
Young choices under crazy housing prices: no marriage, no child, no house

author:Wo Chuangke

"Crazy! House prices have risen again! Xiao Wang made such an exclamation in the circle of friends, with the picture is the housing price trend chart of his city, and the steep rising line is like a cliff, which is daunting.

Xiao Wang is an ordinary white-collar worker, who has worked for several years and has little savings. Every time I get together with my friends, I always talk about the unattainable housing prices. "Are we doomed to not be able to afford a house, you say?" Xiao Wang asked with a wry smile.

"Alas, now that housing prices are rising faster than wages, how can ordinary people like us afford it!" Xiao Li shook his head helplessly.

"yes, and buying a house means having to take on a mortgage for decades, which is scary to think about." Xiao Zhang added.

Young choices under crazy housing prices: no marriage, no child, no house

Xiao Wang took a deep breath, as if he could feel the pressure from society. "I heard that there are many young people who choose not to get married, not to have children, not to buy a house, which is the so-called 'three no' life."

"Really? Is that really good? Xiao Li asked curiously.

"At least they don't have to worry about the house, they can live more comfortably." Xiao Zhang explained.

Xiao Wang was silent for a moment, and a hint of determination flashed in his eyes. "Perhaps, we can also consider such a lifestyle."

In the following days, Xiao Wang began to have an in-depth understanding of the "three noes" life. He found that young people who choose this lifestyle are not without pressure, but they know how to adjust their mindset and find the little things in life. They no longer work hard for the house, but devote more time and energy to the things they are interested in, such as traveling, studying, socializing, etc.

Young choices under crazy housing prices: no marriage, no child, no house

Xiao Wang also began to try to change his life. He no longer made buying a house his only goal in life, but began to pay attention to his inner needs. He learned to relax and enjoy every moment of his life. He began to try to communicate with different people and expand his horizons. He found that such a life, although simple, was full of fun and meaning.

However, Xiao Wang's choice was not understood by everyone. His parents often advised him: "If you don't get married, don't have children, and don't buy a house, what will you do in the future?" But Xiao Wang always replied with a smile: "Mom and Dad, I believe that I can find my own happiness." ”

Time passed slowly, and Xiao Wang's life gradually changed. He is no longer anxious about housing prices, but puts more energy into work and life. His career gradually improved, and his life became more colorful. He began to make more friends and share each other's stories and experiences with them. He found that such a life made him more fulfilled and satisfied.

With the passage of time, the "three noes" lifestyle has gradually become popular among young people. More and more young people are beginning to realize that life is not just about buying a house and getting married, but also about pursuing their dreams and happiness. They are no longer bound by conventional ideas and are brave enough to pursue the life they want.

Of course, choosing the "three noes" lifestyle does not mean giving up responsibility and responsibility. These young people are still interested in social development and public welfare, and they contribute to society in their own way. They have proved with their practical actions that they can live a full and meaningful life even if they don't get married, have children, or buy a house.

Young choices under crazy housing prices: no marriage, no child, no house

In this era of soaring housing prices, young people who choose the "three noes" lifestyle may become a clear stream. They use their choices and actions to tell us that there are countless possibilities in life, and as long as we are brave enough to try and pursue, we will definitely find our own happiness.