
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!

author:Nian Cangsheng
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!

Hello friends of Toutiao, I am your old friend Nian Cangsheng. Dear friends, before reading this article, please move your noble fingers and click "Follow", which will bring you different wonderful topics every day, thank you for your support!

Don't be overly anxious or depressed when you can't find the meaning of life. Life is a journey, and sometimes we get lost. Try to give yourself some time and space to try new things, meet different people, and explore your interests and passions. You can also look for inspiration in the things around you, such as nature, art, or books. The most important thing is to keep an open mind and a positive attitude towards life, believing that one day, you will find your own meaning in life.

Today's topic: What is the meaning of life!

Netizens praised and replied:

What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!
What is the meaning of life? After reading the netizens' answers, I benefited a lot!

I found that a lot of modern people's confusion can be found in the classics of traditional Chinese culture, it is very good, ordinary people's lives are like this, occasionally the spring breeze is proud, sometimes there is nowhere to find it, don't keep torturing yourself What is the meaning of life, all meanings are meaningless at the end, as the author said, existence precedes meaning; Cherish every minute you can seize.

Recently, I've been thinking about meaning, and at first I thought that it must be anchored to specific things in order for life to be meaningful, but later I found that even if there are concrete things anchored, I will feel nothing. I kept asking myself what was the meaning of life. As an ordinary person's life, is today's part-time job for tomorrow's part-time job? Do we have to follow this trajectory? Later, I figured out that people first existed in this world, not because they knew any "meaning" before they came to this world. Then the logic is clear, because I am alive, I have the concept of "meaning" in my thinking, so how does "meaning" come about? "Meaning" is given by people, and it can also be said that I created it myself, so why do I feel that there is no "meaning", because I seem to have seen the "end" of life.

Life is the result of creation and choice, of course, it also includes the pursuit of nothing, everything is meaningful in the present, and living in the pain of the present is also a beauty and meaning

In fact, as long as it is the pursuit, it is impossible to be happy and meaningful, and only without the pursuit can the simple life really live in the present and meaningful

This moment is the greatest significance, in the fickle world, all we have is the moment, when we start to be anxious, start to regret the past, anxious about the future, we have lost the moment, learn to live in the moment with a playful mentality. Embrace any change with a positive mindset and let life come out naturally through me. #此时此刻#

The best interpretation of the meaning of life that I have seen, I have been very depressed recently, thinking that I can live a very detached life, in fact, sometimes a complaint from a loved one will make a stable heart fall apart, so I still have to establish a multi-goal mechanism, as well as find the goal that really makes you happy, experience the process of pursuit, and wish every beautiful person a sunny state of mind!

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