
Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

author:Hu Zai said gossip

1. Regret lingers at the end of life

As the sun sets in the west, warm orange light shines through the mottled windows onto Yang Kun's pale, wrinkled face, as if relentlessly revealing the traces of time.

The 60-year-old man sat alone on a dilapidated old sofa with a gloomy expression, looking out at the empty rental house and falling into a deep silence.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

Yang Kun, a bright star who once enjoyed a high reputation in the entertainment industry, has now fallen into such a difficult situation? She and her husband live in this modest rental house with a meager pension of 2,500 yuan a month.

Seeing that the luxurious life of the past has now been reduced to few furniture, Yang Kun let out a long sigh, his heart full of endless loneliness and helplessness. She began to reflect on her own life journey, and those self-righteous choices that were taken for granted back then have now taken a heavy toll on her.

How could Yang Kun have imagined that his once shining and full-fledged acting career would come to such a bleak situation today? The decision to pursue a career at a young age and resolutely give up childbearing is now finally showing its far-reaching impact in old age.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

Faced with the current overstretched life predicament, Yang Kun felt deep regret and regretted the hasty decision at the beginning. She truly regretted that she gave up the opportunity to have children in order to pursue the glory of her career.

If I had chosen to have children, I might not have lived such a poor and lonely life now.

However, there are no assumptions in life, and time flies like a shuttle, and it is impossible to reverse it. Yang Kun could only try his best to comfort himself and accept this cruel reality. In the blink of an eye, she has spent most of her life, and sitting in this dilapidated rental house, she can't help but have a huge psychological gap.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

Looking at the once luxurious life in front of him has now turned into a few pieces of furniture, Yang Kun's heart is full of endless regret and remorse. After a long silence, she slowly turned to her husband beside her, and her tone was full of helpless emotion: "If we could have grabbed the tail of youth and had a child, maybe today's situation would not be so miserable."

The husband comforted: "Life is a constant choice, and we made that decision after careful consideration. It is futile to talk about it now. ”

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

Indeed it is! In those distant years, they once showed such a strong belief and a great yearning for the future, so they chose not to have offspring. Yang Kun was deeply intoxicated with the good memories of the past, and he couldn't help himself.

2. A chapter on the ideal of youth

Yang Kun slowly looked back on her past, when she was young, she was a woman full of vitality and ideals. She has a passionate love for the performing arts, eager to one day shine on the screen and show her superb acting skills.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

Her husband, who is in harmony with her heart, is also a very enterprising person, and the two work hand in hand, motivate each other, and work hard to achieve their dreams. In order to devote themselves to their careers, they made a deliberate decision: to become a Dink family and postpone having children.

Although relatives and friends around them kept advising them that they had reached the appropriate age to have children and should consider having children, Yang Kun and her husband still firmly stuck to their position, believing that they should devote all their energy to career development at a young age.

They are convinced that it is not too late to think about fertility when they have achieved remarkable achievements in their future careers and achieved fame and fortune.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

At that time, Yang Kun was full of vitality and was full of endless longing and expectation for the future. She believes that as long as she devotes herself to her career, she will be able to have smooth sailing on the road of acting in the future, and her future is limitless.

Having no burden of parenting allows her to devote herself to her dreams, which are often unpredictable.

Confident in her future, the young Yang decided to focus on playing the acclaimed heroine, even if she missed out on many other wonderful roles, she remained true to her principles.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

With her outstanding acting talent and unyielding perseverance, she has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry, and everything seems to be brilliant and famous, which is eye-catching.

However, just when her career was booming and thriving, her family life suffered a heavy blow and twists and turns, which undoubtedly brought a great impact to Yang Kun at that time.

In the face of the sudden upheaval, she felt helpless, she thought that she could enjoy life so leisurely, but who knew that everything would come to naught in an instant.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

3. The career has encountered turbulence and trough

The root cause of the disaster was that her husband was rashly instigated by a friend, and the whole family invested all their wealth in a very high-risk business project! Unexpectedly, the project failed miserably, causing the couple to turn from gorgeous to debt-ridden in an instant.

Faced with heavy debts, the luxury villa they used to live in was forced to be auctioned, which undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to Yang Kun and his wife. In an instant, they fell from the plutocrats to the indebted poor.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

In the face of the sudden upheaval, Yang Kun felt helpless. She was at the peak of her career, and she wanted to enjoy life leisurely, but unexpectedly, all her beautiful visions came to naught in an instant. In order to help her husband in prison, she had to put her career on hold and run around to raise funds to pay off her debts.

However, what is unexpected is that as a well-known actor, Yang Kun's income is so meager. When she asked her relatives and friends for help, they all showed disbelief and refused to lend a helping hand for various reasons.

As a result, the couple fell into the abyss of predicament, and they could only rely on their own strength to gradually find a way out. As a result, Yang Kun missed the golden stage of his career development and suffered repeated setbacks in his future.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

Once upon a time, she was still a high-profile star in the entertainment industry, but today's Yang Kun is in such a bleak situation.

With his outstanding acting talent, Yang Kun was originally expected to create another glory in the entertainment industry and climb to the top of his career. However, fate seems to always play tricks on her, and just as her career is booming, the loss of family wealth is like a thunderbolt from the blue, making her future frustrated repeatedly.

Fourth, the road of life in poverty

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

Fate coldly pushed Yang Kun to the trough of his life. The wealth and status that you once had disappeared in an instant, and everything returned to the starting point. Seeing that the once luxurious life in front of him was now only a little lonely, Yang Kun's heart was full of endless regrets and remorse.

When she asked her relatives and friends for help, everyone looked incredulous and refused to lend a helping hand with various excuses. In this way, the couple fell into the quagmire of predicament, and they could only rely on their own strength to gradually find a way out.

Because of this decision, Yang Kun missed the precious and glorious golden stage of his career, and his future encountered difficulties and dangers several times, which made people sigh. She sighed deeply that if she had been able to take into account the fertility problem and make a completely different choice, she might not have lived such a cold and lonely life now.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

However, there are no assumptions in life, and time flies like flowing water, and it is impossible to turn back. Yang Kun could only try his best to comfort himself and face this cruel reality. She and her husband live in this modest rental house with a meager pension of 2,500 yuan a month.

As the sun sets, the warm orange sunlight penetrates the window, carving the traces of time on Yang Kun's wrinkled cheeks. The sixty-year-old man sat alone on the shabby sofa, his expression gloomy, staring at the empty room and being silent for a long time.

In the blink of an eye, she has spent most of her life. Sitting in this cramped rental house, Yang Kun felt a strong sense of loss in his heart. Looking at the luxurious life of the past and now only a few belongings left, she sighed deeply, and her heart was full of endless regret and helplessness.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

Yang Kun never expected that his once dazzling and gradually full-fledged acting career would come to such a bleak situation today. The difficult living situation in front of her made her deeply regretful, regretting the decision to give up childbirth for the sake of career development.

5. Rekindle the flame of hope in life

In order to find a way out of life, Yang Kun resolutely devoted himself to the field of online live broadcasting. Although she is old and a little unfamiliar with new things, she still does her best to bring more income to her family through this job and improve the current situation.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

In the early days, due to the constraints of age and backward thinking, her live broadcast performance was far from meeting expectations, which undoubtedly added a heavy burden to her soul.

Every time he saw the insignificant numbers on the report card, Yang Kun couldn't help but feel a wave of frustration, blaming himself for lacking the vigorous passion and vitality of young people.

However, even though life has fallen into the quagmire of poverty, Yang Kun has not lost confidence. She has always been determined to find a way out of life, and still has a glimmer of hope for the future.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

In an in-depth interview, Comrade Yang Kun said with his sincere attitude: "As a woman who has done her best to fight for her career, it is precisely because I made the decision to refuse to have children that I can leave enough time and energy for my life to chase the dream in my heart."

If this were not the case, I am afraid that I would have been entangled in family trivialities and would not be able to realize my deepest ideals in life. Indeed, at every stage of life, we are faced with choices, and decisions that seem natural at the time may have a profound impact at some point in the future, even completely changing the course of a person's life.

Yang Kun: When she was young, Dink was chic, and at the age of 59, she had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, was she annoyed?

Ms. Yang Kun deeply understands that the regrets and frustrations she experiences today are all due to the choice she made when she was young about not having children. However, she did not fall into confusion because of this, but was full of hope and courage for the future.

She firmly believes that life is like a chess game, and we are making choices and decisions all the time. Whichever path we choose to take, we need to be brave enough to face the consequences that may follow.

Although we may not be able to see the road ahead at this moment, as long as we can adjust the direction of progress in time, time will eventually give us the most just answer.

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