
Yang Kun: When she was young, she was dashing and 61 years old had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, would she regret it?

author:A collection of Xiaoyuan stories

Yang Kun grew up in a typical Yunnan literary family. Her parents both work in the local art troupe, her father is a stage actress, and her mother is a playwright.

From childhood to adulthood, Yang Kun grew up in the sound of his parents talking and laughing. Bright lines and rich expressions are regulars in her childhood memories.

Yang Kun: When she was young, she was dashing and 61 years old had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, would she regret it?

This kind of artistic atmosphere naturally inspired her love and yearning for performance.

Before going to college, Yang Kun was determined to be a professional actor. She studied Xi acting courses diligently, and often wrote, directed and acted in sketches. Her classmates and teachers praised her for her talent and promising future.

Being admitted to the China Theatre Academy is the first step for Yang Kun to realize his dream. In the blink of an eye, from a freshman who knows nothing about acting, to a graduate who can skillfully control his emotions and perform different roles, Yang Kun has gone through a long and arduous learning Xi process.

When she received her bachelor's degree with honors, Yang Kun was so excited that she burst into tears - she finally officially became a professional actor.

At the age of 28, Yang Kun stepped into the door of the film and television industry with his outstanding acting skills in the TV series "Sixteen-year-old Flower Season". Finally opened the first gap on the road to success.

Since then, Yang Kun has slowly accumulated popularity in the film and television industry, and has demonstrated his strong acting strength in the shaping of many classic roles. I didn't expect that a Yunnan girl could break out of her own world in the vast world of the film and television industry.

The reason why Yang Kun chose Dink is mainly because she wants to endlessly pursue the pinnacle of her career. In the face of his family's eagerness, Yang Kun did not flinch. She rightly told her mother that having a baby would distract her from her acting career, so she decided to talk to her husband Dink.

The wedding day was happy, and Yang Kun and her fellow husband respected each other like guests. Even if the husband's mother often complains about Yang Kun's infertility, the husband will stabilize the scene, and the husband and wife are still very affectionate.

Yang Kun: When she was young, she was dashing and 61 years old had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, would she regret it?

Recently. Just when Yang Kun's career was in full swing, her husband's business suffered a waterloo and he owed a huge debt. This calm and peaceful little family suddenly became turbulent.

Yang Kun and her husband had to sell the mansion worth tens of millions. In stark contrast to the fine clothes and food in the past, they can now only rely on Yang Kun's meager pension of 2,500 yuan per month to survive.

Once upon a time, Yang Kun also fantasized about the romantic ending of growing old with her husband. But they never expected that the shadow of bankruptcy and huge debts made their dreams seem so slim and ridiculous in the face of reality.

Now 61, Yang Kun often has trouble falling asleep late at night. She can't help but imagine that if she had given birth to a child back then, maybe she would not be so lonely in her later years; Even if it is a child who can be relied on, he can now share the burden of paying off her debts and accompany her through difficulties.

Yang Kun: When she was young, she was dashing and 61 years old had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, would she regret it?

However, he knows that there are no ifs in life. Bad decisions can only be borne by oneself. Thinking of this, Yang Kun would wrap himself tightly in the quilt, hoping to get a little sense of security and comfort.

Yang Kun's acting skills can be described as "both quality". From being jerky when she first entered the industry, to winning many film and television awards later, she is deeply impressing the audience with her pragmatic acting skills.

A director once commented on Yang Kun: "Her eyes can say a lot, and her expression can deduce a thousand changes." This is also the magic weapon of Yang Kun to build popularity.

Yang Kun is good at interpreting the images of various family members, whether it is a loving mother, an aunt, or a mother-in-law, she can portray complex characters vividly. In particular, the big and divine eyes always reveal the subtle expression of ','=', joy and sorrow.

Yang Kun: When she was young, she was dashing and 61 years old had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, would she regret it?

It can be said that Yang Kun's perfect interpretation of the role of family ethics drama has made her the "popular ratings responsible" in the film and television industry. Countless viewers even called her "hot mom".

Today, the 61-year-old Yang Kun has not only not been surpassed by the new generation of actors, but his acting skills have become more and more exquisite and sophisticated. She can still easily control the roles of middle-aged women with complex personalities and difficult acting skills.

It is reported that Yang Kun still has seven or eight dramas filming or waiting to be broadcast in the near future. It can be seen that she is over the age of six, and her position in the film and television industry is still extremely stable. As long as her health permits, Yang Kun is likely to fight on the screen for another ten or twenty years and continue to show her talent and charm in acting.

Today's Yang Kun's life is far less glamorous than the outside world imagines. She had to live a petty bourgeois life, and even saved money on food and housing. In order to meet the urgent debts, Yang Kun had to find various part-time jobs.

Yang Kun: When she was young, she was dashing and 61 years old had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, would she regret it?

She thought about using her film and television connections to make money on the live broadcast platform. Who knew that there were few viewers in the deserted live broadcast room, and occasionally some people came to see the excitement.

Yang Kun's embarrassing appearance of selling reading glasses was also recorded by netizens, who ridiculed her live broadcast performance for "zero sales on the whole network".

This contrast between life and popular stars makes it very difficult for Yang Kun. She often recalls her most beautiful period, wearing a gorgeous dress, standing in front of the screen and receiving thousands of pampered scenes.

And now it has fallen to this point, which makes Yang Kun extremely embarrassed. What makes her most uncomfortable is that in such a predicament, she is already over the age of confusion, and she doesn't even have someone to rely on to talk to.

Yang Kun: When she was young, she was dashing and 61 years old had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, would she regret it?

Every time he thinks of this, Yang Kun feels that the road ahead is boundless, as if he has been abandoned in the corner of life.

Sometimes he can't sleep late at night, and Yang Kun will think twice about his life. She found that no matter her career or family, she seemed to have made the wrong choice. If I had a child back then, maybe my current predicament would have something to rely on.

This kind of remorse almost overwhelmed Yang Kun and made her breathless. However, the stagnant water is faintly flowing, and the pace of life is still continuing. Yang Kun realized that he still had to be strong to live, just like the dazzling sunshine every morning.

Yang Kun's life choices and encounters have brought richer thinking to the definition of a successful woman. Career and family should be grasped with both hands, which is the guarantee of women's happiness. Yang Kun was devoted to his career and chose not to have children, which is understandable from a certain point of view.

Yang Kun: When she was young, she was dashing and 61 years old had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, would she regret it?

However, women will eventually encounter the limitations of the circadian clock, miss the optimal reproductive age, and it will be difficult to make up for it in the future.

On the other hand, the role of the family in supporting the individual is also obvious. Even if a person's career is booming, when he encounters a low point in his life, he will inevitably need the love and support of his family.

Yang Kun's difficult life after her husband went bankrupt is a typical example. As ordinary people in society, while we are working hard for a better life, we must also wisely anticipate various possibilities.

Career stagnancy, deteriorating health, and loss of trust in families can all have an impact on well-being.

Yang Kun: When she was young, she was dashing and 61 years old had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, would she regret it?

Therefore, the truly wise choice should be to lay a good foundation for the future variables of life when pursuing one's current dreams. For example, planning and educating children in a timely manner, properly preparing some savings to prevent risks, and maintaining the harmony of family relations.

No matter how successful the career is, the care, companionship and spiritual comfort of the family will always be the greatest spiritual abundance. Otherwise, even if you have a successful career, the so-called "success" will become extremely empty.

Yang Kun's story makes people sigh, but at the same time, it also makes people feel the hope of positive change. The real world is not always ideal, and it is inevitable that each of us will face regrets.

But if we can learn from this regret, face life more positively, and treat every day as a new challenge, I believe that life will be more exciting.

Yang Kun: When she was young, she was dashing and 61 years old had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, would she regret it?

After so many ups and downs, we sincerely hope that Yang Kun can regain his smile in the future. The first step is to hope that she will pay off all her debts as soon as possible and regain a sense of stability in her life.

After that, he may be able to work appropriately and continue to shine in the film and television industry with his good acting skills. Yang Kun has accumulated so many years of acting skills, and he can still play many good roles that make the audience's eyes shine.

We thank Yang Kun for sharing his story without reservation. The various life experiences contained in this have a wake-up call effect on every ordinary person. It teaches us to be humble, to be grateful, and to make wise decisions.

Here, I sincerely hope that Yang Kun will be well for the rest of her life, her family will be reunited, her life will be rich, and she will be happy! I believe that after these twists and turns, she will definitely live a more wonderful and splendid chapter in life.

Yang Kun: When she was young, she was dashing and 61 years old had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, would she regret it?

On the road of life, each of us is going through similar choices and struggles. Pursue ideals, realize oneself, and assume realistic responsibilities; Focus on your career, achieve success, and build the warmth of your family.

These choices may seem mutually exclusive, but in fact they should be harmonious. Yang Kun's story shows us that success cannot come at the cost of losing the company of family, and everything gained will become extremely empty.

Again, the importance of family does not mean that a career is worthless. On the contrary, enriching an independent career helps a person grow into a better version of themselves. Constantly breaking through the status quo and opening up new horizons is also the way for life to be constantly rejuvenated.

Therefore, the ideal state of life should be to pay equal attention to career and family, both of which are indispensable. Yang Kun's regret is that she chose the wrong direction when she had to choose.

Yang Kun: When she was young, she was dashing and 61 years old had no children and lived on 2,500 a month, would she regret it?

But life is more than just a corner of the moment, and she still has a chance to start anew.

We all regret the unexpected choices and unpredictable consequences of our lives. But more importantly, move on with regret. Because in the process, we learn from our mistakes and sharpen our will in the ups and downs.

This is the essence of life's continuous transcendence—to see hope in despair, and to move forward bravely in sorrow. No matter where life goes, as long as there is still the spark of dreams flickering in your heart, you should never give up.

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