
Shame on you abroad! Chen Meng was angry and angry at Sun Yingsha fans, WTT translator Yu Sai, Liu Guoliang Huo

author:Attentive Buchanan 6d3S


In 2024, a peak showdown will be staged on the stage of table tennis again. Chen Meng, the first sister of national table tennis, and Sun Yingsha, who has been ranked No. 1 in the world for a long time, had a fierce confrontation in the Saudi Arabian Grand Slam women's singles final, which attracted the attention of countless fans. This duel is not only a contest of skills, but also a collision of mentality and will of the two top players. With the end of the game, a series of events unfolded one after another, pushing the popularity of table tennis to a new height.

Shame on you abroad! Chen Meng was angry and angry at Sun Yingsha fans, WTT translator Yu Sai, Liu Guoliang Huo

1. Chen Meng counterattacked gorgeously and won the championship

In the much-anticipated Saudi Grand Slam women's singles final, Chen Meng successfully reversed Sun Yingsha with a score of 4-2 and won the focus battle. Before the game, the outside world was generally optimistic about Sun Yingsha, after all, she has occupied the world's No. 1 throne for a long time, and her strength should not be underestimated. However, with his tenacious fighting spirit and exquisite skills, Chen Meng successfully broke the doubts of the outside world. She played steadily, constantly looking for flaws in her opponents, and finally won the championship with a brilliant stunner. This victory is not only an affirmation of Chen Meng's personal strength, but also the best reward for her years of hard work.

Shame on you abroad! Chen Meng was angry and angry at Sun Yingsha fans, WTT translator Yu Sai, Liu Guoliang Huo

Chen Meng's counterattack was not all smooth sailing. In the course of the competition, she encountered many difficulties and challenges. However, she has always remained calm and confident, constantly adjusting her form and strategy. At critical moments, she dared to take risks and experiment, showing the courage and courage of a top player. In the end, her persistence and hard work paid off in victory. Chen Meng's gorgeous counterattack undoubtedly left a deep impression on the entire table tennis world.

Second, Chen Meng faced the doubts and responded domineeringly

Shame on you abroad! Chen Meng was angry and angry at Sun Yingsha fans, WTT translator Yu Sai, Liu Guoliang Huo

After winning the championship, Chen Meng did not bask in the joy of victory, but faced the doubts from some Sun Yingsha fans. These fans believe that Chen Meng's victory was won by relying on "edge balls", and it is not well deserved. In the face of such doubts, Chen Meng did not choose to avoid or remain silent, but bravely stood up and responded domineeringly.

Chen Meng made it clear in her response that she did not deny that she got some balloons in the game, but the balloons are only part of the game, and more importantly, it is a contest of strength and mentality. She stressed that she was able to win the competition because she always remained calm and confident in the competition, and was able to adjust her form and strategy in time. At the same time, she also thanked the fans and viewers who supported her, and said that she would continue to work hard and make greater contributions to the cause of table tennis. Chen Meng's domineering response not only left the doubters speechless, but also won the respect and support of more people.

Shame on you abroad! Chen Meng was angry and angry at Sun Yingsha fans, WTT translator Yu Sai, Liu Guoliang Huo

Third, Sun Yingsha is tenacious and wins the championship in Durban again

On the stage of table tennis, Sun Yingsha once again proved her tenacity and strength. At the World Table Tennis Championships in Durban, she successfully won the singles championship with her impeccable performance. It wasn't an overnight victory, it was the result of countless days and nights of hard training and perseverance. In the face of various difficulties and challenges, Sun Yingsha has always maintained firm belief and perseverance, and interpreted what is the real fighting spirit with her own actions. Every swing of her racket is condensed with sweat and wisdom; Every look in her eyes reveals her desire and determination for victory. Sun Yingsha's victory in the Durban World Table Tennis Championships is another peak of her personal career, and it is another manifestation of the honor of national table tennis.

Shame on you abroad! Chen Meng was angry and angry at Sun Yingsha fans, WTT translator Yu Sai, Liu Guoliang Huo

Sun Yingsha's road to winning the championship was not all smooth sailing. In the match, she has faced a lot of strong opponents, but she has always been calm and confident. She is good at observing her opponents, looking for flaws, and then striking decisively. In crunch time, she was able to withstand the pressure, stay calm and show what a top fighter should be. Her every attack was thunderous and irresistible; She was rock-solid in every defense, leaving her opponents at a loss. In the end, Sun Yingsha successfully reached the top with her own strength and hard work and became the women's singles champion of the World Table Tennis Championships in Durban.

Fourth, the enthusiasm of fans is high, and we will build a prosperous era of table tennis

Shame on you abroad! Chen Meng was angry and angry at Sun Yingsha fans, WTT translator Yu Sai, Liu Guoliang Huo

With the hot swing of the table tennis event, the enthusiasm of the fans has also reached an unprecedented height. They cheered for their favorite players and witnessed this table tennis feast together. At the game site, fans waved national flags and banners to cheer for the players; On social media, they commented and left comments to share their feelings about watching the game. The enthusiasm of the fans not only provided strong mental support for the players, but also injected new vitality into the whole sport of table tennis.

The support of the fans is not only an encouragement to the players, but also a love and concern for table tennis itself. They follow the progress of each game, the performance and growth of the players. Their enthusiasm not only promotes the development of table tennis, but also promotes the spread and popularization of sports culture. With the joint efforts of the fans, table tennis is ushering in a new prosperous era.

Shame on you abroad! Chen Meng was angry and angry at Sun Yingsha fans, WTT translator Yu Sai, Liu Guoliang Huo

Editor's spicy comment:

In the table tennis arena in 2024, we saw Chen Meng's counterattack, Sun Yingsha's tenacity, and also felt the enthusiasm and support of the fans. These events not only show the charm and passion of table tennis, but also let us see the hard work and struggle of the athletes. In this era full of challenges and opportunities, we need more positive energy and positive spirit. Let's cheer for table tennis and praise the dreams and dedication of the athletes!

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