
配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

Bad reviews

2024-05-27 18:44Posted in Zhejiang Digital Creators

就在昨天, OPPO 家的线下销量担当—— Reno 系列又发布了两款新机, Reno 12 和 Reno 12 Pro 。

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

The popularity of the Reno series can really be said to have been around for a long time. I guess even those who don't pay attention to smartphones have heard of the Reno series.

Last year's Reno 11 looked like ... Let's see what happens, but it really helped OPPO win the first place in sales in the 2500-3500 price segment.

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

But for a long time, the controversy of the Reno series of products has been quite big - open the digital areas of major platforms, and you can always see similar evaluations such as high prices and low configurations, cutting corners, etc.

So why does the Reno series still become a sales leader when the reputation is not good? It just so happens that the Reno 12 series has just been released, so let's just talk about it in the Reno 12 series review.

The first reason to rule out is the high cost performance.

There is no problem with the Pro version of the Reno 12 series, and the performance is still guaranteed with the previous generation flagship processor, the Dimensity flagship 9200+.

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

The price starts at 3399, which is 50 more expensive than the S18 Pro, which also uses 9200+ and also focuses on the appearance of the house next door, with an X-axis linear motor and three fewer lights.

The standard version is more average.

The processor uses Dimensity 8250, this processor may be unfamiliar to everyone, in fact, its architecture is not much different from the Dimensity 8200 released two years ago, it is 4 A78 cores + 4 A55. Antutu has a running score of more than 1 million, which is better than the 900,000 points of 8200. It is reasonable to suspect that 8250 is to take 8200 back out and optimize the scheduling.

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

There may be no concept in saying this, just run Genshin Impact, and you can intuitively feel the performance level of this processor.

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

In the half-hour ultra-high-quality Sumeru City running map test, the 8250 on the Reno 12 first gave a stable 43 frames, and then began to drop to 30 frames in the 17th minute due to heat. The temperature cooled down slightly and then went up to around 43 fps until the end of the test.

At the end of the test, the maximum temperature of the fuselage was 45.8 °C.

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

Ignoring OPPO's involvement in scheduling, the overall performance of this Dimensity 8250 is okay.

Other configurations range from the screen to the battery to the charging speed, so you won't waste your time, just look at the watch.

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

To be honest, for a straight man like me who has the best performance, I am definitely not happy to spend 2699 on a mobile phone with such a configuration.

But that doesn't mean the Reno 12 is useless — because I'm not the audience for this phone at all, so I'm not interested in it, and the criteria for evaluation are certainly not appropriate.

What would the target group say if they saw the phone? Why don't we start with the appearance and photos, and take a fresh look at this phone.

What we got this time was the OPPO Reno 12 Millennium Silver, and the official promotional slogan for it was "Super Beautiful Small Straight Screen".

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

I recognize the beauty and straight screen, but it's small. The 6.7-inch screen may not really have much to do with the smaller screen. Reno 12 This "small straight screen" is probably a nickname.

But I have to say that this appearance can be regarded as a strong grasp of the positioning of the offline model, just the back shell of this bling bling, put it in the store, and it is difficult for customers to notice it after entering the door.

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

This lens module is also a bit interesting, and Tony is also fed up with the aesthetic bullying of image flagships, and occasionally sees such a simple retro module design, and even a little cautious.

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

The back cover of the bezel has been transitioned, and the overall body is only 179 g, so the Reno 12 feels very comfortable for the first time.

In addition to silver, the Reno 12 is available in two other colorways, namely "Soft Peach" and "Ebony Black".

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

Judging from the appearance and feel alone, the Reno 12 fully meets the requirements of offline models, and it really makes people want to take it in their hands to learn more.

In terms of image, perhaps because the positioning of the Reno 12 is only a medium cup, the specifications are not very high - the rear 50Mp LTY600 main camera +8M IMX355 ultra-wide angle +50Mp JN5 . The native focal length is only twice as much, and it's okay to pat your friends every day and record your life, but it's really not eye-catching

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

OPPO itself probably knows this, so the focus of this Reno 12 series image promotion is Live Photos...

This feature, iPhone users should be familiar with, to put it bluntly, is to take a short video while taking a photo. In the end, what was saved was not just the frame of the shutter press, but a photo, plus a small video of one second before and after the shutter press.

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

The implementation principle is not complicated, and in practice it only needs to solve one problem - how to predict when the user will press the shutter to save the part of the video before the shutter is pressed.

At present, whether it is Apple or other Android manufacturers, the solution is that whenever the user turns on the Live Photo function and enters the camera app, it will automatically start recording videos in the background.

But in terms of practicality, Apple is in a crushing state compared to Android in this function.

If you have ever used a live photo of an Android phone, you will find that except for the photo taken by pressing the shutter is normal, the resolution of every frame is not good.

And if the subject is moving, it will also shoot the jelly effect of "the upper body is more crooked than the lower body".

So I also asked my friends in the industry who are engaged in technology, and they told me that it is because of the low power consumption of Apple's sensors and the low power consumption of the processing pipeline of the image signal, so the iPhone secretly records videos for Live Photos in the background with higher resolution; And each frame is more "static".

So even if Xiaomi, Huawei, Google Pixel, and other phones have a "motion photo" button in them, Apple will still say that motion photos are its own exclusive feature - because it is true that only motion photos taken by Apple can be used.

The live photos of each house, the name is different, but it's the same function...

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

And in such a big context, OPPO suddenly began to blow the Reno 12's live photo function, needless to say, everyone must understand the reason.

Yes, OPPO has redone its own "Live Photos" function according to the implementation logic of the iPhone.

Although it is still not as good as the iPhone itself, it is indeed better than other Android phones.

For example, in Reno 12, if you don't like the default cover of your Live Photo, you can reselect any frame in the short video in the edit.

Then Reno 12's album will help you re-optimize the algorithm of your newly selected cover to make it as consistent as possible with the default cover quality.

In front of the seal surface

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

After changing the cover

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

At the same time, the moving photos taken by the Reno12 series also support sending them to Xiaohongshu...

That's right, even the previous Android phones had a live photo function, but only the live photos taken by the iPhone can be sent to Xiaohongshu, and the level is really strict...

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

Although not everyone likes to post live photos on Xiaohongshu, it is undeniable that a large number of users like to share unforgettable moments in their lives with live photos.

Reno 12 can use this as a breakthrough and fiercely grasp the hearts of this part of the user, which can be regarded as saving the country from the gameplay.

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

I tried it out and found that Reno 12 can not only send Live Photo Xiaohongshu notes like iPhone, but even send photos can be saved on iPhone as they are, and iOS Album is also very face-saving to treat these photos as Live Photos.

Whether you watch it on your iPhone or share it further, it's the same as a Live Photo taken by your iPhone itself.

It's really a hearty lead...

The majority of Xiaohongshu users were also very excited after learning the news, and even started to ask when they could use their old Reno models directly in the comment area.

Even Xiaohongshu came to the press conference to endorse the live photos, claiming that more than 1.7 billion live photos have been shared on Xiaohongshu so far.

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

Look, I laugh at Reno for not understanding the phone, Reno laughing at me for not understanding the user.

In addition to live photos, the most popular AI is not left behind.

Students who close their eyes during a group photo can also use AI to force him to open his eyes. However, the conditions for using this function are still relatively harsh, and it must be a group photo of 3 or more people to use it.

配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

The well-received AI elimination is still good, and even the one-click passerby elimination that the big brother Find X7 Ultra does not have, even saving the steps of looping passers-by.

OK, that's the case with Reno 12, although I don't feel much about this machine - maybe because I'm a straight man of steel.

But I would still make a bold prediction that the Reno 12 series will not sell badly. This brings us back to the question I asked at the beginning, why is Reno so good?

In fact, the answer is already there - a bright appearance + qualified imaging capabilities + a main propaganda point that is easy to disseminate.

Take Reno 12 as an example, "the first Android phone to be able to post live photos on Xiaohongshu" is a clever promotional point.

Of the 75 million users who have posted live photos on Xiaohongshu, as long as a small percentage sees the promotion of Reno 12 and runs to OPPO's store to experience Reno 12 with curiosity, they will feel its bright appearance and qualified imaging capabilities.

At a price that's half cheaper than the iPhone 15, maybe you'll just place an order.

Maybe there are a lot of people who will eat this set, as for those of us who just want to spend less money to buy a higher configuration, we will also want to ask:

Does Reno 12 still have Ultra? I still want to see the Reno series eat the periscope, that's the OPPO Reno in my memory filter.

Forget it, I'll wait for Find X8~

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  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?
  • 配置性能都不出众,OPPO Reno 12 系列到底在卖个啥?

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