
In 23 years, a 36-year-old woman took Xiaoyao Pill for half a year, just to eliminate breast nodules, what happened to her nodules?

author:Doctor Sanqin


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[3] Guan Qingxia, Yang Zhiping, Zhao Mengyao, et al. Research progress on pharmacology of Xiaoyao pill[J].Chinese Journal of Experimental Formulary

The incidence of breast nodules is high, ranging from 70% to 80% in the female population. In fact, as long as nodular lesions are found in the breast, breast nodules can be diagnosed. Depending on the grade of breast nodules, the rate of malignant transformation is different. In general, grades 1 to 2 are benign; Level 3 has the possibility of malignant transformation; The malignant transformation rate of grade 4A is 2%-5%, the malignant transformation rate of grade 4B is <20%, and the malignant transformation rate of grade 4C is about 50%; If it is a type 5 nodule, the malignant transformation rate is as high as about 50%.

In 2023, 36-year-old Zhou Hui is a designer who often needs to work overtime and stay up late to complete the design, in early March, at one o'clock in the morning, Zhou Hui seems to have stayed up late at home again to revise the work, and suddenly felt a dull pain in the socket between her two ribs, and when she is emotional, there will always be a moment of pain in her heart. When she mentioned this to her husband, her husband just touched her head and comforted: "You may have accidentally diverted your anger, and it will be fine after a while." ”

In 23 years, a 36-year-old woman took Xiaoyao Pill for half a year, just to eliminate breast nodules, what happened to her nodules?

So Zhou Hui didn't take this matter to heart, and by mid-March, Zhou Hui always felt that her breasts were swollen, as if she had stuffed something in, and it was accompanied by continuous pain, and it would be aggravated when she was in a bad mood or irritable. She thought it might be premenstrual breast tenderness and didn't pay much attention to it.

At the end of March, when Zhou Hui was quarreling with her husband, she suddenly felt very painful in her chest, feeling as if there were dozens of needles pierced in her chest, and her rib sockets also began to hurt.

After the doctor understood the basic situation, he gave Zhou Hui a breast physical examination, and found that there was a hard object the size of a soybean that could be pushed on her right breast. The doctor immediately arranged a breast ultrasound, and the results showed that the structural distribution of bilateral breast glands was disordered, the echo was uneven, the outer upper quadrant was significant, and a hypoechoic nodule was visible in the 9 o'clock direction of the right breast, with a size of about 0.8 cmx0.6 cmx0.5 cm, clear borders, regular morphology, BI-RADS grade 3, bilateral breast hyperplasia, and hypoechoic nodules in the right breast. These results all point to a diagnosis, which is breast nodules.

In 23 years, a 36-year-old woman took Xiaoyao Pill for half a year, just to eliminate breast nodules, what happened to her nodules?

Breast nodules can also be called breast lumps or lumps, and they can be normal glands, benign lumps, or tumors. Some breast nodules can be felt on their own, but others can only be visualized with the help of imaging. There are many causes of breast nodules, such as breast or breast infection, endocrine hormone level imbalance, emotional depression and irritability, etc., which lead to cancerous or non-cancerous growth of breast cells and the formation of nodules.

After reading the examination report, the doctor said to Zhou Hui seriously: "Your nodule needs to be paid great attention to, grade 3 breast nodules have the possibility of malignant transformation, and the pain symptoms are very serious when you are admitted to the hospital, we need to further investigate the possibility of malignant transformation of this nodule." ”

Hearing this, Zhou Hui's palms began to sweat, and her vision was blurred by tears, but she still stared at her inspection report and said tremblingly: "Malignant? Doctor, are you mistaken? The doctor still wanted to explain, but saw Zhou Hui stand up and hold her husband's arm tightly and said, "It must be a mistake, how can there be a malignant change?" When pigs fly! Her husband kept reassuring her to stay calm. Zhou Hui scolded angrily: "Calm down? How to calm down? How can you tell me to calm down! After a while, Zhou Hui sat down on the ground as if all her strength had been drained.

In 23 years, a 36-year-old woman took Xiaoyao Pill for half a year, just to eliminate breast nodules, what happened to her nodules?

Seeing that Zhou Hui's mood was not quite right, the doctor hurriedly explained: "The cancer rate of this breast nodule grade 3 is very small, and I just said that there is such a possibility, but this does not mean that it is cancer." Clinically, when there is a possibility of malignant transformation, no matter how small the probability is, we need to further examine and rule it out, even if there is a 1% chance that we must check. After hearing the doctor's explanation, Zhou Hui's mood eased slightly and she agreed to do further biopsy examinations.

A week later, a biopsy showed no cancerous tissue. Zhou Hui, who heard the news, finally put down the stone that was pressing on her heart, she excitedly took the report and looked at it again and again, and kept thanking the doctor incoherently. The doctor smiled and said, "It's nothing to thank me, it's just a test." Although it shows that it is benign, you still need to pay attention to regular check-ups. ”

Breast nodules are mostly benign in the third category, and it is generally recommended to do mammography and mammography regularly for 3-6 months, and if the nodules are found to be enlarged in the reexamination, or have reached category 4 or above, pathological biopsy is generally required. Most breast nodules are biopsied, that is, using a fine needle or a hollow core needle to puncture and remove pathological specimens from the diseased tissue, simply put, to puncture a small piece of flesh at the nodule for examination to observe whether there are cancerous cells.

In 23 years, a 36-year-old woman took Xiaoyao Pill for half a year, just to eliminate breast nodules, what happened to her nodules?

After Zhou Hui returned home, she still had lingering palpitations about this matter, so she went to the Internet to find various ways to eliminate nodules, and she learned that Xiaoyao Pill had a certain effect on the elimination of nodules, so she began to take Xiaoyao Pill every day. After taking Xiaoyao Pill for 2-3 months, she felt that the pain in her rib sockets was significantly reduced, the feeling of breast fullness was also reduced a lot, and the hard objects in her chest were not so painful to press.

Unknowingly, Zhou Hui has been taking Xiaoyao Pill for half a year, and at the beginning of October 2023, Zhou Hui found that she was always prone to sweating in the middle of the night recently, and even if she lay on the bed without a quilt on a cold day in October, she would sweat, and her palms and feet, and chest often felt very hot. The temper is also getting more and more irritable, and every time I will quarrel with my husband because of a little thing.

Zhou Hui's abnormality lasted until mid-October, when she became irritable again because of some dissatisfaction with her work, and slight pain began to appear in her ribs, which lasted for a long time, and the pain area has been changing, and only when she rubbed the painful part could it be slightly relieved.

In 23 years, a 36-year-old woman took Xiaoyao Pill for half a year, just to eliminate breast nodules, what happened to her nodules?

Thinking of her previous experience, Zhou Hui immediately came to the hospital for breast ultrasound, and the results showed that there was still a hypoechoic nodule in the direction of 9 o'clock on the right breast, with a size of about 0.9cmx0.6cmx0.7cm, clear borders, regular morphology, BI-RADS grade 3, bilateral breast hyperplasia, and hypoechoic nodules in the right breast.

After reading the report, the doctor said earnestly: "Compared with the previous size, your nodule has not only not decreased, but has also grown by 2-3cm. Zhou Hui couldn't believe it, she grabbed the report, carefully compared it and said, "Impossible!" I've been taking Xiaoyao pills for half a year! It's supposed to be smaller, but how can it be bigger? When the doctor heard this, he shook his head again and again and said, "You have made a mistake like most people, that is, you like to rush to the doctor." ”

Seeing that Zhou Hui was very puzzled, the doctor added: "Xiaoyao Pill may be useful at first, but later on, due to the different physique of each person, the development of the disease will be different, so continuing to take Xiaoyao Pill is not only useless, but may also aggravate the condition." Moreover, if your nodule continues to grow, it is very likely to reach a 4A nodule, at which point not only will the possibility of malignant transformation increase, but surgical removal may also be required.

In 23 years, a 36-year-old woman took Xiaoyao Pill for half a year, just to eliminate breast nodules, what happened to her nodules?

Zhou Hui heard that the blood in her whole body began to flow backwards, she really couldn't figure out that half a year's efforts not only did not make the nodules develop in a good direction, but also backfired, she began to break down and cry, her hands clenched into fists, her voice was hoarse, and she kept repeating: "Why is this happening?" ”。 After returning home, Zhou Hui did not give up, she began to collect a large number of cases of breast nodules, and analyzed and compared their methods of eliminating nodules, after half a year of practice, Zhou Hui came to the hospital again for re-examination.

The results showed that the nodules were only 0.1 mmx0.2 mmx0.5 mm, which shocked the doctors, for so many years, many patients with grade 3 breast nodules were mostly difficult to control the nodules, and finally had no choice but to choose mastectomy, but it is too rare for Zhou Hui to reduce the nodules again and again within half a year, and almost disappear. If her method is widely available, many women will not need to have mastectomy, and the incidence of breast cancer will be greatly reduced.

The doctor invited Zhou Hui to participate in the experience sharing conference on the treatment of breast nodules, and many patients asked her if there was any special method after hearing about Zhou Hui's experience. Zhou Hui happily shared at the conference: "In fact, it is very easy to eliminate breast nodules, and I don't have any special methods, as long as you can stick to these 4 methods, I think you can also see results soon." ”

In 23 years, a 36-year-old woman took Xiaoyao Pill for half a year, just to eliminate breast nodules, what happened to her nodules?

1. Soak honeysuckle, shallot, and coix seeds in water and drink. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to breast nodules as breast nucleus. The milk nucleus is mostly caused by liver depression and spleen deficiency, poor qi, and phlegm turbidity and coagulation. Traditional Chinese medicine generally uses traditional Chinese medicine to dissipate qi, strengthen the spleen, dispel dampness and dissolve phlegm. Honeysuckle can clear away heat and detoxify, prevent phlegm and depression and dissolve heat (that is, people commonly call "fire"); Shallot white can pass through the yang and disperse joints, conduct qi stagnation, drive the body's yang energy, and promote stagnant phlegm turbidity; Coix seed can strengthen the spleen and promote dampness, directly act on phlegm turbidity, and promote the dissipation of nodules from the root cause.

2. Run appropriately every day. Running can exercise cardiopulmonary function, improve one's own immunity, and promote blood circulation. Studies have shown that when running, the body secretes a hormone that promotes the production of positive emotions. At the same time, running can also effectively reduce stress and negative emotions, which is conducive to maintaining emotional comfort. In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, emotions have a great impact on the production of breast nodules, and when all one's emotions fluctuate too much, it will damage one's own internal organs, resulting in adverse symptoms such as poor qi. Therefore, maintaining a good mood is also the key to eliminating nodules.

In 23 years, a 36-year-old woman took Xiaoyao Pill for half a year, just to eliminate breast nodules, what happened to her nodules?

3. Regular review and self-testing. Breast nodules need to be checked regularly to know whether the nodules are enlarged, reduced, or even new. At the same time, regular follow-up examinations are also helpful to assess whether the breast nodule needs treatment or whether there is a possibility of malignant transformation. We can also observe whether the skin of the breast has changed, feel whether the size of the nodule has changed, and whether the breasts on both sides are symmetrical to judge the general situation of our breast nodules. This greatly reduces the likelihood of breast nodules heading towards adverse outcomes.

Fourth, do one and eight pieces of brocade every day. Baduanjin is a fitness method that combines physical movement and breathing regulation, promoting the flow of qi and blood throughout the body through gentle and slow movements, and at the same time, it can also regulate people's internal organs and spirit, playing a role in both spiritual and physical cultivation. Research data shows that long-term practice of Baduanjin can not only regulate the qi and blood of the whole body, but also regulate the body's immune system and enhance immunity.