
Three "anomalies" in the solar system have led scientists to suspect that aliens are "manipulating" the Earth



Historically, scientists on the mainland have always been more cautious, just like in 1959, after the Soviet Union launched the "Luna 3" to the moon, Soviet scientists openly claimed that the satellite played music on the moon, and the mainland scientists also responded very rationally: "This statement is unscientific."

However, with the continuous development of science and technology, science has its own inexplicable things in many places, such as some astronomical phenomena, which have made scientists begin to believe in aliens.

Three "anomalies" in the solar system have led scientists to suspect that aliens are "manipulating" the Earth

Scientists have been arguing about extraterrestrial civilizations, after all, so far, human beings have not found extraterrestrial civilizations on other planets, but we can't say that extraterrestrial civilizations don't exist.

In 2022, Wu Xiangping, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, once expressed his opinion, saying that the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations is certain.

And just after Wu Xiangping expressed his opinion, some scientists also began to conduct related research, and many studies pointed to some details of daily life on the earth that are often overlooked.

However, these details can be important evidence for scientists to study extraterrestrial civilizations, but what are these evidences?

Three "anomalies" in the solar system have led scientists to suspect that aliens are "manipulating" the Earth

1. There are three "anomalies" in the solar system.

Three "anomalies" in the solar system have led scientists to suspect that aliens are "manipulating" the Earth

There are three anomalies in the solar system, and these three anomalies have led scientists to wonder if aliens manipulated asteroids and comets in the solar system in ancient times.

These three anomalies are: the orbit of the planets in the solar system, the scattered arrangement of the planets in the solar system, and the close relationship between the moon and the earth.

Three "anomalies" in the solar system have led scientists to suspect that aliens are "manipulating" the Earth

The planets in the solar system have the solar system, in order from near to far, in order of "Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto", but except for Pluto, which was canceled by the International Astronomical Union in 2006 and was downgraded to "asteroid", the other planets are orbiting according to a certain orbit.

But scientists have discovered a very strange phenomenon when studying the laws of the solar system.

The orbit of a planet must be fixed, and the orbit of a meteor must also be fixed, just like planets and meteors, just like China's "bronze" and "porcelain", their orbits are fixed and will not be easily changed.

Three "anomalies" in the solar system have led scientists to suspect that aliens are "manipulating" the Earth

But in the solar system, it is like an extraterrestrial civilization has changed the orbits of asteroids and meteors, resulting in the orbits of asteroids and meteors constantly changing, which is what scientists call the first anomaly in the solar system.

While studying other planets in the solar system, scientists have also discovered a second anomaly in the solar system, that is, the scattered arrangement of planets in the solar system.

When analyzing the planets in the solar system, scientists found that the size of the planets in the solar system is gradually shrinking, but the strange thing is that the density of the planets in the solar system is not gradually increasing, but gradually decreasing.

Three "anomalies" in the solar system have led scientists to suspect that aliens are "manipulating" the Earth

This has led scientists to wonder if some strange events have happened to the planets in the solar system, causing the distribution of the planets in the solar system to be scattered.

In addition, there is also a very strange point is the relationship between the earth and the moon, according to the current knowledge, the volume difference between other planets and moons in the solar system is relatively large, just like Venus and the earth, the volume of Venus is much smaller than the volume of the earth, but the volume of the earth is much larger than that of Pluto.

Three "anomalies" in the solar system have led scientists to suspect that aliens are "manipulating" the Earth

However, the size of the Earth and the Moon are very similar, which makes scientists question the relationship between the Earth and the Moon, all of which were manipulated by extraterrestrial civilizations in the solar system in ancient times, resulting in three anomalies in the solar system.

Three "anomalies" in the solar system have led scientists to suspect that aliens are "manipulating" the Earth

2. The source of water for life on Earth may come from comets.

Three "anomalies" in the solar system have led scientists to suspect that aliens are "manipulating" the Earth

At the end of the last century, the United States studied and numbered a number of asteroids and meteors, which were called "Apollo asteroids" and "Apollo meteors".

Three "anomalies" in the solar system have led scientists to suspect that aliens are "manipulating" the Earth

During the study of these asteroids and meteors, American scientists found that there are some very important material elements in these asteroids and meteors, including "water source" and "organic matter" elements.

The material elements of these asteroids and meteors are similar to those on Earth, so some scientists believe that the water source of life on Earth may come from these asteroids and meteors.

And the material elements in these asteroids and meteors are brought by comets, because in addition to the sun, planets and moons in the solar system, there are some special objects, which are "comets" and "asteroids".

Moreover, when studying these asteroids and meteors, American scientists also found some organic material elements in these asteroids and meteors, which are also essential on Earth.

Therefore, it can be said that these asteroids and meteors have brought life to the earth and everything to the earth, so the earth is also a planet illuminated by the stars.

3. Extraterrestrial civilizations may exist in places where humans are undetectable.

While studying three anomalies in the solar system, some scientists have also made some assumptions about some events in the universe.

After some speculation about extraterrestrial civilizations, some deceptive phenomena were explained one by one.

After some speculation about extraterrestrial civilizations, a scientist in the United States proposed a "zoo" hypothesis, arguing that extraterrestrial civilizations may be like humans, playing a game like "zoo" on Earth, but humans don't know about it.

This makes there a relationship between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations, but humans have not discovered that extraterrestrial civilizations exist in places that humans are not aware of.

After some assumptions about extraterrestrial civilizations, there is also a hypothesis about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, that is, one of the reasons why humans have not yet discovered the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations is that human beings have no direct evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Therefore, mankind has never been able to find evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

The evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations also exists in three anomalies in the solar system, which are also evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.


Human exploration of extraterrestrial civilizations is still in its infancy, so human beings have not been able to confirm the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, but with the continuous development of human science and technology, it is believed that human beings will definitely make some discoveries about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

However, the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations is certain, and the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations may have a certain impact on human cognition and the living environment of human beings.

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