
How much do you need to save to be called "rich"? Insider: Reach one of these 4 grades



How has the concept of "rich people" changed over the course of history? Once upon a time, having a few thousand dollars in savings was enough to make people strutt in villages and towns, but now, millions, billions of dollars are just touching the threshold of financial freedom.

This is not only the expansion of numbers, but also the all-round innovation of the background of the times, economic development and social concepts. From material scarcity to material excess, from simple survival to luxury, the label of "rich man" always seems to be redefined on a higher wealth pyramid.

How much do you need to save to be called "rich"? Insider: Reach one of these 4 grades

With the take-off of the economy, the society's standard for "rich people" has also risen. Millionaires of yesteryear may now be middle-class, and true financial freedom always seems elusive in the face of rising prices and the cost of living.

This phenomenon reflects not only the depreciation of the currency, but also the inequality and inflation of social expectations at a deeper level. The fantasies of "rich people" are amplified by the fact that ordinary people are witnessing the luxurious lives of others on social media, but the reality is that most people are still struggling to make a living.

How much do you need to save to be called "rich"? Insider: Reach one of these 4 grades

One. Breaking the Bonds of Numbers: A Real Dialogue Between Wealth and Quality of Life

In the fog of wealth, there is a common misconception that savings figures are the only measure of quality of life. Real life scenarios are far more colorful than cold numbers.

What does having money mean for different families? Is it the protection of your child's prestigious school, a trip around the world after retirement, or just the need not to worry about the next meal? The state of life behind numbers is multidimensional, and they can be eye-catching, but they don't necessarily bring satisfaction.

For example, Mr. Zhang's family has a deposit of up to one million, and by many people's standards, they are undoubtedly "rich". But with the high cost of living and Mr. Zhang's obsessive pursuit of perfection, this figure did not bring them the peace of mind they expected.

How much do you need to save to be called "rich"? Insider: Reach one of these 4 grades

Every penny is rigorously planned for education, mortgages, and pensions, and they have little extra budget to enjoy life. Mr. Cheung is often worried about the uncertainty of the future, and wealth has become a tool to maintain the status quo rather than a means to enjoy life.

In stark contrast, Ms. Li's family, although they only have a deposit of 500,000 yuan, is optimistic and cheerful, often goes on family trips, and enjoys every moment of life. Ms. Lee is good at managing money and knows how to maximize the quality of life within a limited budget.

These two examples reveal a truth that cannot be ignored: it is not that the more you save, the higher the quality of life. In Mr. Zhang's example, we see how even large savings, unreasonable budget planning, and excessive worries about the future can eat away at the happiness of life.

How much do you need to save to be called "rich"? Insider: Reach one of these 4 grades

In Ms. Li's life, a small amount of savings can also achieve a high quality of life through smart management. Behind this is the philosophy of money management and the different understandings and pursuits of the value of life.

A problem that cannot be ignored is that even with the same level of savings, the life satisfaction and happiness index of different families will be very different due to differences in consumption concepts, lifestyles and financial management capabilities.

This phenomenon prompts us to wonder: should true affluence be measured by numbers? With the development of society and the diversification of personal values, should we redefine the relationship between wealth and happiness?

How much do you need to save to be called "rich"? Insider: Reach one of these 4 grades

Two. The Gap Between Middle-Class Dreams and Reality: Why Are We Still Far from Being "Rich"?

Step into the middle-class families of modern China and you'll find that they are faced with a double-edged sword: incomes are stable but not enough to withstand the rising cost of living and housing prices. Many households, while statistically sounding about their incomes, are often in a state of financial strain.

This is not just an illusion of a numbers game, but a direct reflection of the structural problems of society. Housing prices are like unattainable mountains, so many middle-class families who should be at ease still need to worry about their monthly mortgages. And the continuous rise in the cost of living is like a tide, gradually eroding their sense of economic security.

Living under such pressure, middle-class families tend to be in a reactive mode of managing their finances. They may have already started various savings and investment plans, but these efforts are often insufficient in the face of economic needs such as education, health care, and retirement.

How much do you need to save to be called "rich"? Insider: Reach one of these 4 grades

When the cost of a child's education and the cost of a parent's medical care weigh on the top of two mountains, even a well-planned financial plan can be severely impacted by a single unexpected expense. To a large extent, this phenomenon illustrates the difficulty of achieving a significant financial leap in the current economic environment with the efforts of individuals alone.

It's not that there is no way out. Middle-class families can still improve their financial situation through more scientific financial planning and investment strategies. For example, reduce risk by diversifying your investments and invest in assets with stable long-term returns to hedge against inflation.

In addition, enhancing personal capabilities and raising income levels are also effective ways to break the current predicament. Through continuous learning and skill upgrading, coupled with reasonable financial planning, it is entirely possible for middle-class families to steadily improve their financial status and gradually get closer to the dream of "rich people".

How much do you need to save to be called "rich"? Insider: Reach one of these 4 grades

Three. Investment & Risk Management: Strategies for Achieving Financial Freedom

In modern society, with the complexity of the economic structure, a single savings can no longer meet the needs of growing wealth, and investment has become an indispensable part of family financial planning. But investing is not a stagnant pool, it is full of variables and involves multiple trade-offs between risk and return.

How to find your own course in this wave is a problem that every person who pursues financial freedom needs to solve. Rational investors will choose the right investment tools according to their own risk tolerance, from stocks and bonds to funds, real estate and even emerging digital assets, and the diversification of portfolios can effectively diversify risks and improve the overall return on assets.

When formulating an investment strategy, it is important to consider not only the safety of the funds, but also the liquidity and appreciation potential of the funds. For example, for investors with a lower risk tolerance, bonds or money market funds are a better choice; For those who are able to accept medium to high risk, allocating a certain percentage of equity or equity investment may bring higher returns.

How much do you need to save to be called "rich"? Insider: Reach one of these 4 grades

Regardless of the investment approach chosen, regular asset reallocation and performance reviews are critical steps in ensuring that your investment goals move forward in tandem with your financial security.

But wishes are wishes, and reality is often full of uncertainty. Just like sailing at sea, when the wind is calm, everything seems to be smooth, but when the wind and waves hit, an unmanaged portfolio is likely to suffer from its lack of elasticity.

Another key aspect of investing is effective risk management. This includes, but is not limited to, sensitivity to market dynamics, timely adjustment of investment direction and structure, and setting up contingency funds for possible market fluctuations. These strategies are not set in stone, but require investors to constantly adjust to market conditions and personal life circumstances in order to achieve long-term financial stability and growth.

How much do you need to save to be called "rich"? Insider: Reach one of these 4 grades


On your journey to financial freedom, it's crucial to learn the right money management techniques and keep your head above water. You are invited to join us in the discussion: How do you secure your financial future through financial literacy and skills? Share your experiences and let's explore together how to achieve true financial freedom!