
HR recruitment interview assessment, how to judge the candidate's professional values?


In the recruitment process of the company, how to judge the candidate's professional values, especially the employees who are highly consistent with the company's corporate culture and values. This will directly determine whether the candidate can work effectively in the position, and may also determine the turnover rate, career fulfillment and happiness of the employee.

At present, the mainstream is to use online talent assessment to analyze candidates' values, such as Schuber's career values assessment, standardized questionnaires and psychological scales, which can evaluate candidates' core value tendencies in career choices, such as achievement motivation, job stability, innovation, teamwork, leadership tendency, etc.

With the help of data analysis from psychometric assessments, HR can gain an in-depth understanding of candidates' fit with the job and organizational culture, predict their job satisfaction and loyalty, and provide strong support for recruitment decisions, team allocation, and talent development strategies.

HR Online Talent Assessment

Occupational personality test

HR recruitment interview assessment, how to judge the candidate's professional values?

The above online assessment scales can also refer to: Big Five Personality Test (Full Version), Cartel 16pf, Youth Personality Test, etc.

In addition to the online talent assessment system, the evaluation analysis can also be carried out in the following ways, and can also be used as a supporting analysis of the above-mentioned talent assessment report.

Resume review

Before selecting candidates, each candidate brings together their work experience, learning experience and other aspects into their resume, and what is reflected in these resumes also represents their professional attitude and values to a certain extent. Among them, whether the candidate participates in group activities, how well they perform in group activities, and each work experience can well reflect the candidate's values.

HR recruitment interview assessment, how to judge the candidate's professional values?

Interview questions

As an HR, I have been working in the company for many years, and I have a good understanding of the company's values and code of conduct, and for these candidates, I can ask some questions about the company's values, guide them to talk about their understanding of the company's values, as well as their personal prospects, and also intuitively ask them how the values are reflected in their work.

In response to the above questions, if the candidate's answer is very in line with the company's values, Kitten Testnet believes that it can basically be judged that he understands the company's values and knows how to practice them.

HR recruitment interview, SaaS online assessment system

Occupational personality test, occupational personality test

HR recruitment interview assessment, how to judge the candidate's professional values?

Behavioral interviews

If one of the candidates has a less verbal explanation because he did not understand the company culture in advance and does not mean that his values have been reflected, then the behavioral interview rule is a more straightforward approach.

In the interview process, a scenario can be preset, so that these candidates can deal with conflicts from different identities and perspectives, and in the process of dealing with conflicts, their collaboration and communication skills are a reflection of their values. Kitten Testnet believes that this can be used to get a certain judgment on the candidate's values.

HR recruitment interview assessment, how to judge the candidate's professional values?

Multiple surveys

Judging whether a candidate practices the values in his mouth, just from one thing or from their own mouth, it is not comprehensive enough, you can directly go to his original company to investigate, if his people, superiors and subordinates, give him a good evaluation, these feedback can be used as a certain reference.

In addition, whether candidates use some inappropriate remarks and whether they interact with others normally in social media can also be used as important aspects of the examination, and it can also be seen what kind of character they are in daily life.

HR recruitment interview assessment, how to judge the candidate's professional values?

Probationary period visits

After the candidate enters the probationary period, the interaction between him and his colleagues, the handling of the relationship between superiors and subordinates, whether it conforms to the norms, whether it is consistent with the company culture, and how everyone evaluates him, are all the embodiment of his values.

The evaluation and judgment of the candidate's values is a long and complex process, which also needs to refer to a variety of data, which cannot be too arbitrary, and in the process of evaluation, it also needs to be notarized and disclosed, and HR cannot be personal emotional.

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