
World of Warcraft: Tired! This is the biggest failure, stop disgusting old players!

author:I'm king in the game

Old players of World of Warcraft are tired! This is the biggest failure, stop disgusting old players! That's earth fission, disgusting to take away most of the old players!

World of Warcraft: Tired! This is the biggest failure, stop disgusting old players!

In fact, 5 people feel okay. It's just that the back DS is a bit messy, 10 people and 25 outfits are the same level.,I don't like the version of the fortress.。 However, Cataclysm is mainly due to the change in the mechanics of many professions, plus the early 5h is too difficult.

World of Warcraft: Tired! This is the biggest failure, stop disgusting old players!

Now that the national server is confirmed to be back, players have once again missed the Lich King!

At that time, the national server WLK only opened CTM for 11 months, and the service was directly 3.22TOC, but other people's TOC, the national service also had to be upgraded, brush prestige, accumulate equipment, and wait for the national service to engage in TOC people's ICC, and when the national server ICC is to quickly open the buff, the experience is poor, and the red jade is on the eve of CTM!

World of Warcraft: Tired! This is the biggest failure, stop disgusting old players!

Now the nostalgic suit is over, isn't it time for the panda people to open the cataclysm, and then Draenor, the legion will come again. And then Blizzard will open another classic and come back, and come back to another 60?

I don't know what Warcraft thinks, just update the map on the basis of 60, update the dungeon, and add the third camp of the tribe and the alliance, isn't it?

World of Warcraft: Tired! This is the biggest failure, stop disgusting old players!

Blizzard fried cold rice also has to have a scale, and if it goes on again, it's almost the same as the official server, what's the point? What nostalgia is old? It should be the end of the Lich King, and now I have forgotten the original intention of "nostalgia".

World of Warcraft: Tired! This is the biggest failure, stop disgusting old players!

I still remember that Cataclysm's five-person book is too difficult, smelly and long, and many people don't want to play it! Especially the Death Mine, which really kills people! The nostalgic suit is intended to bring World of Warcraft from the ground up. It doesn't matter if anyone wants to play or not. If I'm not mistaken, the Panda Man Mystery is at least 10 years ago, I wasn't married at the time, and now the father of the two children, it's been long enough to play!

World of Warcraft: Tired! This is the biggest failure, stop disgusting old players!

Warcraft is just a few years old, and the main focus is family and friends, and they are happy. The influence of the G group is also relatively small, and now it is completely the atmosphere of the G group, everyone is fast food, and no one tells you about human favors.

Now that the cataclysm has opened, is it still called nostalgia? The nostalgia of Warcraft is only limited to level 80, and it is a bit undesirable to open it any further.

If the 4 version is not overhauled, the rib man will be bloody, this version is not fun for any class, you have to understand the mechanics of each boss in each dungeon, otherwise you will die ten times eight times if you fight an ordinary 5 people.

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