
If you're 60 years old and still can't figure it out, then you might as well take a look at what I think

author:Unpretentious Sydney V

Born in 1965, I am 60 years old this year. The people around me envy me for living a transparent life, maybe, because I have really thought about it, and I have reached this age, what else can't I think of:

If you're 60 years old and still can't figure it out, then you might as well take a look at what I think

Health is the capital of the rest of your life

When you reach the age of 60, I advise you to start a business, and the first step I want to do is to remember to make sure that you are healthy.

On this basis, it is necessary to maintain good living habits and eating habits, do not smoke, do not drink, do not stay up late, especially do not hold electronic products all day long, and lie flat on the sofa all day long, which is absolutely not conducive to physical health.

In your spare time, you have to go out, even if you go to the park, sing, dance, play chess, play cards, in short, how to have fun.

Don't stay at home all day worrying and doing nothing, do everything that is good for your health, do it positively.

Remember to go out in the sun, replenish calcium, find a way of exercise that suits you, and stick to it consistently, instead of fishing for three days and drying nets for two days.

Remember to soak your feet before going to bed every day to promote blood circulation and promote health and longevity.

In terms of diet, it is more important to pay attention to the digestive function gradually weakening as you get older, so you should eat foods that are easy to digest.

But don't eat foods high in salt, oil, and sugar to reduce the "three highs" and avoid the occurrence of chronic diseases.

If you want to have a quality of life in your later years, you must ensure your good health, eat eight points full at every meal, and don't overeat.

Remember to eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits to ensure adequate nutrition and good health.

At the same time, it is also important to remember that regular medical check-ups are aimed at early detection of diseases, early symptomatic treatment, and prevention of diseases in the bud.

Health first, everything else is zero, with health there is everything, health is the capital of the rest of life.

If you're 60 years old and still can't figure it out, then you might as well take a look at what I think

Don't be overly frugal

At the age of 60, the wax head is not high, and the rest of your life is not long, so don't be harsh on yourself anymore, and don't be too frugal anymore.

Anything that is conducive to your own health, do it to your heart's content, eat and drink, and don't put anything in your heart, you can only feel that life is enjoyable if you want to open and see.

If the money is spent on yourself, it is called money, otherwise it is called a piece of waste paper.

Even if they leave a mountain of gold and silver to their children, they won't appreciate it, they haven't lived well in their lives, so why do they care so much?

If the economic conditions allow, then you can help a group of children, of course, you can't sit idly by and ignore them, if you can't protect yourself, just take care of yourself.

Don't meddle in things

When people reach old age, age is not valuable, and they have no right to speak. With the progress of society, the development of the times. Our inherent thinking is gradually being replaced by modern thinking.

So, just don't worry about idle things, and just take care of yourself wholeheartedly.

Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and it is rare to be confused with their children to pretend to be deaf and dumb and stupid.

Let the distance produce beauty, not to mention whether the beauty is beautiful or not, at least let us not worry about ourselves, this is the king.

If you're 60 years old and still can't figure it out, then you might as well take a look at what I think

Manage your money and maintain good relationships

When people get old, most people don't have the opportunity to continue working and earning money, so we must manage our own money well.

Don't give it to your children too early, as you get older, there are more and more places to use money, don't wait until we are in a hurry to use money and then open our mouths to ask our children, and then we will be passive.

Take care of your money and be in a good position. In addition to keeping their pension money, you must not be a miser, the gang still has to help a group of children, now the children are under a lot of pressure, rather than leaving the children a cold passbook after death, it is better to give them warm RMB when they are alive.

Remember that money is the key to all relationships.

Do whatever you want and live happily

At the age of 60, don't look ahead and think about the future, think about the east and the west, and live happily and happily.

Don't care what others think, what others think, go your own way and let others say it.

You don't have to look at anyone's face to live, you have to live according to your own wishes, for yourself.

There is no need to grieve yourself in order to cater to others, some meaningless social activities can be pushed away, because as you get older, your digestive function gradually weakens, and pushing a glass on the wine table can only harm your physical health, which is harmful and useless.

You don't have to care about face, face is not worth a penny, and your health is king.

Forget all your worries and enjoy every minute and every second of your life.

As you get older, you will find more and more that you are the only one who loves you the most in this world.

If you're 60 years old and still can't figure it out, then you might as well take a look at what I think

Love yourself well and make yourself happy every day

Life is for yourself, let those unhappy people and things stay away from yourself, coax yourself to be happy every day, and love yourself well.

To find your own hobbies and realize your dreams when you were young, you can go to the University for the Elderly to learn painting, calligraphy, and modeling.

Like my friend, every day like going to school, I go to the University for the Elderly to participate in the model walking catwalk, and I also go to various performances from time to time, I think this is called life.

The world is so big, remember to take a look, browse the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, taste the food of various places, feel the different customs and customs, and it is not in vain to come to the world to take a walk.

Love yourself for the rest of your life and make yourself happy every day.

In short, if you are also 60 years old and still can't think about it all day, then you might as well take a look at these thoughts of mine, I believe it will benefit you a lot.

If you're 60 years old and still can't figure it out, then you might as well take a look at what I think