass green fur coat that Commander Nie Rongzhen gave him, gently covered the wounded, and then motioned for Xiao Yang to continue burning the kang and left. This was a great education for Yang Junpeng, who was determined to work hard, study hard, and be a good caretaker serving the wounded and sick.

The eight-year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression trained Xiao Yang Junpeng into an iron soldier. At first, he followed the troops to Jinchaji, and when the stretcher could not be lifted, he took care of the wounded, washed bandages, steamed dressings, and rushed to do any work. Moreover, under the care of the medical staff, the learning culture has progressed rapidly, and I can read and write letters. When the 359th Brigade returned to Yan'an, defended the Party Central Committee, and opened up Nanniwan, the small soldier Yang Junpeng also picked up the head to open up the wasteland. He always tried to catch up with the other fighters and worked hard, but as a result, his palms were blistered and bleeding, and his fingers were deformed and stiff. Until now, when he is old, his fingers still can't be straightened.

In the winter of 1944, 15-year-old Yang Junpeng was already a handsome young man, he went south with General Wang Zhen's southward detachment to expedition to Henan, Hubei, Anhui, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong and other provinces, and grew up rapidly in the cruel revolutionary war, not only rescued many comrades-in-arms on the line of fire, but also grew into a surgeon in practice. When they fought hard continuously, broke through the encirclement, returned to Yan'an, and were praised by Chairman Mao in the Central Auditorium: "You are brave and tenacious, not afraid of the enemy's encirclement and interception, and have experienced the second Long March!" Yang Junpeng burst into tears with excitement. Yes, he has been tempered into a strong soldier of the Eighth Route Army, grown into a young Communist Party member, and after 8 years of combat tests, he can be called an anti-Japanese hero.

At the end of 1946, when the 359th Brigade sent more than 300 cadres to Shandong to form the 6th Independent Brigade, Yang Junpeng became the attending doctor of the 18th Regiment Health Team. When the troops returned to the Second Column and participated in the major battles of Dayuncheng, crossing the Yellow River, Yichuan Da, and northern and central Shaanxi, he had become the backbone of saving lives and helping the wounded, and made major contributions to the defeat of the Kuomintang and the liberation of the great northwest. On May 7, 1948, when the 18th Regiment was defending Lizhen to resist the enemy's attack, Yang Junpeng was on the front line to rescue the wounded. The regiment commander Chen Guolin was shot in the head by the enemy, he rushed to the rescue, but the injury was ineffective, and when he died in his arms, he couldn't help but shed tears of guilt. Yang Junpeng was an excellent medical cadre, who supported the troops to march and fight until the liberation of Gannan and Qinghai, crossed the Qilian Mountains from the wind and snow, and marched victoriously into Xinjiang from the Hexi Corridor.

The first X-ray physician in southern Xinjiang

Although Yang Junpeng is a doctor who has experienced the baptism of battle, he is only 21 years old after all, and he has a great future. Therefore, the Ministry of Health of the Xinjiang Military Region decided to transfer him to the Dihua [Urumqi] First Corps Hospital to learn techniques from the Japanese X-ray doctor Takahashi, and to bring back to Kashgar an X-ray machine issued to the Second Army to carry out this new business in the Second Army Hospital. At that time, the medical technology of the whole southern Xinjiang was very backward, which became the first X-ray machine in southern Xinjiang, and Yang Junpeng also became the first doctor to use X-ray for medical diagnosis.

Nine-year-old "Eight Roads" Yang Junpeng

I remember that in the spring of 1950, when the flowers were blooming, Yang Junpeng approached the leaders of the Propaganda Department of our Second Army, saying that he wanted to borrow the generator we used to show movies to start and try out the small X-ray machine he brought. This is a great thing and a novelty. This was because a set of American-made projection machines from the Kuomintang Eighth Joint Logistics Headquarters was seized in Hami and handed over to our photography team at that time. So Chen Zhiqiang asked me to help them pull the generator away. When I arrived at the former Kuomintang military hospital on West Street in Shule City, I saw that Yang Junpeng had installed an X-ray machine in the best room in the northwest corner.

At that time, when we left the generator next to the newly blooming peach tree to leave, Dr. Yang Junpeng, who was a burly man and a young and capable man, stopped me and asked me to help them start the generator before leaving. To be honest, I don't know anything about it, but in Hami, I asked Shen Yan, a radio technician from the headquarters and from the Northwest Institute of Technology, to help us open the 16mm projector, and asked an old car driver to help us develop the motor. Unexpectedly, not long after the power generation was generated, the generator turned off as soon as the movie started. As soon as we checked, it turned out that 7 of the teeth of the air-cooled generator were knocked out, and everyone sighed and never watched the movie again. Now Dr. Yang asked me for help, and I could only explain the truth, help them pull the wires, and give them the seven gear blades, saying that if they can be welded, they may be able to generate electricity.

Later, presumably, they did not generate electricity either, and sent the generator back. Soon after, I heard that their X-ray machine was turned on, presumably to bring the radio to the hospital for the chief's lighting. Because X-ray machine can clearly see the internal organs and bone damage in the human body, it greatly improves the diagnosis rate of injuries and diseases and the effectiveness of treatment. This is a great progress, X-ray doctor Yang Junpeng has become famous, and even some serious patients from Kashgar local hospitals have been sent here for fluoroscopy diagnosis.

Nine-year-old "Eight Roads" Yang Junpeng

In 1952, Yang Junpeng returned from the radiation medicine education class of the Xinjiang Military Region, and he served as the director of the X-ray Department of the newly established Second Military Hospital. At that time, the new hospital built by cadres, soldiers, doctors, and nurses who worked hard to beat adobe and burn bricks was already unfolding in the vast and beautiful Yang Family Garden. Yang Junpeng and his assistant also moved into a new house with better equipment, and began a new phase of X-ray diagnosis and physiotherapy. I was a photographer for the Southern Xinjiang Military Region, and later an organization section officer, and I was hospitalized twice for arthritis and tuberculosis, so I know more about the situation of changing the name to the "12th Army Hospital". Among them, the X-ray department has been rated as an advanced unit.

In 1952, the "Xinjiang People's Liberation Army" newspaper published the news of the successful creation of the "ion permeabilizer" by Director Yang Junpeng and Dr. Li Chengde. Wang Zhubei, Minister of Health of the Second Army, once praised him, because there was a shortage of medical equipment at that time, and this creative spirit of self-reliance was very valuable. In fact, in two or three years, they have treated thousands of patients with various eye diseases, with an effective rate of 92% and a cure rate of 80%. This is a major achievement for them in addition to their X-ray diagnostic work.

In 1954, Yang Junpeng tried every means to overcome difficulties, installed a newly arrived German large-scale X-ray machine, and did a good job of photographic equipment. Due to the improvement of the performance of the machine, it has created good conditions for accurate diagnosis of diseases, reduction of X-ray radiation, and further development of the role of X-ray department. I was a beneficiary, and in 1955 I had tuberculosis and a cavity in the lower lobe of my left lung. Director Yang personally made an accurate diagnosis for me through fluoroscopy and radiographs, and encouraged me to actively treat and overcome this evil disease. In addition to letting me take medicines such as p-ammonia sulfuric acid and isosaltic hydrazine, Sun Qi, the director of the third department of internal medicine, also boldly used a urinary catheter to insert chlortetracycline and other medicines that can kill tuberculosis and dried bacteria into my trachea through my nostrils and throat and into my lungs. I lay on my head on my left side and let the liquid flow into my left lung. Coupled with the "pneumoperitoneum therapy" to compress the cavities in the lungs and make them scarnate and calcify faster, I was able to save myself from the threat of death in the abdomen that lasted for half a year and insisted on abdominal air injection for two years. My severe tuberculosis was miraculously cured and never recurred. This not only ensured that I would be able to go to the Karakoram Mountains to participate in the war and work on the Ali Plateau for 10 years, but also created conditions for me to live healthily to this day. Therefore, I would like to thank the 12 hospitals that have cured my serious illness, as well as the medical staff who are skilled and enthusiastic. Therefore, I not only sent the four books I wrote to Director Sun Qi, who was far away in Xi'an, but also sent books to Dean Yang Junpeng many times to express my gratitude.

Nine-year-old "Eight Roads" Yang Junpeng

Comrade Yang Junpeng is an outstanding party member who is loyal to the party's cause, and he is also a medical cadre who is motivated and has a pioneering spirit. In 1956, he developed the "cerebral angiography automatic realigner", which was used in X-ray diagnosis of encephalopathy. In 1957, he developed the "Eye Isoloclot", which contributed to the improvement of X-ray diagnosis of eye diseases. In that year, it was used in the diagnosis of more than 80 patients, and the effect was good, with an accuracy rate of 90%.

勇闯Medical Science Highlands

In 1958, Yang Junpeng, who returned from the Fourth Military Medical University, was transferred to the Radiology Department of the General Hospital of Xinjiang Military Region as a doctor and then as a director. He has accumulated a lot of practical experience in medical treatment and improved the level of medical theory, in addition to strictly grasping the daily diagnosis work, he is still constantly researching and improving the relevant equipment, improving the level of X-ray diagnosis, further cooperating with medical treatment, and promoting the early recovery of patients.

In 1960, he and his comrades-in-arms worked hard to tackle key problems and successfully developed the "three-dimensional film viewer", which enabled the plane X-ray fluoroscopy instrument to complete the task of stereoscopic fluoroscopy observation, which greatly improved the work efficiency of the radiology department. In 1965, in the second issue of "Medical Science and Technology Data", Yang Junpeng published a paper on "X-ray diagnosis of 21 cases of teratoma", and through his analysis and research, he summed up some experience in diagnosing teratomas, which provided a reference for the treatment of this disease. In 1967, he published a paper on "X-ray Diagnosis of Early Lung Cancer" in the seventh issue of Medical Science and Technology, which provided valuable experience and scientific basis for many X-ray doctors to diagnose lung cancer. The results of this promotion will definitely play a guiding role in the early detection and accurate diagnosis of lung cancer patients, and will naturally bring good news to the treatment of such patients.

Nine-year-old "Eight Roads" Yang Junpeng

In 1975, Yang Junpeng was appointed vice president of the General Hospital of Xinjiang Military Region. His responsibilities have become greater, he has more things to manage, and he has considered problems more profoundly. It was precisely because of his outstanding achievements in medical work for 8 years that he was promoted to the director of the General Hospital of Urumqi Military Region in 1983. During this period, I came to the main hospital for examination and treatment due to rheumatism or heart disease on the Ali Plateau. Therefore, Dean Yang is often seen, and he has also come to see me, although I have not talked deeply, the friendship still exists. I know that he is very busy with his work, and he is carrying out drastic hospital reform and working hard to build the main hospital into a comprehensive tertiary hospital. When the state-of-the-art imaging building was set up in the hospital, I heard a lot of praise for Dr. Yang. He was said to be bold and capable, overcoming many difficulties, solving key problems, and improving the ability of the General Hospital to treat the sick and wounded.

However, President Yang Junpeng's energy was not only used to do a good job in these hardware, but according to the actual needs of the hospital, emancipating the mind, selecting talents, taking the method of going out and inviting in, selecting some medical problems, meticulously organizing and leading, launching an attack on the scientific highland, and achieving remarkable results. For example, he led and participated in the research group of Director Li Houjun to carry out the research on "Silk Road Abnormal Hemoglobinopathy", and after a census of 220,000 people in 25 ethnic groups in 5 provinces and autonomous regions of Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningbo, Qingdao and Xinxin, 370 cases of abnormal hemoglobinopathy were found, of which abnormal hemoglobin in Tashkul and Dunhuang was discovered for the first time, filling the gap in the world medical community. As a result, many experts in hematology and genetic diseases from all over the country came to demonstrate and identify. Professor Tan Jiazhen, Vice President of Fudan University, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Biogenetics Expert of Fudan University, and Professor of Biogenetics at the California Institute of Technology, Mr. and Mrs. Bonner, also came to Urumqi General Hospital to exchange experience with President Yang and the research team and participate in research. This research achievement, which is of great significance, won the second prize of the All-Army Science and Technology Award and the second prize of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Science and Technology Award.

In 1986, President Yang supported another expert group to explore the problem of "modern medicine verifying the potential of the human body", and after verifying 117 cases of 33 diseases, the accuracy rate was 89.36%, and the paper written was included in the book "Creating Human Science" by Qian Xuesen and others, and won the third prize of the army's science and technology award. Similarly, in 1989, he won the fourth prize of the All-Army Science and Technology Award after the publication of the paper "The Application of Glycosylated Hemoglobin in Diabetes Screening", which he supported to conduct research. In 1987, organized by the Ministry of Health of the General Logistics Department and led by the Second Military Medical University, the whole army conducted the "Epidemiological Investigation and Research on Cerebrovascular Diseases in China" on 5.69 million people at 170 points. Dean Yang guided the investigation mission in Xinjiang and made outstanding contributions. The results of this research won the first prize of the All-Army Science and Technology Award in 1990.

In addition, under the chairmanship and participation of President Yang Junpeng, the General Hospital has also developed Chinese herbal medicine products such as "Shenzhou Black Chicken", "Snow Lotus Black Chicken", "Snow Lotus Cordyceps Black Chicken" and so on. Its manufacturing method has applied for an invention patent [zl-92111804x], which not only won the 1990 Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Science and Technology Creation and Invention Award, but also the oral liquid and micelles manufactured by pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical factories in Shandong and other places have been marketed throughout the country and even Southeast Asia, making contributions to the health of the people.

Interestingly, some research topics are time-consuming, laborious, and costly, and are far from realistic medical tasks, which has aroused suspicion and dissatisfaction among some leading comrades. However, President Yang Junpeng strongly advocated developing new business, attacking high technology, eliminating resistance, creating conditions, and letting a group of talented business backbones let go of their work, actively studying, and making one research result after another. Once their papers were published, they not only guided the medical research and practice of the whole army and even the whole country, but also won a good reputation for the General Hospital of the Urumqi Military Region. Moreover, it also makes them successful in their personal careers and receives high rewards and honors. In fact, several section directors who have successfully presided over research projects have now been promoted to the third or fourth level of technology, enjoying military-level treatment, and some have even been equipped with special cars. But the old dean Yang Junpeng, who supported their research work, was willing to be a ladder for others and was unknown. Because he is an administrative cadre, he is still at the level of a full teacher.

Nine-year-old "Eight Roads" Yang Junpeng

Yang Junpeng, who is 80 years old, has long since left his post and rested. I met him at the main hospital, and in addition to shaking hands and saying hello, I also said some heartfelt words. This spring, the couple came from the south and came to my house to visit my ailing wife. At parting, we all said to "take care of your body, there will be a period later". But unexpectedly, two months later, Comrade Yang Junpeng died suddenly on May 24, 2008. Two days later, I learned the news and called his wife Ouyang Lin to express condolences, she said: "Lao Yang has long had hepatitis, he doesn't care, plus he is old, and pulmonary heart disease is also coming, so he left very suddenly." I advised her to mourn and take care, but a sadness also rose in my heart, like such a "nine-year-old little eight roads", an old revolutionary who had served the wounded and sick all his life, could not resist the laws of life and passed away in a hurry.

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