
Star rip! Qi Xi was angry at Green Tea by her ex-husband, publicly shouting that she was too dirty and the details were ripped off

author:Zero Zero One

In this fascinating article, we explore the intricate relationship between actors Song Ningfeng and Qi Xi and their current wife Zhang Wanting. The story begins in 2019, when Qi Xi and Song Ningfeng's seven-year marriage came to a fork in the road, and then Qi Xi and Wang Chuanjun's relationship was made public. However, Song Ningfeng also met his current wife Zhang Wanting during this period, and the two quickly married and welcomed children. In this complex emotional jungle, high-profile events continue to be staged, making people think about the emotional disputes between this group of actors.

The story begins with the marriage of Song Ningfeng and Qi Xi, the actor couple who have been in love with each other for seven years of marriage and are considered a "model couple", but have no children. This has led to various speculations about the infertility of the two, but the truth is only known to them. Over time, the marriage relationship between the two also changed, and in 2019, Qi Xi suddenly announced her divorce from Song Ningfeng, and her new relationship was gradually exposed. And Song Ningfeng also quickly started a new relationship after the divorce, and quickly married his current wife Zhang Wanting and welcomed a child.

Star rip! Qi Xi was angry at Green Tea by her ex-husband, publicly shouting that she was too dirty and the details were ripped off

The whole story is full of drama and complexity, and the emotional disputes of the actors are intertwined, showing the twists and turns of the entertainment industry. We'll be waiting to see the next chapter of this story, as well as the future development and fantastic touches of these actors.

Another key figure in this emotional dispute is Qi Xi, who is not only Song Ningfeng's ex-wife, but also an actress. Although her popularity is not high, she has been nominated for awards for the films she has collaborated on, showing her good acting skills. However, her love life has attracted much attention.

After the divorce, Qi Xi did not disclose her relationship status to the outside world until she participated in the variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" and disclosed her relationship with Wang Chuanjun. The relationship was officially certified, giving the outside world a clearer picture of her relationship status. However, the relationship has also been met with some doubts, with some doubting whether they were cheating within marriage.

Star rip! Qi Xi was angry at Green Tea by her ex-husband, publicly shouting that she was too dirty and the details were ripped off

Behind this emotional dispute, not only involves feelings and marriage, but also concerns the interests of the entertainment industry and the curiosity of the audience. The emotional life of the actors has been amplified and commented upon, becoming a never-ending drama in the entertainment industry. Let's wait and see how wonderful and twisty the next scene of this play will be.

This article describes the complex emotional relationship between actors Song Ningfeng, Qi Xi and Zhang Wanting and the history of events. Through this story, we can draw some enlightenment and profound truth.

First of all, the complex interpersonal relationships and emotional changes in the entertainment industry tell us that the truth is often more complex than it seems. The intricacies of human relationships are difficult to judge simply by right and wrong. In the special social environment of the entertainment industry, people's words and deeds are often affected by public opinion, interests and other aspects, and need to be viewed and understood more rationally and objectively.

Star rip! Qi Xi was angry at Green Tea by her ex-husband, publicly shouting that she was too dirty and the details were ripped off

In addition, rationality and calmness are needed in interpersonal communication. In an incident, emotional and impulsive words and actions can lead to unnecessary contradictions and misunderstandings. Rational thinking and calmly dealing with problems can avoid the overexpression of emotions and help maintain the stability of interpersonal relationships.

Above all, marriage, love and relationships should be based on respect, understanding and inclusion. Problems in married life can be solved through communication, understanding and compromise, and mutual respect and trust are the keys to maintaining a long-lasting relationship. At the same time, we should also respect the choices and privacy of others, and avoid excessive interference and speculation about the emotional life of others.


This article introduces the emotional strife and complex interpersonal relationship between actors Song Ningfeng, Qi Xi and Zhang Wanting. This story shows the complexity and variability of interpersonal relationships in the entertainment industry, as well as the impact of relationship problems on marital stability. The lesson is that rational thinking, respect for the choices of others, and understanding and inclusion are important factors in maintaining healthy relationships. When dealing with feelings and interpersonal relationships, we should remain calm and rational, avoid excessive emotion and impulsivity, and face complex interpersonal relationships with a peaceful attitude. At the same time, the stability of marriage and relationships needs to be based on deep feelings, and mutual respect, trust and understanding are the basic principles for maintaining long-term relationships.

Star rip! Qi Xi was angry at Green Tea by her ex-husband, publicly shouting that she was too dirty and the details were ripped off

Second, married life requires adequate communication and trust. The emotional story between Song Ningfeng, Qi Xi and Zhang Wanting reflects the importance of communication in marriage. Good communication can solve many contradictions and misunderstandings, while lack of communication is easy to accumulate dissatisfaction and contradictions. Husband and wife should be honest with each other, frank their inner thoughts, face problems together, and solve problems together.

We also respect individual choices and privacy. Everyone's emotional choice and handling is personal freedom, and we should respect the emotional life of others and not interfere and comment excessively. At the same time, we should also know how to protect personal privacy and avoid harm to others caused by privacy exposure.

Star rip! Qi Xi was angry at Green Tea by her ex-husband, publicly shouting that she was too dirty and the details were ripped off

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