
Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!

author:Durian Ice Heart

In this complex world, every message on social media is like a pebble thrown into the lake of people's hearts, causing ripples. Recently, Xu Zijun's long article, like a bombshell, once again aroused heated public discussions about her relationship with Gao Yalin. Xu Zijun uses her unique perspective and candid attitude to reveal the true face of this relationship for us, and at the same time let us see her deep understanding of life and emotions.

Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!

First of all, Xu Zijun did not avoid any questions, she directly admitted her past relationship with Gao Yalin. "Yes," she said, "I did have a relationship with him. During that time, I received money from him and also received his resources. None of this is a secret, and there is nothing to hide. Xu Zijun's words are like a clear answer to those netizens who have been speculating and questioning, and it also allows people to see her courage to face her past.

Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!

But Xu Zijun did not stop there, she further explained her relationship with Gao Yalin. "At that time, I had just started in the industry and didn't know anything," she says. As my senior, he gave me a lot of help and support. I was really grateful to him at first and felt that he was a good person. But as time went on, I gradually realized that his pursuit was not motivated by genuine feelings, but by other purposes. Xu Zijun's words let us see a more real her, and also let us have a deeper understanding of Gao Yalin.

Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!

Xu Zijun also revealed more details. "I remember one time when he transferred me a sum of money and said he was supporting my work," she said. I was really happy and felt like my efforts were being recognized. But then I found out that he was actually pursuing me. All that money and resources were used by him to curry favor with me. Xu Zijun's words let us see her inner struggle and pain. She used to have hopes and fantasies about Gao Yalin, but reality hit her hard.

Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!

However, Xu Zijun did not sink because of this. She chose to reject Gao Yalin's pursuit, and also chose to leave the relationship that made her feel painful and disappointed. "I know it's hard to do, but I don't want to keep hurt," she said. I chose to leave, and I chose to start over. Xu Zijun's words let us see her strength and bravery. Instead of being bound by the shadows of the past, she chose to face the future bravely.

Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!

Xu Zijun's long article does not end there. She also expressed her views on life and emotions in the article. "Life is like a journey, we meet all kinds of people and things," she said. Some will make us feel happy and satisfied, while others will make us feel miserable and disappointed. But no matter what difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we should maintain a brave and resilient heart to face them. Xu Zijun's words are not only a summary of his own experience, but also an encouragement to everyone. She told us that no matter what difficulties we encounter, we must not give up on ourselves and face them bravely and overcome them.

Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!

Of course, Xu Zijun's long article has also caused some controversy and questions. Some netizens think that she is excusing herself, and some people think that she is hype. But no matter what the outside world says, Xu Zijun insists on his position and attitude. "I'm not writing this to prove anything, not to get anything," she said. I just want more people to know the truth and also to be able to really come out of this experience. Xu Zijun's words let us see a more real and honest her. She was not swayed by public opinion in the outside world, but stuck to her heart and beliefs.

Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!

In my opinion, Xu Zijun's long essay is not only a review and summary of his past experiences, but also a deep insight into human nature and emotions. She expressed her emotions and thoughts in the vernacular, allowing us to see a more real and vivid her. Her honesty and bravery made us feel admired and moved, and also made us think more deeply about life and emotions.

Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!

In this competitive and stressful society, we need more people like Xu Zijun to convey positive energy and warmth. She used her own experience to tell us that no matter what difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we must not give up on ourselves, and we must face and overcome them bravely. At the same time, she also reminded us to maintain a kind and sincere heart to respect the feelings and interests of others. Only in this way can we truly achieve happiness and satisfaction, and can we create more value and contribution to society.

Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!

In short, Xu Zijun's long article not only allows us to understand her past relationship with Gao Yalin, but also allows us to see her deep understanding and unique insights into life and emotions. She expressed her emotions and thoughts in the vernacular, which made us feel her authenticity and honesty. In this era of challenges and opportunities, we need more people like Xu Zijun to lead us forward.

Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!
Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!
Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!
Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!
Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!
Xu Zijun revealed himself: I have slept, collected money, and taken resources, but I refused to agree!

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