
The secret of early success: the wisdom of mastering the "law of good luck".



Liang Wendao's sharing in "The Round Table School" is quite thought-provoking: he is humble and does not perceive personal success, and if the outside world sees him as an achievement, it is ultimately due to good fortune, and has nothing to do with focus, diligence or talent, but is just the preference of fate.

An intriguing phenomenon is that behind most successful people, there is often a huge element of luck lurking.

This seems to contradict the common belief that people tend to place the aura of achievement on personal effort and ignore the invisible drivers of luck.

What's even more interesting is that we are surrounded by "lucky people" whose good fortune seems to have become a kind of label, suggesting some kind of indescribable "magic of good luck".

The book "Good Luck", Yu Yingzheng's masterpiece, is like a key that unlocks the laws and laws behind good luck, leading readers to reconstruct their own "good luck magnetic field".

Viewed from an instantaneous perspective, luck seems to be a product of chance; But when you stretch the long line, it is not difficult to find that good luck is more inclined to embrace those individuals who follow the "law of good luck".

If the body is not exhausted, premature aging is inevitable

Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, once sincerely shared his realization: "After crossing the threshold of 40 years old, I deeply understand that hard work is not the key to omnipotence.

You don't have to be too attached to life, learn to reconcile with yourself, and follow the current trend, so that the realization of your dreams may be smoother. ”

He emphasized:

"Luck is an indispensable partner in the road to entrepreneurship.

An accurate grasp of the overall situation is the key to success.

The wise and diligent also need to remember that if they follow the trend, they can often ride the wind and waves. ”

The secret of early success: the wisdom of mastering the "law of good luck".

Looking back at the past few decades, there are countless opportunities in the tide of the times:

In the 90s, going to the sea to do business led to a frenzy of wealth creation; Entering the second decade of the 21st century, the Internet industry is booming, and then the era of self-media is quietly emerging.

Every wave of turmoil has witnessed the glorious rise of those who have the courage to try and act resolutely.

Lei Jun is one of the leaders who have taken advantage of the Internet to create brilliance.

Some people, just by virtue of the accurate capture of a trend, will be full of harvest; There are even more people, as if they are specially favored by the goddess of luck, and they continue to step on the beat of the times and always stand at the forefront of the tide.

As the saying goes, diligence is the mother of success.

However, the reality is often more subtle – the accumulation of wealth, in addition to unremitting efforts, also requires a hint of fate. An analysis of 1,300 billionaires by UBS revealed that most of them had accumulated their vast wealth over the past two decades.

In the United States, for example, the marriage of technology and finance has become a breeding ground for billionaires.

The book "Good Luck" profoundly reveals that behind the accumulation of personal wealth, there are often two fortunate cornerstones of industry prosperity and opportunities of the times.

It can be seen that the industry trend and the times are the invisible wings that cannot be ignored on the way to the peak of wealth.

To have good luck, you can do these three things

First, embrace uncertainty as a partner.

People tend to crave certainty because it gives us a sense of security, but good fortune seems to favor those who have the courage to embrace the unknown.

Remember, uncertainty is a cornerstone property of the quantum world.

The fact that our lives are born in this world is in itself a great blessing, full of accidents and miracles.

If you are born in a wealthy family, as Warren Buffett said, it is like hitting the "ovarian lottery", which is a victory that cannot be predicted.

Since we can't re-elect our backgrounds, what we can do is to take the initiative to open our arms to uncertainty within the scope of our ability, and have the courage to explore, constantly try new things, and have the courage to try and make mistakes.

It is important to know that good luck sprouts quietly on the fertile soil of uncertainty.

The secret of early success: the wisdom of mastering the "law of good luck".

Second, we are committed to creating value, rather than relying on "gambling" speculation.

The book profoundly points out that short-term luck cannot last, do not get involved in gambling, and any behavior of exchanging funds for income will most likely only make people fall into endless temptations and risks.

Just ask, how many people rush into the market without knowing much about the stock market, and finally end up being ruthlessly harvested?

How many dreamers, due to a lack of in-depth understanding of the industry, blindly pursue high returns, and eventually just exhaust their original capital.

In recent years, a warning saying has been widely circulated: "Wealth obtained by luck will eventually be dissipated due to lack of strength." This is a warning that pure luck is not to be confused with risky gambling, and that the latter is never a wise thing to do.

True luck is not just about how much wealth an individual can accumulate, but first and foremost about contributing value to others and society.

Silicon Valley investment giant Navarre is equally thought-provoking in his wise words: "To accumulate wealth in society, you must first see what society needs and what is scarce, and fill it." ”

This is the essence of wealth accumulation.

The third principle emphasizes the wisdom of enduring engagement: be present and good fortune will take care of you.

Another key to attracting good fortune is to stay engaged for a long time.

Once you quit early, even if good luck sneaks in, you won't be able to meet you.

Take the experience of self-media celebrity Jiubian as an example, he had a little-known creative period before becoming famous.

At first, he worked silently on the Weibo platform, and the number of articles read was almost zero, and he did not see improvement for a long time.

But crucially, he never gave up.

Fortunately, the turning point came at a certain time, his Weibo was forwarded by a certain influential teacher Li Zixuan, and after several recommendations, he began to accumulate the first batch of loyal readers, gradually breaking through the original limitations and stepping into the fast lane of development.

Subsequently, Jiubian switched from Weibo to the official account, and keenly captured the rising trend of video content, expanding its influence step by step, until today it has the brilliant achievements of tens of millions of fans on the whole network.

In short, perseverance and staying in the game are the first conditions for the nine sides to be able to usher in a turning point of good fortune.

This tells us that for ordinary people, the courage to embrace the unknown, unremitting efforts, and perseverance in the face of challenges are the key steps to attract good fortune.

Finally, it's a matter of waiting calmly and letting time witness the arrival of good fortune.

The secret of early success: the wisdom of mastering the "law of good luck".

People who have a "good luck physique" know how to break free from these shackles

In the face of the unpredictable world, we need to be flexible not only to seize serendipitous opportunities, but also to explore inward, untie the shackles that bind our hearts, and attract the favor of good fortune.

First of all, it is to get rid of the shackles of "comparative addiction".

Have you ever found yourself often lingering in the window of other people's lives - the circle of friends, envy mixed with self-deprecation? Or are you hesitating at the crossroads of decision-making because you have repeatedly weighed the pros and cons?

Excessive and blind comparison is the culprit behind the tilting of the balance of the mind, and the book "Good Luck" directly points to it as the root of all evil.

The path of the wise man is to return to oneself and reduce the peeping into the "scoreboard" of life.

Imagine that the smoothest road is uneven under the microscope;

No matter how rugged the journey is, the focus of time will be blurred, and the road will tend to move straight ahead.

Comparison, if not growth-oriented, is just noise that disturbs the mind. It is better to focus on the pace of travel, with small but continuous progress, to achieve self-transformation.

The secret of early success: the wisdom of mastering the "law of good luck".

The second step is to get rid of the shackles of "external evaluation".

In Maugham's book The Moon and Sixpence, the protagonist Charles, a middle-aged banker, resolutely gives up his wealth and comfort to embark on an artistic journey in a foreign land, resigned to poverty and even starvation.

In the eyes of the world, his choice was tantamount to foolishness, but the end of the story reveals his true identity as a genius painter, leaving behind a series of shocking works.

Although Charles's story is extreme and difficult to replicate, the courage he shows is extraordinarily precious – daring to tear off the yardstick of "external evaluation" and free himself from the psychological shackles of longing for social approval.

This is exactly what most people are missing.

Blindly following popular values and standards is often a shortcut to mediocrity.

Look at the maverick corporate giants such as Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk, whose extraordinary achievements are the result of extraordinary choices and unique strategies of action.

Therefore, if you want to turn around in life, you need to have the courage to take bold steps, dare to innovate, and have the courage to explore.

Sticking to what you think is right in your heart and not being swayed by outside gossip is the key to embracing good luck.

The secret of early success: the wisdom of mastering the "law of good luck".

Third: Unlock the shackles of "human desire".

Back in the third century AD, the godfather of the desert, Evagilius Ponticus, in his book On the Eight Evil Spirits, brilliantly summarized the eight soul corrupters: gluttony, lust, greed, melancholy, rage, laziness, vanity, and arrogance.

These eight sins, rooted in endless desires, quietly erode people's peace of mind and inner harmony.

When the soul is firmly bound by the chains of desire, how can we find the light of our hearts in this chaos, let alone attract the favor of good fortune?

Kazuo Inamori, known as Japan's "saint of management", profoundly pointed out when talking about the secret of success: "Burning desire and undying enthusiasm are the bridge to success, but if this enthusiasm comes from selfish desires, success will only be short-lived. The real key to success lies in the purity of aspirations, which need to be deeply rooted in the subconscious. ”

Therefore, the first step to embracing good luck and success is to bravely break free from the shackles of desire, engage in deep soul introspection, clarify the boundaries between desire and pure desire, cultivate purity and goodwill in the heart, focus on the core goal, and good fortune will naturally come quietly.

The Roman philosopher Cicero once said, "The best shield against misfortune is those days that have been carefully crafted before good fortune comes—those days devoted to knowledge, glory, and noble virtue."

If you have a vision of good luck, the first thing you need to do is to establish the right "Good Luck Philosophy":

  • Stay humble and don't blindly compare;
  • Be true to yourself and listen to your inner voice;
  • Temper your desires and return your mind to its purity.

In this way, good luck is not just a chance encounter, but an inevitable response to your good life.

Deep down, everyone longs to be the darling of fate, however, good fortune seems to favor only a few.

The abyss and your gaze form a subtle mutual look; Everything you try to control ends up being eaten up against you.

This means that the nature of luck is deeply rooted in unpredictable chance. The excessive pursuit of luck may be the reason why it quietly left.

Those who are frequently favored by good fortune tend to exhibit qualities of humility and diligence.

They avoid risk-taking and keep their feet on the ground in their quest to accumulate wealth.

The first thing to do is to put aside the variable "luck" and focus on the perfect execution of the work to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

When, through continuous trial and effort, they finally embrace success, they do not exaggerate the meaning of personal struggle, but habitually attribute glory to the gift of good fortune.

Because of this, this group of people seems to have the trait of attracting good fortune and are more likely to receive special attention from fate.

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