
Promote the integration of cultural tourism and promote the culture of Mengding camellia

author:The world's tea source ecological mountain
Promote the integration of cultural tourism and promote the culture of Mengding camellia


Mengding camellia

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Promote the integration of cultural tourism and promote the culture of Mengding camellia

Wang Huiting is making tea

"I must drive 318 in this life, here we are!" "Let's take a picture together at the base camp......"

Recently, Wang Huiting, a representative of the Ya'an Municipal People's Congress, stood in the starting square of the 318 Sichuan-Tibet Line zero-kilometer self-driving tour base camp located in Jinji Pass, Yucheng District, and saw that self-driving travel enthusiasts from all over the world gathered here, and he was very emotional: "Now it has become a popular Internet celebrity check-in point in Ya'an, and it is very popular with foreign tourists, and I am deeply grateful." ”

Where does Wang Huiting's relief come from, it has to start with a bill.

Listen to public opinion for people's livelihood

Create the most beautiful Internet celebrity check-in point

This year is the third year that Wang Huiting has served as a deputy to the Ya'an Municipal People's Congress, and as a representative of the National People's Congress, Wang Huiting has always been very concerned about the development of Ya'an.

"Ya'an has beautiful natural scenery, as well as panda culture, tea culture, etc., and has a deep historical accumulation, and we should grasp the breakthrough of cultural and tourism integration." Wang Huiting said. Every year, a large number of tourists and self-driving enthusiasts enter Tibet, and Ya'an, as the first stop, how to make full use of the advantages of local resources and let tourists stay and play in Ya'an, this is a problem he has been thinking about.

Jinji Pass is an important pass in Ya'an in ancient times, and now it is also a must-pass place for tourists to enter Tibet from National Highway 318, and the special geographical location makes Wang Huiting have an idea: "From the perspective of the city's 'three districts' with the development orientation of the city, Jinji Pass is just at the core point, which can radiate and link Yucheng, famous mountains and economic development zones, share convenient transportation and tourism consumption resources, and the unique location advantage is very suitable for building a Sichuan-Tibet tourism gateway, which is worth digging deeply." ”

With this idea, during the two sessions of the city in 2022, Wang Huiting put forward a proposal on building the G318 "most beautiful scenery" Chinese Sichuan-Tibet tour Internet celebrity starting station in Jinji Pass, and built Jinji Pass into a gathering place, starting point and new post station for the gateway of Ya'an Sichuan-Tibet Tour, planning and building supporting parking lots in Jinji Pass, designing iconic landscapes, temporary post stations, tourist consulting service points, public toilets, small business districts, etc. "It aims to create an Internet celebrity check-in point for the Sichuan-Tibet line that belongs to Ya'an, launch the exclusive brand of 'the most beautiful G318, starting from Ya'an', and promote Ya'an tourism and tea culture in a subtle way." Wang Huiting said.

Wang Huiting's proposal was listed as a key supervision proposal of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and the relevant departments of the city began to plan and build it intensively. In May 2023, the 318 Sichuan-Tibet Line Zero-kilometer Self-driving Tour Base Camp Departure Square officially met with the public, and since then it has become an Internet celebrity check-in point for many self-driving enthusiasts to gather.

"I must drive 318 in this life, the first stop is in Ya'an, I am ready to feel the customs and customs here in Ya'an before continuing to set off." Recently, Duan Xinhua, a tourist from Shanxi Province who took pictures in the starting square of the zero-kilometer self-driving tour base camp of the 318 Sichuan-Tibet Line, said.

"Every time I pass through the 318 Sichuan-Tibet Line zero-kilometer self-driving tour base camp, I have a feeling of watching my children grow up." Wang Huiting said that in the circle of friends, short video platforms, etc., there are often many friends from other places who share with me photos of them checking in here, and I feel relieved and proud.

Promote development through tea gatherings

Promote the deep integration of tea culture and tourism

Ya'an is the birthplace of the world's tea culture, tea culture, tea industry inheritance for thousands of years, as the secretary general of Ya'an Tea Circulation Association, talking about the development of Ya'an tea, Wang Huiting said: "Ya'an tea is famous for one black, one green and one yellow, black refers to Ya'an Tibetan tea, green refers to Mengding nectar, and yellow refers to Mengding yellow buds. However, the heavy tea culture also needs to have a transmission carrier to continue to promote Ya'an tea. ”

In 2010, Wang Huiting founded the Ya'an Fuwo Tea Ceremony House to meet friends with tea and spread Ya'an tea culture. "Since its establishment, Fuwo Tea Ceremony House has held tea culture-related activities every year, attracting many people from the surrounding communities, schools, tourists from other places and tea culture lovers to participate." Wang Huiting introduced that at most, he will receive hundreds of tea friends a day, and tens of thousands of tea friends a year, and everyone will taste Ya'an tea together and appreciate the charm of tea culture.

"Last year's Dragon Boat Festival, we held a Dragon Boat Festival tea party, invited residents of the water community in Yucheng District to taste good tea, preach tea culture knowledge, and hold a zongzi making competition, so that everyone can promote neighborhood harmony and increase their understanding of tea culture in a happy atmosphere." Wang Huiting said that some time ago, some community residents asked us if we would hold activities during the Dragon Boat Festival this year, and everyone was very enthusiastic about participating.

In recent years, Wang Huiting has not only brought tea culture publicity into the community, but also entered schools such as Xingxian Primary School and Yucheng District Experimental Primary School in Yucheng District, and taught tea culture knowledge to teachers and students by opening tea culture lecture halls. "We once launched the 'I make a cup of tea for my mother' activity on Mother's Day, and when the children respectfully delivered the brewed tea soup to their mothers, the participants were moved, which is a useful exploration of combining tea culture and filial piety." Wang Huiting said.

While Ya'an tea culture is going out, Wang Huiting is also actively attracting more attention. Under the organization and coordination of Wang Huiting, the Provincial Tea House Association has organized hundreds of tea house owners to come to Ya'an Mengding Mountain for several years to study, meet friends with tea, spread Ya'an tea culture, conduct business contacts with Ya'an tea enterprises, and build market channels. In 2021, under the coordination of Wang Huiting, the expert review meeting of the provincial local standards of "Tibetan Tea Brewing and Drinking Methods" was also held in Ya'an.

"In 2016 and 2017, during the Confucius Institute's Chinese Culture Summer Camp, outstanding Pakistani university students were also recommended to Ya'an, and two tea culture tours were carried out at the Fuwo Tea Ceremony House." Wang Huiting said that he hopes to let more Ya'an people participate in the area, so that everyone can become the spokesperson of Ya'an tea culture, so that Ya'an tea culture can spread longer and farther.

When it comes to the next work, Wang Huiting said that he will combine the work of the Municipal People's Congress and his own professional expertise to vigorously promote Ya'an tea culture, conscientiously perform his duties and responsibilities in accordance with the overall development strategy of "three teas", and continue to effectively integrate the rural revitalization strategy and the development of cultural tourism.

Source: Yun Xiaoya

Promote the integration of cultural tourism and promote the culture of Mengding camellia

Mengding camellia

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Promote the integration of cultural tourism and promote the culture of Mengding camellia

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