
Unexpectedly, my son asked me about my pension, and I was about to say 6,000, but my wife preemptively said that it was only 2,000 yuan




(Note: This article is purely fictional, if you have similar experiences, it is purely coincidental, please read it sensibly)

My name is Li Xing, 60 years old this year, I just completed the retirement procedures and officially retired a year ago, I was still a small leader when I worked in the unit, so the pension is not bad, I can have nearly 6,000 yuan a month, and I can have 4,000 yuan a month after removing the loan.

This is already a lot, and my wife, who retired three years earlier, now has a pension of more than 3,000.

I'm very happy, even after retirement, my wife and I have not lost much of our monthly income, I don't like to drink and socialize, I like to go fishing when I have nothing to do, but before I retired I was a leader in the unit, and I couldn't sit in my seat and not do practical things.

So I don't go fishing very often, but now it's different, I have time to go fishing every day, and I have made a lot of fishing friends during this time, and sometimes we have a few small talks together.

Unexpectedly, my son asked me about my pension, and I was about to say 6,000, but my wife preemptively said that it was only 2,000 yuan

Since we fishing friends are basically the same age and have just retired, the topics we talk about are nothing more than children, wives, physical conditions, pensions, etc.

I love to show off, when it comes to the children and wives of the family, I am very proud to introduce to the fishing friends, and after speaking, I will show off to the fishing friends that I and my wife's body has been very good, and the food is fragrant.

But whenever someone mentions my pension, I am silent, I don't say anything if people don't ask, and if someone asks about me, I say that I don't have much to do, and it's just more than 2,000, which is enough for me and my wife to spend every month.

In fact, every time I talk about this topic, I can't help but want to show off to others, this is because my wife entrusts me, after all, wealth is not exposed, of course, this is only one aspect, and the main reason is that I don't want my son to know.

After receiving the pension for the first time after retirement, my wife gave me a death order: I can't let anyone other than my wife know how much my pension is, especially not my son.

Unexpectedly, my son asked me about my pension, and I was about to say 6,000, but my wife preemptively said that it was only 2,000 yuan

Although I don't quite understand why my wife did this, out of trust in living together for so many years, I agreed to my wife's request, claiming that I was demoted because of a work mistake before retirement, and now my pension is less than 3,000 a month.

Many of my friends were afraid that it would make me sad if it spread the news, so my son, who was not far from my wife and me, had not heard the news until now, and thought that I was not retired.

Until last month, my son suddenly called me and asked my wife and me to go to his house for a meal in the evening, and my daughter-in-law made a big table of delicious food waiting for us.

I thought that my son finally knew to honor us and happily agreed to my son's request, but my wife kept reminding me to keep my mouth shut and not say a word that I shouldn't say.

Speaking of our son, from his birth to his marriage and childbirth, we have always cared for him, and our son has never let him suffer when he was a child.

When his grandparents were there, they spoiled him very much, didn't let me and my wife educate him, and often protected him, so that we couldn't educate him when he was young, and when his grandparents died, our son was about to become an adult, and we couldn't say anything about him.

Fortunately, his son studied well and was admitted to university, and after he graduated from college, he wandered in the big city for several years, but he didn't come out of it, and finally had to return to his hometown in disgrace.

I found him a decent job in my hometown, but he was tired and tired for a while, and he hated the low salary for him, and he kept arguing with my wife and me, asking me to find him another easy job.

Unexpectedly, my son asked me about my pension, and I was about to say 6,000, but my wife preemptively said that it was only 2,000 yuan

The conscience of heaven and earth, he is my own son, how can there be a father who pits his son? This job has been opened a lot in our small county, more than 5,000 a month, and there is still room for appreciation.

If I hadn't entrusted a lot of relationships, I might not have been able to arrange this job for him, my son was so angry that I ignored him for three months, and in the end, my wife couldn't stand it, so I had to ask my son to apologize to me before it was over.

Although it has passed, it has been stuck in my heart like a thorn.

My son has been working in my hometown for two years, and seeing that my son is already 27 or 8 years old, my wife and I can't help but worry about our son's marriage, and arrange many blind dates for him, and my son always uses various reasons to say that he doesn't look down on others.

In the end, it may be that we are a little annoyed, he really found a girlfriend, the two got along for more than a year and finally talked about marriage, my wife and I are very happy, although the woman's family requirements are a little excessive, but I can't stand my son is really like.

My wife and I gritted our teeth and bought a house for our son, afraid that he would have the pressure to repay the mortgage, so we divided the mortgage for ten years and carried it on us, and gave him the bride price money, and finally let our son get married.

Unexpectedly, my son asked me about my pension, and I was about to say 6,000, but my wife preemptively said that it was only 2,000 yuan

After our son got married, we relaxed for a while, but as my daughter-in-law became pregnant, my wife often went to take care of my daughter-in-law.

When her grandson was born, her wife was also retiring, so she thought about helping to take care of the child and reduce the burden on her son and daughter-in-law, but she didn't expect that she was considerate of her son and daughter-in-law, but they were not considerate of her wife.

After the birth of the grandson, the daughter-in-law doesn't care about anything, the work of the family is handed over to the wife, and the wife's pension is spent on the son's house every month.

When I called my mother-in-law, I always said how bad her mother-in-law was, and my wife heard it several times, and my wife was very angry, but she was afraid that her son and daughter-in-law would not take good care of her grandson, so she endured it.

It wasn't until last year that her grandson went to kindergarten that she didn't go to her son's house much.

On the way to my son's house this time, my wife repeatedly told me not to tell me what my real pension was.

When we arrived at my son's house, as soon as I entered the house, I saw that the table was full of food, and my son welcomed us into the house warmly when he saw us coming.

Unexpectedly, my son asked me about my pension, and I was about to say 6,000, but my wife preemptively said that it was only 2,000 yuan

We hadn't eaten with my son for a long time, and I even drank a little wine because I was happy, but halfway through the meal, my son asked me if I was retired.

When I heard my son's question, I felt very embarrassed, and I had been retired for several months before I remembered to ask me if I had retired, and it seemed that the next sentence was to ask me what my pension was.

As I expected, my son asked me directly: "Dad, how much is your pension a month?" ”

I said directly to my son, "It's not much, it's more than 2,000 yuan but less than 3,000 yuan." ”

The son expressed disbelief and said, "Can't you?" I remember that my Uncle Zhang's pension was nearly 4,000 yuan. ”

Then he looked at me with suspicious eyes, although I was a little weak, but when I thought of my wife's explanation, I continued: "That's right, I made a mistake before I retired, and my position was removed, and now I open a pension for ordinary employees." ”

At this time, my wife also followed my words and said: "Your father and I almost emptied the family to buy this house for you a few years ago in order to marry you, and I am afraid that you will have pressure to repay the mortgage, we are helping you repay the mortgage all these years, and your father has not made much money because of mistakes in the past two years, you can see if you can repay the mortgage yourself?" ”

When my daughter-in-law heard what my wife and I were talking about, her smiling face suddenly grew up, as if someone owed her hundreds of thousands.

After that, there was no sound of conversation at the dinner table, and the daughter-in-law took the lead in getting up and saying that she had finished eating, and then went out with her grandson.

Unexpectedly, my son asked me about my pension, and I was about to say 6,000, but my wife preemptively said that it was only 2,000 yuan

At this time, my son finally said the purpose of inviting us: he and his daughter-in-law wanted us to contribute some money to ease the burden of their family's expenses.

The son said that he and his daughter-in-law didn't have much money in their hands, and their grandson was about to go to elementary school, so there were a lot of places to use the money, so could they help them.

I looked at my son like this, and I originally wanted to give them some help, but when I thought that my wife and I were still repaying the loan to our son, in case my wife and I had an illness or a disaster in the future, we would also need money, so I didn't say anything in the end.

Until my wife and I left my son's house, my son did not give up, and kept asking me if the pension was really only more than 2,000, and I confirmed again and again that my daughter-in-law also came back with the child.

yelled directly at his son and daughter-in-law: The house you got married is still the loan that the two of us gave you, not only are you two grateful to us, but you also want to hollow out the two of us? If you want to say that your family is in difficulty, you two have a salary of more than 10,000 yuan a month, and it is not a problem to have four or five thousand a month after excluding expenses.

So why are you still short of money? Do you really think the two of us don't know? You pay your parents-in-law every month, saying that you are honoring the elderly in the family, and you give thousands a month, when did you pay us?

If you're so good, how can you get your parents?

I yelled out all the unhappiness of the past few years, and left my son's house with my wife.

Before leaving, I glanced back at my son and daughter-in-law, and found that their faces were red and white, and then I walked home satisfied.

On the way home, my wife kept praising me, saying that it should have been like this a long time ago.

Unexpectedly, my son asked me about my pension, and I was about to say 6,000, but my wife preemptively said that it was only 2,000 yuan

Through this incident, I also understood that my son is not reliable at all, and we are not old enough to think about taking money out of us, and when we are old, we may just kick us away.

When I got home, I discussed with my wife to let my son repay the loan by himself, and my wife agreed to my proposal very much.

So my wife called my son to inform him of this and blocked my son and daughter-in-law, and then I went out on a trip with my wife, and when we came back, it was already a month later.

I heard from the neighbors that our son and daughter-in-law came the day after we went on a trip, but we didn't leave at home.

This more than a month of travel has also made me understand a lot of things, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and we have done all the things that parents should do.

The son may realize his mistakes, should not say this about his parents, and when we come back from traveling, the son came to apologize in person, and told us that it is not easy to understand us as parents, in the end, it is our own children, we forgave our son, but we also want to watch, and when we are old, we do not have to have a son to provide for us, and we can't make trouble for our children when we are old.

Do you think I'm doing the right thing?

(The story in this article comes from life, but it is higher than life, please read it rationally.) )