
Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

author:Strawberry Talk Literature

1. Song Ningfeng's rich and colorful emotional journey

Song Ningfeng's emotional journey, although full of thorns, has made him continue to grow and deeply taste the diverse and changing taste of love.

As early as 2000, he started an unforgettable relationship with the then hot Hua Dan Zhou Xun. At that time, Song Ningfeng, who was a fledgling and had just emerged, participated in the filming of the TV series "Smoke and Rain" as a rookie model.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

The arrangement of fate allowed him to meet Zhou Xun in the crew. At that time, Zhou Xun had already become famous and became a high-profile new generation of actors.

Although there is a huge gap in status between them, Zhou Xun's courage to pursue true love made her devote herself to this relationship without hesitation. She fell in love with Song Ningfeng at first sight, and the two quickly fell in love, understood each other, and complained to each other.

Song Ningfeng is tall and straight, with a graceful demeanor; Zhou Xun is beautiful and moving, and his beauty is peerless. The combination of this "golden boy and girl" is a match made in heaven.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

However, the good times are always short-lived, and this fiery love affair did not last long. Soon after, Zhou Xun's relationship with singer Pu Shu surfaced, and her relationship with Song Ningfeng quietly came to an end.

Although this episode was short, it left a deep imprint on Song Ningfeng.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, in 2011, Song Ningfeng's relationship with the talented girl Qi Xi is in full swing. Their love has aroused widespread attention from all walks of life. According to rumors, in order to marry Qi Xi, the perfect goddess in his heart, Song Ningfeng made great efforts and proposed to her three times in succession.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

In 2012, under the warm congratulations of relatives and friends, Song Ningfeng and Qi Xi held a grand wedding. The groom's eyes were filled with excitement, and he poured out his endless love for his wife at the wedding scene.

In the photo, they are affectionate and sweet, smiling, and happy on their faces, which is enviable.

After marriage, Song Ningfeng cared for Qixi. Whenever Qi Xi goes overseas to work, he will always accompany him, and even cook food himself for several months, interpreting his deep love for his wife with practical actions.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

Their lives are filled with sweetness, and netizens are also infected by the affection of this loving couple, and they have praised them as "textbook-level model couples".

1. "When the Stars Shine" Song Ningfeng: The seven-year itch is hard to reach, and the wedding banquet is over!

As we all know, there have been many rumors about the ambiguous relationship between Qi Xi and Wang Chuanjun in the past, and the two have been repeatedly captured by paparazzi and witnessed behaving intimately in public places.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

Although the rumors were never confirmed, they undoubtedly eroded and deepened the chasm between Song Ningfeng and Qi Xi like an invisible poisonous snake.

However, unfortunately, this sweet love story did not last, and the seven-year marriage came to an end, and thousands of blessings came to naught.

2. Song Ningfeng plays Hua Liang in the hit TV series "When the Stars Shine": The role is full of charm and his acting skills are highly praised!

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

Although Song Ningfeng's personal love life is full of twists and turns, he has made remarkable achievements in his acting career. He successfully portrayed the role of Hualiang in the hit TV series "When the Stars Shine", and won the warm appreciation and deep love of the audience.

In this work, Song Ningfeng successfully interpreted the role of Hua Liang with his extraordinary temperament and superb acting skills. As the eldest son of the deputy head of the Ministry of Military Affairs and the first secretary of the chamberlain, Hua Liang's status can be described as extremely respected.

Not only did he possess great prestige and dignity, but he also showed great intelligence and talent. Whether it is facing intricate interpersonal relationships or solving tricky problems, Hua Liang is always able to stay calm and deal with them with ease.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

The posture he shows in the play to deal with all kinds of affairs is calm and unhurried, as if everything is under his control.

Song Ningfeng vividly expressed Hua Liang's wisdom and calmness. What's even more fascinating is the plot where Hua Liang will pay whatever it takes to save his younger brother Hua Zhen.

When his younger brother was in danger, Hua Liang did not care about his own safety, just to protect his loved ones, he put aside his prejudices and devoted himself to the rescue operation without reservation.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

Song Ningfeng fully demonstrated Hua Liang's firm protection of family affection here, which deeply moved the audience. Although Hua Liang's image was distorted in the later period, his love for his younger brother won warm applause from the audience, and people affectionately called him "the crazy demon of the favorite brother".

Although this nickname is slightly ridiculous, it also fully expresses the public's love for the character.

The reason why Song Ningfeng was able to win such a high evaluation was not only because of his superb acting skills, but also because he himself was very compatible with the temperament of Hua Liang's character. In appearance, he perfectly presents the elegant demeanor of the son of the family; In the portrayal of inner emotions, he endowed the character with a rich inner world and emotional changes, making the character more plump and vivid.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

All thanks to Song Ningfeng's excellent interpretation skills, the audience can not only appreciate the ups and downs of the plot, but also deeply feel the unique charming style of each character.

It can be seen that the role of Hua Liang has undoubtedly become the finishing touch of the play, making its overall quality improve again.

3. Tracing Song Ningfeng's career footprints

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

To understand Song Ningfeng in depth, we need to explore every footprint in his journey. Looking back, in fact, he was a very talented model at the beginning, and was once known as the "Golden Boy and Jade Girl" together with the well-known model Chunxiao, and on the covers of many fashion magazines, we can always capture his handsome and upright figure.

At that time, Song Ningfeng experienced tempering in the field of modeling, and gradually emerged in this highly competitive industry with outstanding conditions and unremitting fighting spirit. As a top model, his demeanor on the catwalk is breathtaking, and more importantly, through work contact, he has met many bright stars in the entertainment industry.

It was by chance that Song Ningfeng participated in the filming of the TV series "Smoke and Rain". It was in that crew that he met and got to know Zhou Xun, a popular actress who attracted much attention at the time.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

Although there is a huge gap in status between them, they cannot resist the attraction of each other.

Zhou Xun bravely expressed his emotions and dedicated his sincerity to Song Ningfeng without reservation. And Song Ningfeng has deeply attracted everyone's attention with his handsome and dashing and personable image.

The combination of this "golden boy and girl", whether on land or in the air, has produced an incomparably wonderful chemical reaction, and has become an ideal couple in the minds of countless people.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

However, this passionate love did not last long. Soon after, Zhou Xun's love affair with singer Pu Shu surfaced, and her relationship story with Song Ningfeng also quietly came to an end, leaving only an unforgettable memory.

Since then, Song Ningfeng's emotional road has fallen into a low period of confusion and confusion.

Fourth, the ins and outs of the divorce incident

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, in 2011, Song Ningfeng's relationship with the talented girl Qi Xi was publicly disclosed, which instantly aroused widespread attention from all walks of life. They are immersed in love, and the sweet picture of affection makes countless people envious.

According to rumors, in order to be able to marry Qi Xi, the perfect goddess in his heart, Song Ningfeng put in great efforts. He proposed to Qi Xi three times in succession, and after a lot of hardships, it was not until the last time that he succeeded in impressing this proud woman.

In this special year of 2012, Mr. Song Ningfeng and Ms. Qi Xi held a spectacular and grand wedding with the warm wishes of relatives and friends. In the afternoon of the same day, Mr. Song Ningfeng, the groom in the gown, was so excited that he couldn't help but burst into tears, he was full of deep affection, and poured out his words of love for his dear bride Qi Xi at the sacred and solemn wedding ceremony.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

However, their love story is much more than that! After marriage, Mr. Song Ningfeng cared for his wife and cherished it very much. It is said that whenever Ms. Qi Xi went abroad to work, he always accompanied him, and even cooked delicacies by himself for several months, showing his deep love for his wife with practical actions.

Their lives are full of sweet and warm atmosphere, and even the majority of netizens were moved by the sincere feelings of this loving couple, and praised them as "models of love".

However, the tricks of fate are often unexpected. Just in 2019, the shadow of divorce quietly fell on the once loving couple. On September 16, on the occasion of Ms. Qi Xi's birthday, she posted the news of her official breakup with Mr. Song Ningfeng on her personal social media platform.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

Although her tone was calm and calm, it was still difficult to hide the attachment and regret to this marriage in her heart.

In fact, there have been many rumors long before this that there was an ambiguous relationship between Ms. Qi Xi and the well-known actor Mr. Wang Chuanjun, and the two have been captured by the paparazzi many times in intimate interactions in public places.

Some photos show that Ms. Qi Xi and Mr. Wang Chuanjun were also inseparable at the shooting scene, and their intimate appearance has aroused all kinds of speculation about their relationship.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

Although these rumors have not been confirmed, they have undoubtedly deepened the contradiction between Mr. Song Ningfeng and Ms. Qi Xi. Marriage is like a flat boat, how can it remain stable forever in the storm? In the end, this once loving couple, after seven years of ups and downs, finally failed to escape the fate of divorce.

The vows of the past and the sweetness of the past are now gone. Mr. Song Ningfeng and Ms. Qi Xi have gone through a complete and profound emotional journey together from falling in love with each other, to falling in love with each other, and then to being strangers.

The pain and regret caused by divorce may be with them for the rest of their lives.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

Fifth, a new chapter

Since the divorce of Mr. Song Ningfeng and Ms. Qi Xi, their respective lives have ushered in a new chapter. As rumored to say, Ms. Qi Xi finally chose to spend the rest of her life with actor Mr. Wang Chuanjun.

Mr. Song Ningfeng married Ms. Zhang Wanting, a well-known agent, and had a son soon after, re-establishing his own family.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

However, judging from Song Ningfeng's verbal exchanges and behaviors with Zhang Wanting, it seems that he has not devoted himself to this new marriage. In a boutique variety show called "Goodbye Lover", the interaction between the two is particularly strange and slightly awkward.

Song Ningfeng's attitude towards his wife Zhang Wanting showed a sense of alienation and indifference, and he didn't see the affection he had when he faced Qi Xi in the past.

Some people pointed out sharply that Song Ningfeng dedicated all his love and warmth to Qi Xi, and Zhang Wanting was only silence and responsibility. While this assessment may be extreme, it is not unreasonable.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

At least on the surface, Song Ningfeng's feelings for Zhang Wanting are obviously not as deep as those for his ex-wife.

I don't know if it was affected by the trauma of divorce, or just a lack of love for Zhang Wanting, all in all, this man who was once known for his affection seems to have lost his former romantic feelings in his newlywed life.

Since breaking up with Qi Xi, his inner world seems to be shrouded in a dark cloud, and it is difficult to reproduce the spiritual outlook of the past.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

However, after Qi Xi married Wang Chuanjun, he showed a new vitality. As can be seen from the photos, she is often smiling and relaxed, and seems to have shaken off the shadow of divorce and ushered in a new chapter of her life.

I have to admit that women often have a more determined courage and ability to be born again than men. Perhaps it is precisely because of letting go of Song Ningfeng's former burden that Qi Xi can more easily get out of the haze and welcome a new beginning.

In contrast, Song Ningfeng still seems to be trapped in the shackles of the past and cannot really start a new chapter in his life.

Song Ningfeng: I loved Zhou Xun, married Qi Xi, and now plays Hua Liang in "When the Stars Shine".

From knowing and falling in love with each other to breaking up, and then entering the palace of "remarriage", although the life trajectories are complicated, they have finally found a new home. The only difference is that in the new journey of the future, one person is full of vitality physically and mentally, while the other seems to be stuck in a cycle of stagnation.

Perhaps, this is the impermanence of everything in the world, and who can predict what will happen in the future? We can only sincerely wish them all the best of luck as a perfect summary of the past.

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