
Feeling dry mouth before bed? Don't always think it's a lack of water or an "alarm" for the disease

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Another night, I was lying in bed and my mouth felt like a desert."

Wang Daming's nightly troubles began to be like a rerun of an old movie, with the same plot and unquenchable thirst. He was a busy accountant who had to deal with a lot of numbers and statements during the day and an insatiable thirst at night.

Feeling dry mouth before bed? Don't always think it's a lack of water or an "alarm" for the disease

This has been going on for months. At first, Wang Daming thought it might be because he didn't drink enough water during the day, so he began to increase his water intake, and even tried to drink warm water at night, hoping to relieve this thirst.

However, this method doesn't seem to help much, and the feeling of dryness still lingers in the dead of night.

In desperation, Wang Daming decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination to see if there were any health problems that caused the condition.

Feeling dry mouth before bed? Don't always think it's a lack of water or an "alarm" for the disease

At the hospital, he met Dr. Gao, a veteran of internal medicine. After listening to the description of his condition, Dr. Gao decided to arrange several tests for him, including blood and urine tests, as well as some necessary endocrine function tests.

After the test results came out, Dr. Gao found that Wang Daming's blood sugar level was slightly high, and the uric acid level in his blood was also exceeded. The abnormality of these two indicators caught the attention of Dr. Gao.

Feeling dry mouth before bed? Don't always think it's a lack of water or an "alarm" for the disease

He explained that while Wang's symptoms may look like sheer thirst, they could actually be a sign of prediabetes, while high uric acid may point to the risk of gout.

Dr. Gao further said that in prediabetes, the body's response to insulin is not very good, which makes blood sugar control difficult.

If the blood sugar is high, the body will draw water out of the cells in order to dilute the sugar in the blood, resulting in a lack of water in the cells, which makes people feel particularly thirsty.

Feeling dry mouth before bed? Don't always think it's a lack of water or an "alarm" for the disease

As for high uric acid, it is because uric acid accumulates too much in the body and forms crystals, which may not only cause gout, but also harm the kidneys and affect the body's regulation of water, which will also make you feel thirsty.

Based on these findings, Dr. Gao advised Wang to adjust his diet, reduce the intake of high-sugar and high-purine foods, increase low-fat, high-fiber foods, and recommend that he do moderate exercise to help improve insulin sensitivity and promote uric acid excretion.

Feeling dry mouth before bed? Don't always think it's a lack of water or an "alarm" for the disease

In addition to this, Dr. Gao also prescribed him some medications to regulate blood sugar and uric acid to help control these two indicators.

After a few months, Wang Daming adjusted his lifestyle according to the doctor's instructions, and he found that his thirst level had improved significantly, and he felt more relaxed overall.

Feeling dry mouth before bed? Don't always think it's a lack of water or an "alarm" for the disease

During the follow-up, his wife, Ms. Liu, said to Dr. Gao, "Doctor, do you think Daming still needs to continue to take blood sugar control drugs?" His condition has improved dramatically. ”

Dr. Gao replied with a smile: "Ms. Liu, Daming's improvement is indeed very good. However, we need to constantly monitor his blood sugar and uric acid levels to make sure everything is under control.

Feeling dry mouth before bed? Don't always think it's a lack of water or an "alarm" for the disease

Although his lifestyle adjustment is very good, he still needs to continue taking medication for the time being, and we can adjust it after a period of time according to his condition. Medications and lifestyle changes go hand in hand, and stopping the medication now may allow the condition to rebound. ”

Ms. Liu nodded, satisfied with Dr. Gao's explanation. Dr. Ko continues, "It's important to know that lifestyle modification is a long-term process, especially for the management of prediabetes and hyperuricemia.

Feeling dry mouth before bed? Don't always think it's a lack of water or an "alarm" for the disease

Our goal is not only to control the symptoms, but also to fundamentally improve the metabolic health of Daming. In this way, his overall health can be continuously guaranteed. ”

Through this treatment and adjustment, both Wang Daming and Ms. Liu have learned how to manage chronic diseases through comprehensive management.

They understand that health is not just a temporary relief from illness, but an ongoing, integrated process that involves diet, exercise, medication and regular check-ups.

Feeling dry mouth before bed? Don't always think it's a lack of water or an "alarm" for the disease

Dr. Gao's advice is not just about prescribing the right medicine, but educating patients on how to live healthier lives and how to make treatment a part of their daily routine.

This approach emphasizes the importance of prevention and allows Wang to be more confident about his health.

What do you think about always having a dry mouth before bed? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Feeling dry mouth before bed? Don't always think it's a lack of water or an "alarm" for the disease

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