
Light the lamp of wisdom and bloom the light of education - Fuhe Town 2024 Spring Young and Middle-aged Teachers Quality Course Competition Summary and Commendation Conference

author:Suizhou Forum

Suizhou Tribune News (correspondent Zhang Gaiping) learns and has no friends, so he is lonely and unheard; Diligent and communicative, erudite and wise. In order to further deepen the teaching reform, comprehensively improve the quality of education and teaching, strengthen the exchange and interaction of the Fuhe education community, and promote the growth of young teachers, on the morning of May 10, 2024, the Central School of Fuhe Town held a summary and commendation meeting of the high-quality course competition for young and middle-aged teachers in Fuhe Town in the conference room of Fuhe High School. This is a collision of wisdom and talent, and a harvest celebration after the hard work of young and middle-aged teachers.

Light the lamp of wisdom and bloom the light of education - Fuhe Town 2024 Spring Young and Middle-aged Teachers Quality Course Competition Summary and Commendation Conference
Light the lamp of wisdom and bloom the light of education - Fuhe Town 2024 Spring Young and Middle-aged Teachers Quality Course Competition Summary and Commendation Conference

Attending the meeting were Feng Jia'an, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Education in Fuhe Town and Principal of the Central School, Guo Yongping, Member of the General Party Branch of Education and Assistant to the Principal of the Central School, Sun Huaijun, Member of the General Party Branch of Education, Principals of Primary and Secondary Schools in Fuhe Town, Vice Principals in charge of Teaching and Young Teachers who have joined the company in the past three years. The meeting was presided over by Comrade Guo Yongping, assistant principal of the central school.

Light the lamp of wisdom and bloom the light of education - Fuhe Town 2024 Spring Young and Middle-aged Teachers Quality Course Competition Summary and Commendation Conference

The first item: the report of the competition

Principal Sun Huaijun explained the course activity, emphasized the significance of this activity, and made a comprehensive comment on each teacher's classroom, while affirming the hard work of the teachers, he also pointed out the shortcomings, and hoped that the young teachers would continue to grow in the "collision". Principal Sun also put forward ardent hopes for young teachers, hoping that young teachers will strive to establish morality and cultivate people. Schools should strengthen activities such as the "Blue Project" and "in-class teaching", new teachers should teach the "introductory course" well, and schools should help young teachers accelerate their growth. It is hoped that young teachers will learn more from excellent teachers, learn from famous teachers, study the new curriculum standards, actively participate in various teaching and research activities, grow rapidly in the training, and become the benchmark of Fuhe education.

Light the lamp of wisdom and bloom the light of education - Fuhe Town 2024 Spring Young and Middle-aged Teachers Quality Course Competition Summary and Commendation Conference

The second item: the representative of the award-winning teachers made a speech

Light the lamp of wisdom and bloom the light of education - Fuhe Town 2024 Spring Young and Middle-aged Teachers Quality Course Competition Summary and Commendation Conference

Teacher Liu Menglong, the teacher representative of Zhuotan Primary School, started from her own experience and shared her growth and progress in the past seven years, and it is her attitude of daring to challenge and the spirit of continuous innovation that have made her excellent today.

Teacher Wang Huijun, the representative of Fuhe High School Teacher, expressed his deep gratitude to the school for its careful training and platform. The school attaches great importance to the training of young teachers, and Ms. Wang also cherishes every opportunity to express herself.

Teacher Liu Qihui, the representative of Fuhe Town Primary School, talked about his experience from the aspects of teaching philosophy and teaching methods. Teachers, watering flowers and roots, educating people, and striving to conquer students with their professional knowledge, move students with their own cultivation, and influence students with their words and deeds.

Teacher Qin Xian, the representative of the teachers of the central school, encouraged all young teachers to pay hard and reap happiness with their own growth process. Maple does not go through frost and leaves are not red, growth is a bittersweet and happy process, cherish the opportunity, dare to try. At the same time, I am grateful for the platform built by the school and the help given by my colleagues.

Item 3: Award Ceremony

Xu Kebo, Executive Vice President of the Central School, presented awards to the award-winning teachers of Mathematics.

Light the lamp of wisdom and bloom the light of education - Fuhe Town 2024 Spring Young and Middle-aged Teachers Quality Course Competition Summary and Commendation Conference

Sun Huaijun, member of the General Party Branch of Education, presented awards to the award-winning teachers of the comprehensive subject.

Light the lamp of wisdom and bloom the light of education - Fuhe Town 2024 Spring Young and Middle-aged Teachers Quality Course Competition Summary and Commendation Conference

Guo Yongping, assistant principal of the central school, presented awards to the winning teachers of English subjects.

Light the lamp of wisdom and bloom the light of education - Fuhe Town 2024 Spring Young and Middle-aged Teachers Quality Course Competition Summary and Commendation Conference

The principal of the Central School, Fung Ka On, presented awards to the award-winning teachers of the Chinese subject.

Light the lamp of wisdom and bloom the light of education - Fuhe Town 2024 Spring Young and Middle-aged Teachers Quality Course Competition Summary and Commendation Conference

The peach and plum do not speak, and the next is its own. Their success lies not only in their exquisite teaching skills, but also in their love and dedication to education. They use their own practical actions to interpret the profound connotation of "being a teacher" and show the demeanor and responsibility of young and middle-aged teachers.

Fourth: Summarize and outlook

Feng Jia'an, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Fuhe Town Education and Principal of the Central School, made a comprehensive summary of the competition. First of all, he gave full affirmation to the participating teachers, and praised each young and middle-aged teacher for interpreting the true meaning of education in his own way, and bringing vivid and interesting high-quality lessons to the students with profound professional knowledge, unique teaching methods and full enthusiasm. Young and middle-aged teachers are the backbone of education, and they are full of passion, innovation, and challenge, which is the hope for the development of Fuhe education.

Principal Feng then shared his teaching journey with affection, especially how he gradually grew from a young teacher to a mature and stable principal. Principal Feng's sharing has undoubtedly injected a strong impetus into the growth of young teachers, motivating them to keep moving forward and pursue excellence.

Subsequently, Principal Feng put forward several ardent expectations and requirements for young teachers. First, we should have firm beliefs, be full of enthusiasm and confidence in the cause of education, and be clear about our educational philosophy and goals. Second, it is necessary to step up study and continuously improve the ability of education and teaching. This includes a solid knowledge of the subject matter and teaching methods, as well as the ability to flexibly use a variety of teaching methods and strategies to ensure that lessons are prepared and delivered well. Third, it is necessary to improve personal quality. As educators, you should love education, have a sense of responsibility and mission, and work hard for the growth of students. At the same time, it is necessary to have a good teacher's ethics and teaching style, set an example for students. Fourth, we should pay attention to professional development. Actively participate in various training and learning activities to continuously improve their professional quality and teaching level. Pay attention to the development trend of education reform and have the courage to try new teaching methods and means. Be good at reflecting on and summarizing your own teaching practice experience, and constantly improve and improve your teaching level.

Finally, Principal Feng emphasized the importance of improving teachers' well-being. He encouraged young teachers to pay attention to their own needs and actively create a harmonious working environment to achieve a win-win situation for personal growth and school development.

Light the lamp of wisdom and bloom the light of education - Fuhe Town 2024 Spring Young and Middle-aged Teachers Quality Course Competition Summary and Commendation Conference
Light the lamp of wisdom and bloom the light of education - Fuhe Town 2024 Spring Young and Middle-aged Teachers Quality Course Competition Summary and Commendation Conference

Based on the classroom, the basic teaching skills are tempered, and the competition is discussed to improve the effectiveness of teaching. This competition is not only a teaching platform to show oneself, but also a career stage for mutual learning, communication, reference and improvement. Teaching is endless, research is endless, there is preparation before research, there is collision in research, and there is thinking after research, and the flower of education will become more and more brilliant. Let us work together to promote the prosperity and progress of Fuhe education!

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