
Documentary: The aunt and her daughter and son-in-law have been in bed for 14 years, and the son-in-law thinks it is inconvenient to move out, and the aunt: Not allowed

author:Spread your wings and fly~

Title: The Contradictions and Dilemmas Behind Living Together


Documentary background introduction: The reason why the aunt lives with her daughter and son-in-law

In an ordinary family in Jiangxi, Aunt Chen Grandma has lived with her daughter Xiaofang and son-in-law Xiao Zhang for 14 years. This model of living together as a family of three stems from the early death of Grandma Chen's wife, and her daughter Xiaofang was forced to move out of her mother-in-law's house due to tensions with her mother-in-law after she became pregnant. In order to take care of her daughter and grandson, Grandma Chen resolutely came to her daughter's house from her hometown and began to live together.

Documentary: The aunt and her daughter and son-in-law have been in bed for 14 years, and the son-in-law thinks it is inconvenient to move out, and the aunt: Not allowed

Describe the reasons why the son-in-law finds it inconvenient to move out and the aunt's reaction

However, 14 years of living together have created conflicts in the otherwise harmonious family. As his grandson grew up, Xiao Zhang felt that it was inconvenient to share a bed with his aunt, so he proposed the idea of moving out and renting a house. He said that he and Xiaofang have been married for many years and have never had a space for themselves, hoping to improve their living environment now that their children are older.

Documentary: The aunt and her daughter and son-in-law have been in bed for 14 years, and the son-in-law thinks it is inconvenient to move out, and the aunt: Not allowed

Hearing her son-in-law's idea, Grandma Chen resolutely objected, she felt that her son-in-law was disgusting herself, worried that she would lose her care for her daughter and grandson after moving out. So, she said: "Don't move out, this home will always have a place for you." ”

Documentary: The aunt and her daughter and son-in-law have been in bed for 14 years, and the son-in-law thinks it is inconvenient to move out, and the aunt: Not allowed

The conflict between the aunt and the son-in-law: the reason why they are not allowed to move out

There are three main reasons why Grandma Chen did not allow her son-in-law to move out: first, she felt that she had an obligation to take care of her grandchildren in her daughter's home, and she could not continue to perform this duty after moving out; Second, she is worried that her daughter and son-in-law living alone may have conflicts due to trivial matters in life, which will affect family harmony; Third, she is afraid that she will lose the love of her daughter and grandson, and live a lonely life in her later years.

Documentary: The aunt and her daughter and son-in-law have been in bed for 14 years, and the son-in-law thinks it is inconvenient to move out, and the aunt: Not allowed

Analysis of the inner world of the aunt: dependence and worry on her son-in-law

In the conflict with her son-in-law, Grandma Chen showed a strong dependence on her son-in-law. She knew that her daughter was filial, but she was worried that her son-in-law would be dissatisfied with her daughter because of the pressure of life. At the same time, she is afraid of losing the care of her grandson, who is the spiritual pillar of her later life. Under this concern, she firmly opposed her son-in-law's move, hoping to maintain family harmony by maintaining the status quo.

Documentary: The aunt and her daughter and son-in-law have been in bed for 14 years, and the son-in-law thinks it is inconvenient to move out, and the aunt: Not allowed

The opinion of public opinion on the aunt and her son-in-law living together

In the mainland, it is not uncommon for aunts to live with their sons-in-law. Most people are understanding of this family model and believe that living together as a family helps to strengthen the relationship. However, it is also believed that prolonged close life can lead to conflicts between family members and is not conducive to family harmony. In this regard, public opinion presents a pluralistic view.

Documentary: The aunt and her daughter and son-in-law have been in bed for 14 years, and the son-in-law thinks it is inconvenient to move out, and the aunt: Not allowed

Solutions & Suggestions: How to balance the relationship between the aunt, daughter and son-in-law

To address this issue, we propose the following:

1. Strengthen communication: Family members should exchange ideas and understand each other's needs. Grandma Chen and Xiao Zhang should be honest with each other, express their feelings, and seek consensus.

2. Respect for the individual: Family members should respect each other's living habits and privacy, and minimize conflicts. For example, Grandma Chen could consider giving Zhang and Fang more private space in the room layout.

Documentary: The aunt and her daughter and son-in-law have been in bed for 14 years, and the son-in-law thinks it is inconvenient to move out, and the aunt: Not allowed

3. Adjust your mentality: Grandma Chen should adjust her dependence on her son-in-law, learn to let go, and let her daughter and son-in-law live independently. At the same time, Xiao Zhang also has to understand Grandma Chen's worries and give her love and comfort.

4. Social support: Family members can seek help from the community or friends and relatives about policies and solutions. When necessary, you can seek the guidance of a professional counselor.

5. Gradual adjustment: On the premise of maintaining family harmony, gradually adjust the lifestyle mode. For example, Grandma Chen can consider taking care of her grandson during the day and returning to her room to rest at night, giving Zhang and Fang more private space.

Through the above suggestions, we hope that the aunt, daughter and son-in-law can resolve the conflict, find a life model that suits each other, and create a harmonious family atmosphere together.

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