
【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset

author:Alxa Meteorology
【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset
【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset
【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset
【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset

The heart is close to Sangyu and filial piety

The warm sunset is full of sunset

The Meteorological Bureau of Alxa League cooperated with the community to carry out a series of "Mother's Day" activities

【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset
【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset

In order to pay attention to poor families and care for poor mothers, vigorously promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and create a good atmosphere of "loving mothers and filial piety". On May 11, the General Party Branch of the Meteorological Bureau of the Alxa League and the Ziyuan Huating Community carried out a series of Mother's Day activities of "Caring for Sangyu, Valuing Filial Piety, Warm Sunset, Full of Sunset".

【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset
【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset

PART.01Mother's Day condolences warm people's hearts

【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset
【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset
【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset

The General Party Branch of the Alxa League Meteorological Bureau visited the people in need in the interconnected and interactive community, and sent Mother's Day blessings to the elderly and families in need in the jurisdiction. The condolence group had a cordial conversation with the elderly at home, greeted their life and physical condition in detail, listened to their needs and ideas, and sent flowers and condolences to the elderly, sending them the most sincere Mother's Day wishes, wishing them good health and happiness.

【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset

PART.02感念慈母恩 妙手生巧花

【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset


【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset

The party members of the General Party Branch of the Alxa League Meteorological Bureau and the residents of Ziyuan Huating Community jointly carried out the fun activity of "Celebrating Mother's Day". In the handicraft practice, fun games and other activities, everyone made special holiday gifts for themselves or their mothers, which not only experienced the fun of hands-on creation, but also deepened emotional exchanges in the process, conveyed the warmth and strength of maternal love, and conveyed the concern and love of the Party organization of the Meteorological Bureau of the League of Arab States to the people in need.

【Internet Interaction】The heart is close to Sangyu, filial piety, family affection, warm sunset, and the sky is full of sunset

The series of activities to celebrate Mother's Day is a pragmatic embodiment of the Alxa League Meteorological Bureau's concern for community development, participation in community construction, and service to the community people, which further strengthens the communication between the co-construction unit and the community party organization, and consolidates the linkage foundation between the unit and the community and the interconnected and interactive units. In the next step, the Meteorological Bureau of Alxa League will continue to play a leading role in party building, based on the actual situation of the community and the needs of the masses, further broaden the carrier of "doing practical things for the masses", deepen the significance of co-construction, help the masses solve the problem of "urgency, difficulty and longing", and continuously improve the happiness and satisfaction of the masses.


Edit | He Linwei

Typography | He Linwei

Audit | Wei Xinmei