
There are three types of hepatitis B, which one are you? Master the 3 no's principle to prevent hepatitis B from developing into liver failure

author:Sharp-eyed life

Hey, friends, I'm here to talk to you about Uncle Zhang's story today. Uncle Zhang is a retired worker, and his body is usually quite tough, but recently he always feels that his body is wrong, he has no energy, and his appetite is not good. He went to the hospital for a check-up and was told by the doctor that it might be hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B is not a joke, there are three types of hepatitis B, depending on which one you have. Uncle Zhang chuckled in his heart, not knowing what his situation was.

There are three types of hepatitis B, which one are you? Master the 3 no's principle to prevent hepatitis B from developing into liver failure

The doctor said that don't worry, mastering the "3 no's" - not exerting, not drinking, and not indiscriminately using drugs can effectively prevent hepatitis B from developing into liver failure.

Uncle Zhang listened to it and felt a little more steady, but he still wanted to know his specific situation. The doctor said that the next step would be further tests. Guess what kind of hepatitis B Uncle Zhang will have? Let's move on!


Hepatitis B: Understanding the Disease and Protecting Your Health

Hepatitis B is a term that we are not unfamiliar with. There may be hepatitis B patients in your life, and this disease is quite common in the mainland and cannot be ignored. For the sake of our own health, we should take the initiative to learn about this disease.

There are three types of hepatitis B, which one are you? Master the 3 no's principle to prevent hepatitis B from developing into liver failure

Typology and symptoms

Acute hepatitis B: the course of the disease is 2~4 months, divided into jaundice type and non-jaundice type.

Jaundice type: slow onset, accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms, such as oil aversion, loss of appetite, etc., and the recovery period takes 2~4 months.

Non-jaundice type: mild or no symptoms, mostly found on physical examination or other examinations, easy to turn chronic.

Cholestasis: presents with intrahepatic obstructive jaundice with mild gastrointestinal symptoms that persist for several months.

Chronic hepatitis B: The course of the disease is more than 6 months, and it can be divided into chronic persistent hepatitis and chronic active hepatitis.

Chronic persistent hepatitis: mild symptoms, mild liver damage, polynomial manifestations of single ALT fluctuations, etc.

Chronic active hepatitis: severe symptoms, such as liver disease, spider angiomas, etc., significant liver damage, and persistent elevation of ALT.

There are three types of hepatitis B, which one are you? Master the 3 no's principle to prevent hepatitis B from developing into liver failure

The "three noes" principle for hepatitis B carriers

Do not touch toxic substances: Avoid ingesting toxins, such as alcohol and other toxic substances, to avoid burdening the liver.

Do not delay the timing of treatment: Check the condition of hepatitis B regularly, and seek medical attention in time if there are abnormal or adverse symptoms to avoid delays in treatment.

Do not stop treatment casually: For patients who are receiving treatment, do not blindly stop the drug, and follow the doctor's instructions and return to the doctor on time.


Regular check-ups: Hepatitis B carriers should have regular check-ups to keep abreast of their condition.

Hepatitis B is a disease that needs to be taken seriously, and patients and carriers should strengthen their understanding of the disease, follow the doctor's instructions, have regular check-ups, and do a good job of self-care to protect their health.

There are three types of hepatitis B, which one are you? Master the 3 no's principle to prevent hepatitis B from developing into liver failure

Dangers of hepatitis B and precautions

Hepatitis B is a viral hepatitis caused by the hepatitis B virus and poses a serious threat to human health. Patients carrying the virus can not only easily cause their own liver disease, but also spread it to others, causing epidemic infectious diseases. Therefore, it is important to prevent hepatitis B.

Dangers of hepatitis B

After the hepatitis B virus invades the human body, it can cause acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and other diseases. Patients often present with symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, and jaundice, which seriously affect the quality of life and even endanger life.

There are three types of hepatitis B, which one are you? Master the 3 no's principle to prevent hepatitis B from developing into liver failure

Precautionary measures

Vaccination: The hepatitis B vaccine is the most effective way to prevent hepatitis B, and being fully vaccinated can effectively reduce the risk of infection.

Avoid high-risk behaviors: Avoid high-risk behaviors such as sexual activity and blood contact to reduce the chance of infection.

Healthy lifestyle: Develop good lifestyle habits, get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and strengthen your body's immunity.

Regular physical examination: Go to the hospital regularly for hepatitis B-related examinations to detect and treat hepatitis B virus carriers in a timely manner.

There are three types of hepatitis B, which one are you? Master the 3 no's principle to prevent hepatitis B from developing into liver failure

How hepatitis B is transmitted

Hepatitis B is mainly transmitted through blood, sexual contact, and mother-to-child transmission. Therefore, it is important to avoid contact with the source of infection in daily life, such as avoiding the use of unsterilized syringes and not sharing toothbrushes with infected people.

Although hepatitis B is serious, with the right preventive measures, you can effectively reduce the risk of infection and protect the health of yourself and your family.

Hepatitis B is a serious infectious disease that poses a threat to human health. Each of us should raise awareness of prevention, take effective measures to prevent infection, and protect the health of ourselves and others.

There are three types of hepatitis B, which one are you? Master the 3 no's principle to prevent hepatitis B from developing into liver failure

At the same time, for patients who have been infected, treating the disease correctly and actively cooperating with the doctor's treatment can improve the recovery rate, reduce the pain, and return to a healthy life. Let's join hands to fight against hepatitis B and work hard for health!

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