
After I retired, I decided to live simply

author:Qianfan said
After I retired, I decided to live simply

It's been half a year since I retired, and since the day I retired, I have planned to live a minimalist life.

Don't let life be too burdensome, and set aside a lot of time for the people and things that really matter.

Now, half a year later, I find that since the minimalist life, my life has become organized, everything is in order, and I feel that everything is under control.

This feeling of order also freed me from mental internal friction, and my heart became relaxed, peaceful and serene.

Here, I will share 4 small ideas for minimalist life, I hope it will be useful to you.

After I retired, I decided to live simply

First, spiritual abundance and material minimalism

A few years ago, during the epidemic, there was a community lockdown for several months, and I was forced to develop a good habit of reading at home.

In the process of reading, I gained a full sense of fulfillment and joy.

I have found that when a person's spiritual life is enriched, the need for material things is greatly reduced.

Before the pandemic, I went shopping almost once a month to buy things that I didn't use. After the epidemic, I haven't been to the mall for half a year, except to buy some daily necessities.

I have found that when a person values material things too much, he does not have the energy to focus on the spiritual and value self-growth.

Being materially minimalist will allow us to save a lot of energy to develop our preferences, hone our skills, and enrich our inner self.

The second is to arrange time reasonably and be minimalist in trivial matters

People have to eat, shelter and travel every day, and coping with these chores can take up a lot of time in our lives.

And these things will neither help the development of life, nor improve any of a person's abilities, consume energy, but have to be done.

In this regard, I strive to allocate my time reasonably to ensure that there is a balance of busy and leisure, and that there is a combination of movement and stillness.

For example, in the middle of reading and writing, I will mop the floor and wipe the table during breaks. When physical and mental work are interspersed, it is easier to concentrate and more efficient.

Usually, every item in the home has a fixed position, and after using an item, let it return to its place casually, so as to avoid not being able to find it when you use it, and also avoid secondary handling when cleaning.

Usually, as soon as you enter the house, you will immediately put the key back in your bag and hang the bag in a fixed place at the door.

After changing slippers, it is easy to put your shoes on the shoe rack.

With these micro-habits, I have a lot less work to do every time I clean.

After I retired, I decided to live simply

The third is to browse only the content you need on the Internet, and the information is minimalist

As a self-media person, I often have to learn some information and knowledge on the Internet. And there is so much information on the Internet that it is often dazzling.

So, every time I browse information, I only focus on what is relevant to my field.

For example, Weibo only pays attention to the content of individual bloggers, and only reads official account articles in the same field.

So far, I haven't downloaded Douyin Kuaishou on my phone, and I don't even know what's in it; I rarely look at the information of the circle of friends; A time-consuming series that hasn't been watched for several years.

I think it's best to make the most of your time by focusing on what you need to know, depending on your needs.

Usually after posting, the negative comments of some netizens will not affect my good mood.

Fourth, we should pay attention to the main relationship and be minimalist in interpersonal communication

When we are young, we often think that the more people we meet and the more circles we join, the more opportunities we have in the future.

After half a lifetime, I found that in this world, most of the people we know are passers-by in life, and they have no impact on our lives.

We usually spend a lot of time maintaining such relationships, which is physically and mentally exhausting, and it is not worth it.

In life, you will find that what problems you encounter in life, only a very small number of people can really help you solve them, and they are often your relatives and your best friends.

When you see through this, you will understand that too much socializing is meaningless, and if you spend time on it, you will only waste your precious life.

After I retired, I decided to live simply

After retirement, we need to maintain the important relationships in our lives and keep them simple in order to improve the quality of life.

Constantly clean up the excess materials and information in your life, and leave what really matters, so that you can travel lightly.

Only in this way can you free up more precious time to achieve a better self.


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