
【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!

author:Chengdu Jianyang released

Jianyang Rong Media Center

【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!

According to the Fire and Rescue Brigade of Lingshui Li Autonomous County, Hainan Province: On the afternoon of May 8, a water incident occurred in the Xiaomei Reservoir in Lingshui County. According to reports, at about 1 p.m. on May 8, a group of five people, three men and two women, brought their own fiberglass boats purchased from the Internet to Xiaomei Reservoir for suspected fishing. The boat rolled over while rowing to the middle of the reservoir, one of the men swam to the shore and called the police, and the other four fell into the water.

【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!

After search and rescue, the four people who fell into the water were all recovered and brought ashore on the morning of the 9th, and there were no vital signs. At present, an investigation team has been set up in Lingshui County to conduct further investigation into the cause of the accident.

Safety Tips

Pond River, Reservoir, Creek and Pond......

These wild water systems appear to be calm on the surface

But there are huge security risks

What are the wild waters?

What are the dangers of wild waters?


Turbulent rocks dark current under the water

Even if there is no height drop, when the current hits the large rocks and piled stones in the river, the direction of the flow changes, and it is possible to form a powerful undercurrent or even a whirlpool.


Be wary of faults at the bottom of the river

The riverbed structure of most small rivers is uneven, and the river water is deep and shallow, so it is easy to accidentally step into the deep water area and drown accidents.


Swimming in cool water is prone to cramps

Water temperatures in the wild are hierarchical. In summer, the surface is warmer and some warmer, and the lower the temperature, the lower it gets. When the water temperature is too low and the muscles are stimulated by cold water, they are prone to tonic contractions, resulting in muscle spasms.


In case of heavy rain upstream, be careful of rising water downstream

Sometimes, even though the weather is fine downstream, heavy rain in the upper reaches of the river will cause the river to increase rapidly and become a torrent that rushes downstream.

In addition, in addition to the risks of the water body itself, there are many uncertainties in wild waters, which can easily lead to dangers:

The shore has been soaked in water for a long time, and it is very slippery or mossy, and it is easy to slip into the water when stepping on it;

Reservoirs, rivers, landscape lakes and other waters are soft and soft in silt, and it is difficult to break free once they fall into it;

The underwater environment is complex, and there may be aquatic plants such as aquatic plants, which are difficult to get out of once they are entangled;

The wild is sparsely populated, and it is difficult to get timely rescue in the event of an accident.

The weather is getting hotter, drowning accidents are entering a high incidence period, do you really know the "number one killer" this summer?

Nine truths you need to know about drowning! ↓↓↓

【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!
【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!
【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!
【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!
【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!
【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!
【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!
【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!
【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!

Source | Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China

Edit | Ye Yuzhou

Editor-in-charge | Cao Liqin

Audit | Duan Xiaoyan

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【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!
【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!
【Safety Tips】Please keep in mind these drowning prevention knowledge!

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