
"Medical case" stubborn acne is difficult to eradicate? A sparse table to reduce the fire of the party, drive away the acne, refuse to repeat

author:Professor Li Zhongyu of Chinese medicine skin

There are two key types of symptoms:

One is inflammatory affected areas, including papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts, which make the skin uneven; The other is a non-inflammatory area, often referred to as blackheads and whiteheads.

Root causes of acne:

1. Lungs are heated by wind

Pimples on the sides of the nose and forehead are most closely related to the lungs, and lung fire can be cleared by gua sha on the back.

2. Dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach

Most acne comes from the disharmony of the spleen and stomach, and people who belong to the damp and hot constitution must dispel dampness and clear heat; But for people with cold and damp physique, it is necessary to warm the spleen and promote dampness.

3. Phlegm and stasis are intertwined

Excessive intake of salt and greasy foods can easily produce phlegm dampness, which leads to the formation of nodules and cysts, making acne unable to calm down. Therefore, it is essential to control the intake of salty and greasy foods in the diet to avoid the formation of phlegm and dampness.

4. Chong Ren's qi and blood imbalance

Acne on the cheeks can be a sign of poor circulation of qi and blood throughout the body or inflammation of the lungs. This kind of acne mostly occurs in the dry season in autumn and can cause discomfort such as dry cough, itchy throat, sore throat, and phlegm.

"Medical case" stubborn acne is difficult to eradicate? A sparse table to reduce the fire of the party, drive away the acne, refuse to repeat

Peng, female, 47 years old. First visit on March 20, 2018.

Chief complaint: Acne recurrent for 2 to 3 years.

Diagnosis: the face is densely covered with papules, nodules, cysts, redness, swelling, pain and itching, has taken Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine for many times, the effect is not good, it is easy to repeat, the symptoms have worsened in the past six months, menstruation has been interrupted for 3 months and accompanied by hot and sweaty hands and feet, dry mouth and weak mouth, food can be eaten, the stool is dry first and then soft, it is difficult to sleep at night, the tongue is red and the moss is thin and yellow, and the ulnar part of the pulse is thin and weak.

Treat the kidneys and reduce fire, soothe the surface and promote dampness, clear heat and cool the blood and dissolve blood stasis.

"Medical case" stubborn acne is difficult to eradicate? A sparse table to reduce the fire of the party, drive away the acne, refuse to repeat

Prescription: Ligustrum ligustrum, Lotus ligustrum, Radix radix, Rehmannia radix, Lily, Danpi, Red Paeonia, Comfrey, Honeysuckle, Fritillary, Smallpox pollen, Raw oyster, White fresh skin, Mulberry white bark, Lotus seed, Yam, Poria cocos bark, White grass root, Coptis chinensis, Cinnamon, Jujube kernel.

14 doses, 1 dose per day, decoction divided into 2 doses. Keep your face clean.

After taking the drug for 2 weeks, the facial itching was significantly reduced, the skin lesions improved, no new rash appeared, and the dry mouth was reduced.

After taking it for 4 weeks, the facial acne basically disappeared after the follow-up, the skin gradually smoothed, the dry mouth and hot sweating were significantly reduced, the hands and feet were slightly cold, the sleep was unstable, the morning was tired, the stool was dry, the tongue was red and thin, and the pulse was thin.

"Medical case" stubborn acne is difficult to eradicate? A sparse table to reduce the fire of the party, drive away the acne, refuse to repeat

Adjust the prescription and treat it from the perspectives of benefiting the kidney and strengthening the spleen, calming the heart and calming the nerves, cooling the blood and removing blood stasis.

The patient continued to take the drug for half a month, and although the facial acne still existed, it had become significantly smaller and reduced, no longer growing new ones, and the stool was normal.

The acne has basically dissipated, sleep and menstruation are normal, and the overall condition of the body is significantly better than before. At present, the drug has been discontinued for 2 months, and the patient reported that the acne did not recur.

"Medical case" stubborn acne is difficult to eradicate? A sparse table to reduce the fire of the party, drive away the acne, refuse to repeat

Acne is known in Chinese medicine as "acne", "pimples", "lung wind acne", "facial blisters", etc. "Surgical Qixuan" records: "The lungs are affected by wind heat or twisted face wind, causing acne, and the cover is also affected by dampness and heat", emphasizing that the disease is caused by a combination of internal and external factors, that is, the outside is affected by wind evil and the inside is damp.

In this case, Peng Mou, a woman who was seventy-seven years old, had kidney yin deficiency and kidney water internal friction, Yuan Zhu Danxi's "Gezhiyu Treatise on Phase Fire": "(Phase fire) torments the true yin, and yin deficiency is sick." ”

"Medical case" stubborn acne is difficult to eradicate? A sparse table to reduce the fire of the party, drive away the acne, refuse to repeat

One is unable to bear the fire of the heart, so that the heart and yang are only hyperactive, and the five heart irritations, insomnia, and red tongue appear;

Second, the water does not contain wood, the yin does not control the yang, the liver yang turns into wind, the liver yang is hyperactive, and there are symptoms such as hot sweating, irritability, hot flashes, and red face;

The three yin deficiency and fire are scorching into stasis and phlegm stagnation, coupled with overtreatment and mistreatment, yang qi is depressed, dampness and stasis stops gathering, meridians are blocked, and they are blocked in Xuanfu, and then acne recurs. As the Neijing says, "If you don't follow the camp qi, you will go against the flesh, and you will have carbuncles."

"Medical case" stubborn acne is difficult to eradicate? A sparse table to reduce the fire of the party, drive away the acne, refuse to repeat

The first diagnosis prescription is in the raw land, Xuanshen - nourishing yin, nourishing yin and reducing fire;

Lily - nourishes the heart and lungs, so that the left position of gold is used to collect the effect of gold and wood;

Smallpox pollen - clears the heat of the lungs and stomach, and quenches thirst;

Oysters are salty and cold - lead the fire downward, so that the heat does not become inflamed and the burning liquid is eliminated, and it can sweat and calm the shock

Danpi, red peony, comfrey - further clear heat and cool blood, and at the same time detoxify and dissipate carbuncles.

Honeysuckle, large fritillary, mulberry white skin, white fresh skin - Xuan heat clears the lungs, diarrhea lungs, and attracts evil spirits from the skin epidermis;

Lotus seeds, yam - nourishing qi and nourishing yin, and tonifying the lungs, spleen and kidneys, these medicines are peaceful, with a flat period, and the acquired to nourish the congenital.

Coptis chinensis, cinnamon - water and fire in the period of Jiaotai are both yin and yang

Sour jujube kernel - nourishes the liver and calms the nerves.

The combination of various medicines regulates yin and yang, and the five organs are in the same tone, not forgetting to coerce and treat both the symptoms and the root causes.

"Medical case" stubborn acne is difficult to eradicate? A sparse table to reduce the fire of the party, drive away the acne, refuse to repeat

"Where the ruffian is strong, there must be Fuyang", local skin stasis and heat, and dampness lingers, so it causes acne to come and go. Although acne is a disease that grows on the surface of the skin, it is a reaction to the internal problems of the body, the accumulation of toxins in the body, and the discharge of toxins through the way of skin acne, which is a manifestation of toxin outward.