
This kind of snack may secretly destroy your pancreatic islets, and doctors recommend: men, women and children, eat less

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
This kind of snack may secretly destroy your pancreatic islets, and doctors recommend: men, women and children, eat less

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Sweet temptation in the shadow of the "invisible killer".

"Dad, have you been secretly snacking lately? Why is the urine sugar high again...... daughter Xiaoli frowned, holding up her father's test sheet and asked.

"Hey, isn't it just a handful of melon seeds and a piece of cake, how big of a problem can it be? Besides, eat some sweets to relieve stress and replenish energy to the brain! It's like you're eating less of this and that all day long, damn it!" Father, Lao Wang, was a little unimpressed.

"But Dad, have you forgotten the doctor's advice? Diabetes is a joke, eat it again, and be careful to 'eat badly' your pancreatic islets!Alas, it seems that I have to take you to a recheck, by the way, consult a nutritionist, to see which snacks you can eat and which ones you can 'taboo'......" Xiaoli said earnestly.

This kind of snack may secretly destroy your pancreatic islets, and doctors recommend: men, women and children, eat less

Lao Wang pursed his lips, but reluctantly followed his daughter to the hospital. Zhao Xiaofeng, chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology, took the test sheet, looked at it carefully, and his tone gradually became serious: "Lao Wang, judging from your fasting blood sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin, the control is indeed not ideal.

In particular, urine routine shows urine glucose 'three pluses', which is a typical manifestation of poor diabetes control! If this continues, complications will follow, such as eyes, kidneys, feet, and cardiovascular ...... No matter how many snacks you eat, you won't be able to fill this 'hole'!"

"But doctor, I'm just hungry! I especially like to eat those sweet, crunchy little snacks, and I feel uncomfortable not eating them. This...... Can't really touch it at all? It's too cruel, isn't it......" Lao Wang looked bitter.

This kind of snack may secretly destroy your pancreatic islets, and doctors recommend: men, women and children, eat less

"I understand your feelings." Dr. Zhao smiled helplessly, "Actually, not all snacks are 'flood beasts', the key depends on what you eat.

You see, these foods that are high in sugar, fat and salt, such as cakes, chocolates, potato chips, sodas, etc., are high in calories but low in nutritional value, which will not only cause large fluctuations in blood sugar, but also stimulate excessive secretion of insulin and increase the burden on pancreatic islets. Over time, pancreatic islet cells will become 'fatigued', their secretory function will decline, and even fail, and diabetes will be 'ready to fly'. "

"That'...... The melon seeds I ate last time, aren't they good?" Lao Wang asked cautiously.

This kind of snack may secretly destroy your pancreatic islets, and doctors recommend: men, women and children, eat less

"Although melon seeds are not so high in calories, they are high-fat foods. Long-term consumption of large amounts will also increase the burden of pancreatic islets and affect insulin secretion. Moreover, most of the melon seeds on the market are fried and heavily salted, and long-term eating not only increases blood sugar and blood lipids, but also blood pressure and weight are also 'crooked'! It's better to eat less. "

"This ...... So what else can I eat?" Lao Wang looked dazed.

"Actually, there is still something to eat." Dr. Zhao smiled and said, "For example, some fresh fruits, which are rich in dietary fiber, can be eaten in moderation after meals, which can help relieve the rise in blood sugar after meals."

This kind of snack may secretly destroy your pancreatic islets, and doctors recommend: men, women and children, eat less

Another example is nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, etc., although the calories are not low, but they are rich in high-quality protein and unsaturated fatty acids, and a small amount of food is beneficial to blood sugar and blood lipids. Of course, this is 'in moderation' and is counted as total daily calories. In addition, special milk powder for diabetes and meal replacement powder are also a choice. "

"Oh, ......I see," Wang thought, "then doctor, can you help me sum it up, how should I eat snacks?"

"First of all, we must learn to read the nutrition label and try to choose snacks that are low in sugar, fat and salt, but rich in protein and dietary fiber. Secondly, even if it is a 'good' snack, it is best to do it in moderation, preferably no more than the size of a fist per day, and include it in the total daily calories, so that 'what you eat is piled up on your blood vessels'.

This kind of snack may secretly destroy your pancreatic islets, and doctors recommend: men, women and children, eat less

In addition, snacks are best eaten with meals, such as eating fruits after meals and eating melon seeds before meals, which not only satisfy cravings, but also help stabilize blood sugar. Finally, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water and less sugary drinks; Exercise moderately, keep your mood happy, and let 'eating' no longer be the whole of life. I believe that as long as you keep your mouth shut and open your legs, you can be 'eaten to death' by diabetes!"

"Thank you, Dr. Zhao, I'm finally 'suddenly enlightened'!" Lao Wang held the doctor's hand tightly, his eyes flashed with gratitude, "I must keep your words in mind, control my mouth, and control my own disease, so that diabetes will completely 'disappear'!"

This kind of snack may secretly destroy your pancreatic islets, and doctors recommend: men, women and children, eat less

"I hope that people will last a long time, and they will be together for thousands of miles!" Dr. Zhao said meaningfully, "In fact, not only diabetes, but also the prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases are inseparable from lifestyle improvement. I hope that through your transformation, more people can realize that the revolution in health is often at the table and between your fingertips......"

At the time of parting, the setting sun shines through the window of the ward, sprinkling a ray of warmth on the shoulders of the doctor and patient. Yes, perhaps, changing a bad diet can open the door to health; And guarding the "pancreas" soil can reap a field of hope......

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)

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