
The Meteorological Bureau of the League of Arab States held the fifth (expanded) study meeting of the Party Group Theory Study Center Group

author:Alxa Meteorology
The Meteorological Bureau of the League of Arab States held the fifth (expanded) study meeting of the Party Group Theory Study Center Group

The Alxa League Meteorological Bureau held the fifth meeting

The Meteorological Bureau of the League of Arab States held the fifth (expanded) study meeting of the Party Group Theory Study Center Group

(Enlarged) study session

Party Group Theory Study Center Group

On May 9, the Meteorological Bureau of the Alxa League held the fifth (expanded) study and party discipline learning and education reading class seminar of the Party Group Theory Learning Center Group in 2024.

The Meteorological Bureau of the League of Arab States held the fifth (expanded) study meeting of the Party Group Theory Study Center Group

Learn the topic

Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on party building and important thoughts on the party's self-revolution, closely focus on the two major events and the goal of breaking a new path into the midstream, combined with the consolidation and expansion of the theme education achievements, earnestly study the "Regulations", further strengthen the sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, improve immunity, so as to learn discipline, know discipline, clear discipline, and abide by discipline, and enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption. Always be loyal, clean and responsible, firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenances" with practical results. Learning content

The meeting focused on the important speeches and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping in presiding over the symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on the decision to convene the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, and the important speech and instructions of the young people in the new era during the inspection in Chongqing, as well as the important article "Organizing and Mobilizing Hundreds of Millions of Workers to Actively Participate in the Great Cause of Strengthening the Country and National Rejuvenation" published in the magazine "Qiushi"; The contents of Chapters 1 to 3 of the General Provisions of Part I of the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China were also studied.

The Meteorological Bureau of the League of Arab States held the fifth (expanded) study meeting of the Party Group Theory Study Center Group

Discussion and exchange

The six comrades closely followed the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline, and conducted discussions and speeches in turn around learning party discipline, clarifying rules, and strengthening party spirit.

The Meteorological Bureau of the League of Arab States held the fifth (expanded) study meeting of the Party Group Theory Study Center Group

Emphasis on deployment

First, it is necessary to promote the study and education of party discipline with high standards, adhere to deep study and understanding, and focus on working hard in the heart and mind, strengthening discipline, and rectifying and upgrading, so as to apply what we have learned and interpret the mission with practical actions. Second, it is necessary to do a good job in meteorological services during the flood season, strengthen meteorological monitoring, forecasting and early warning services, and optimize and improve the "call and response" mechanism for major disastrous weather; further strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of drought conditions, and provide a strong basis for the decision-making of party and government departments on drought control; Seize all favorable opportunities to carry out artificial rain enhancement operations and maximize the benefits of artificial weather modification work. Third, it is necessary to conscientiously implement the requirements for reducing the burden on the grassroots, and implement them in the specific actual work of the year. Fourth, we should work hard to improve management capabilities, further strengthen system construction, accelerate the implementation of problem rectification, increase the supervision and implementation of key projects and key work, and strengthen communication with relevant departments. Fifth, we should focus on improving the efficiency of professional meteorological services, cohesion, service support, consolidate advantageous areas, explore and develop new service areas, and promote the quality and efficiency of professional meteorological services. Sixth, it is necessary to tighten and consolidate the responsibility for safe production, strengthen the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of no safety accidents. Written by END, edited by Li Lin, and edited by He Linwei

Audit | Wei Xinmei

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