
The 53-year-old aunt eats preserved eggs every day, and a year later she went to the hospital for a physical examination

author:Brother Qiao's health miscellaneous

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Lin Juan felt uncomfortable, she staggered in the kitchen, looking at the black and green preserved eggs, and muttered a little in her heart: "Can this thing really be eaten every day?" ”

Lin Juan is a busy middle school history teacher, and her daily work pressure is huge, and she always feels that she needs to add something special to strengthen her physique. Her friend once recommended preserved eggs to her, saying that this thing can strengthen the body.

Things have to start a year ago, when Lin Juan had just passed her fifty-third birthday, and because she has always maintained good living habits, her health has been good.

The 53-year-old aunt eats preserved eggs every day, and a year later she went to the hospital for a physical examination

Seeing on the Internet that eating preserved eggs can improve the body's ability to resist stress, at first she only ate one or two occasionally, but soon after, she found that the unique taste of preserved eggs made her addicted, and gradually, she ate at least three or four a day.

The 53-year-old aunt eats preserved eggs every day, and a year later she went to the hospital for a physical examination

After eating preserved eggs for a year, Lin Juan began to feel unwell. The first is that problems with her digestive system begin to occur, she often feels upset in her stomach and sometimes nausea.

The 53-year-old aunt eats preserved eggs every day, and a year later she went to the hospital for a physical examination

This bothered her a lot, because she had always had a good appetite and had never had a problem. Her sleep quality also deteriorated, and she often woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't concentrate in class the next day.

As these symptoms intensified, Lin Juan finally decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination. The results shocked her, and the doctor told her that her cholesterol and uric acid levels were on the high side, which was likely related to her long-term consumption of preserved eggs.

The 53-year-old aunt eats preserved eggs every day, and a year later she went to the hospital for a physical examination

The doctor explained that although the lead content in preserved eggs is within the safe range, long-term consumption of large amounts may still have adverse effects on human health. In addition, the high sodium in preserved eggs may also cause Lin Juan's high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems.

The 53-year-old aunt eats preserved eggs every day, and a year later she went to the hospital for a physical examination

Lin Juan was very surprised when she heard this, she never thought that her health problems were related to the breakfast every day.

The doctor advised her to stop eating preserved eggs immediately and adjust her diet to eat more vegetables and fruits, and reduce greasy and high-protein foods. At the same time, the doctor also developed an exercise plan for her, hoping to help her recover.

The 53-year-old aunt eats preserved eggs every day, and a year later she went to the hospital for a physical examination

The doctor's advice to Lin Juan: Insist on running every day and go for a walk in the park after dinner to help her better resist fatigue and work pressure.

After a few months, Lin Juan felt that her changes were very obvious. She recovered well and was refreshed during class. Her students have noticed the changes in her and have complimented her on how young and energetic she looks. Lin Juan herself also felt much more relaxed, her appetite was better, and she didn't feel any discomfort before.

The 53-year-old aunt eats preserved eggs every day, and a year later she went to the hospital for a physical examination

However, Lin Juan's change is not only in appearance and spirit, her health indicators have also improved significantly. The doctor praised her and said, "Mr. Lin, your physical condition is now many times better than a year ago!" Your efforts are really very effective. ”

The 53-year-old aunt eats preserved eggs every day, and a year later she went to the hospital for a physical examination

At this time, Lin Juan realized that a healthy lifestyle was more important. She began to share her experience with her students in the classroom, encouraging them to develop good habits from an early age.

This tells us that no food is a panacea, and that eating a moderate and balanced diet is the key to maintaining good health. At the same time, regular medical check-ups and communication with professional doctors are also very important to help us detect and correct wrong lifestyle habits in time and avoid small mistakes.

The 53-year-old aunt eats preserved eggs every day, and a year later she went to the hospital for a physical examination

At the end of the story, Lin Juan's daughter Xiaomei met the doctor who had examined Lin Juan before at the entrance of the hospital, and she asked curiously: "Doctor, why did my mother eat so many preserved eggs before, why would it cause her so many physical problems?" ”

The 53-year-old aunt eats preserved eggs every day, and a year later she went to the hospital for a physical examination

The doctor replied, "Xiaomei, although preserved eggs are our traditional delicacy, they are high in sodium and lead. Although the content of lead in each preserved egg is controlled within food safety standards, if it is consumed in large quantities for a long time, the accumulation of lead in the body will exceed the standard, which may affect liver and kidney function. A balanced diet is the key, eat preserved eggs in moderation, eat more vegetables and fruits, in order to maintain good health. ”

What do you think about eating preserved eggs? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 53-year-old aunt eats preserved eggs every day, and a year later she went to the hospital for a physical examination

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