
When my nephew came home before enlisting in the army, I paid a visit

author:Smoke Moon wrote

On that day, my nephew Xiao Ming was about to enlist in the army, and he came home a day early, so I decided to bring a gift to visit him. I thought, this kid has always longed for life in the army, and now he has finally got his wish, how can I, as an uncle, not be happy for him?

Early in the morning, I went to the town market to buy a big rooster and two bottles of good wine, ready to see off Xiao Ming. However, when I came to Xiao Ming's house, I saw a group of people gathered in front of his house, and the atmosphere was quite tense.

I squeezed into the crowd and saw Xiao Ming and his father arguing with their neighbor Zhang Dacang. It turned out that Zhang Dacang's cattle were lost, and he suspected that Xiao Ming stole it. I knew that Xiao Ming was of good character and would never do such a thing, so I stepped forward to persuade him.

"Brother Zhang, you misunderstood Xiao Ming, he has been preparing to enlist at home, how can he have time to steal your cattle?" I say.

"Hmph, who knows if he deliberately created an illusion?" Zhang Cannon said unconvinced.

Seeing that the conflict was about to escalate, I quickly pulled Xiao Ming over and asked him what was going on. Xiao Ming told me that he did go out in the morning, but only went to the mountains to hunt for the last time before enlisting in the army, and did not see Zhang Dacang's cattle at all.

I had a plan in my mind and said to Zhang Dacang: "In this way, let's go to the mountains to look for it, if we find the cow, it will prove that Xiao Ming is not lying." ”

Zhang Dacang glared at me, but agreed. So, a group of us marched mightily up the mountain.

The mountain road was rough, and we searched for a long time, and finally found the cow in a wood. It turned out that it ran here to graze, and was caught in the rope by a branch, and could not move.

Seeing this, Zhang Dacang smiled awkwardly and hurriedly apologized to Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming generously expressed his forgiveness and helped him untie the cow rope.

When I returned to Xiao Ming's house, I took out the gift and said to him, "Xiao Ming, this hunting harvest is not small, right?" This big rooster should be celebrated for you. ”

Xiao Ming smiled and said, "Thank you, uncle, today's experience is really thrilling, I almost missed enlisting in the army." ”

We drank and chatted. Xiao Ming told me that he enlisted in the army this time to go to the special combat team, and in the future, he will also carry out special tasks and make meritorious contributions to the country. I am very proud of him, but I also remind him to be strict with himself and take care of his health.

In the evening, I said goodbye to Xiao Ming, and on the way home, I was full of emotion. This young man has grown up and is about to join the barracks and contribute his strength to the country and the people. And I will silently support him at home, waiting for him to return from meritorious service.

As night falls, the lights of the town come on. I walked home with my empty bottle in my hand, full of anticipation and hope. Xiao Ming, come on! Our country needs heroes like you!

The next day, as soon as it was dawn, I got up and prepared to send Xiao Ming. The mornings in the town were quiet and peaceful, save for the occasional rooster barking in the distance. When I came to Xiao Ming's house, he was ready to go, his eyes full of determination and expectation.

"Xiao Ming, did you sleep well last night?" I asked with concern.

He smiled and nodded, "Well, uncle, I slept pretty well." It's just a little excited, and I can't help but be excited when I think of the barracks life that is about to begin. ”

We had a brief breakfast and then walked out of the house together. On the way, Xiao Ming's parents repeatedly told him to take care of himself, and Xiao Ming nodded while secretly wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

When they arrived at the meeting point in the town, there were already several youths waiting there. They are all Xiao Ming's classmates, and they will also step into the barracks together today. Parents gathered around and talked about their children's futures, with pride and reluctance on their faces.

Suddenly, the horn of a car was heard in the distance, and a green military vehicle slowly drove away. Everyone immediately fell silent and watched as the car stopped. The door opened, and an officer stepped down and saluted us.

"Comrades, I'm here to pick you up and take you to the troops. From now on, you are a member of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. The officer's voice was loud and powerful.

Xiao Ming and his classmates stood up in unison and replied loudly: "Yes!" ”

At that moment, I seemed to see the changes in them, and those childish faces were full of responsibility and responsibility at the moment.

When the time of farewell finally came, I held Xiao Ming's hand tightly and said to him: "Xiao Ming, when you arrive in the army, you must train hard and strive to make meritorious contributions as soon as possible." ”

He looked at me firmly: "Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely work hard to live up to my family's expectations." ”

The military vehicle started slowly, and we waved goodbye. Looking at the departing vehicles, my heart was filled with mixed feelings. These young people are about to grow up in the melting pot of the army and contribute their strength to the country.

On the way home, I met Brother Zhang. He was carrying a basket of eggs in his hand and said that he was going to visit Xiao Ming.

"Hey, I really misunderstood Xiao Ming yesterday, and today I specially brought eggs to apologize." Brother Zhang said with some embarrassment.

I patted him on the shoulder: "Brother Zhang, you are also a reasonable person, Xiao Ming won't care." Besides, he's gone. ”

Brother Zhang sighed: "Yes, these children will go out to wander when they grow up." As elders, there is nothing else we can do except bless. ”

Brother Zhang and I walked home together, silently praying in my heart, hoping that Xiao Ming and his classmates would go well in the army and become the pillars of the country as soon as possible.

The days of the town are still as calm as water, but everyone's hearts have more concern. Xiao Ming, are you okay in another country? May you thrive in the barracks and write your own brilliant future.

The days passed, and it has been a month since Xiao Ming enlisted in the army. During this time, I received a letter from him, in which he described his life in the army, although it was difficult, he was full of fighting spirit and hope. He said that the training of the special combat team is very strict, but he has been trying to adapt and strive to complete the task independently as soon as possible.

One weekend, I decided to visit Xiao Ming in the army. Early in the morning, I took the first bus and crossed the winding mountain road to the troop station. After registering at the doorman, I walked into the familiar and unfamiliar barracks.

Xiao Ming was very surprised when he saw me. He was dressed in a neat military uniform, with a straight posture, and he looked more mature and stable than before.

"Uncle, why are you here?" He asked excitedly.

"Come and see you, and by the way, I brought you some specialties from your hometown." I handed him a package.

We found a quiet place to sit down, Xiao Ming opened the package, and a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes: "Wow, this is the sausage and dried tofu made by my mother, I am so homesick." ”

I smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "You behave well here, and when you take a vacation, you can go home and taste the taste of home." ”

We talked a lot, and Xiao Ming told me that he improved very quickly in training, and the instructors spoke highly of him. He also mentioned a simulated combat drill, where he was praised by the captain for his outstanding performance at key moments.

"That day, the captain said that I had the potential to be a good special combat player." Xiao Ming's eyes flashed with pride.

I was proud of him, but I also reminded him: "Xiao Ming, don't be proud, always be humble and cautious." In the army, only by making continuous efforts can we achieve greater achievements. ”

In the afternoon, Xiao Ming still had training, and I said goodbye to him and prepared to go home. On the way out, I met a familiar figure - Brother Zhang's son, Xiaohua. He is also in this unit and is a comrade-in-arms with Xiao Ming.

"Uncle, are you also coming to visit Xiao Ming?" Xiaohua greeted with a smile.

"Yes, Xiaohua, how are you here?" I asked.

"It's good, but sometimes I feel homesick." Xiao Hua's eyes showed a hint of longing.

I encouraged him: "You are all good, for the sake of the country, for the sake of your family, cheer up." ”

Back in town, night has fallen. I sat alone on a small stone bench in front of the door, looking up at the stars. When I think of Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua, these young warriors, who are far away from home, working hard for their dreams and responsibilities, my heart is full of emotion.

Time flies, time flies. These young figures will eventually grow into real heroes in the tempering of the army. And I'll be here waiting, waiting for them to come back. Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua, may you shine in the barracks, and write a glorious chapter that belongs to you with youth and blood.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost half a year since Xiao Ming enlisted in the army. During this time, he made great achievements in the army through his own efforts. In a recent military exercise, his special combat team was awarded a third-class collective meritorious service for its outstanding performance. When the news came, the whole town was boiling, and everyone was proud of these young warriors.

I was also very proud of Xiao Ming and decided to visit him in the army again. This time, I also specially prepared a bottle of liquor from my hometown to celebrate Xiao Ming.

When I came to the unit, Xiao Ming was doing shooting training at the training ground. When he saw me, he put down his gun and ran quickly.

"Uncle, why are you here?" Xiao Ming asked excitedly.

"Come and see you, by the way, I brought you a bottle of liquor from your hometown to celebrate your honor." I handed him the bottle.

Xiao Ming opened the cap, sniffed it, and said with a smile: "It's so fragrant, uncle, this wine must be very strong." ”

"Of course, this is the best wine in our hometown, specially prepared for you." I said with a smile.

We sat down in the shade of a tree, and Xiao Ming told me that he had recently been selected as a special operations team assault on some high-risk missions. Although the task is daunting, he is full of confidence and believes that he will be able to do it.

"Xiao Ming, you must be careful, safety first." I said with concern.

"Uncle, don't worry, I'll pay attention. Besides, with the support of my teammates, I'm not afraid of anything. Xiao Ming said firmly.

In the afternoon, Xiao Ming still had training, and I said goodbye to him and prepared to go home. On the way out, I met Xiaohua. He told me that he had recently been selected as a communications corps to ensure communications with the troops.

"Xiaohua, you also have to pay attention to safety, communication work is very important." I say.

"Uncle, I know, I will be serious and responsible." Xiao Hua nodded.

Back in town, I sat on a small stone bench in front of the door and watched the sun set. When I think of Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua, these young warriors, who are far away from home, working hard for their dreams and responsibilities, my heart is full of emotion.

These young figures will eventually grow into real heroes in the tempering of the army. And I'll be here waiting, waiting for them to come back. Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua, may you shine in the barracks, and write a glorious chapter that belongs to you with youth and blood.