
The new X7 exclusive "Queen Co-Pilot" is here for "her", what are you waiting for on Mother's Day?

author:Kong Ming said car

When I was a child, I thought my mother was omnipotent, but when I grew up, I realized that this was not the case. They are also afraid of the dark, timid, and vulnerable. We are accustomed to the meticulous love of mothers, but we ignore that they also need pampering and companionship.

The new X7 exclusive "Queen Co-Pilot" is here for "her", what are you waiting for on Mother's Day?

The annual Mother's Day is quietly coming, some people choose to send flowers, and some people choose to send red envelopes...... But for mothers, they don't expect you to give you many expensive gifts, even if it's just a simple company, chat, and meal, they will be satisfied. Of course, it would be better if there was time to take them on a road trip, after all, many times their lives revolve around their children and husbands, and for them, companionship is always the best gift. Traveling with mothers and choosing a car with comfortable seats for the mother's "her" will definitely impress them. For example, the new Beijing Automobile X7, the queen's co-pilot specially set up for mothers, gives "them" careful care, as well as ultra-intelligent comfort configuration and double flat large space, even if you take your children at the same time, you can also let mothers have a good journey.

The queen's co-pilot came for "her", and even the long-distance mother could lie down as she pleased

As a mother and as a wife, she spends her days busy with her children and husband, while at the same time juggling her own career. If you can take her out on a trip once in a while, it may be a rare moment of relaxation in your busy life.

The new X7 exclusive "Queen Co-Pilot" is here for "her", what are you waiting for on Mother's Day?

In order to give better care to the majority of women, the new X7 model of BAIC Motor is equipped with an exclusive queen co-pilot as standard, which not only supports the function of a maximum 50-degree leg rest, so that the seat can perfectly adapt to the body curve; In addition, with the push of a button, the back of the chair is gently folded down and the leg rest is gently raised, so you can enjoy the journey in a comfortable position that is almost flat on your back. With lumbar support, seat ventilation and heating and eight-point massage function, it is as comfortable as lying on a newly bought massage chair at home, and no matter how long the journey is, you can also get more gentle care and comfort, so as to say goodbye to long-distance fatigue and annoyance, and can also relieve the uncomfortable feeling of mothers who are prone to motion sickness, and easily enjoy a rare super comfortable time.

The new X7 exclusive "Queen Co-Pilot" is here for "her", what are you waiting for on Mother's Day?

If you are traveling with the whole family, you don't have to worry about comfort, the new X7 is equipped with a massage function on the left and right seats in the back, covering the lower back area, which greatly improves the ride comfort of the vehicle. At the same time, thanks to the body size of 4745x1892x1715mm, the long wheelbase of 2800mm allows mothers to enjoy comfortable longitudinal space while sitting in the back. And the rear row is also equipped with a central armrest cup holder, which further extends the armroom, enhances the sense of comfort, and handles the details to the extreme.

The flat back row like a large bed unlocks the new skill of long-distance mothers to comfortably carry their babies

Although the child seat can protect the child's travel safety, it will also restrain the child for a long time, causing fatigue and boredom, causing the child to cry and make the mother more tired during the journey. The rear row of the new X7 can be folded flat, which can not only load more luggage and travel necessities, but also allow mothers and children to relax when they stop and rest, alleviate the problem of motion sickness and noise caused by children on the road, and make travel more relaxed and enjoyable.

The new X7 exclusive "Queen Co-Pilot" is here for "her", what are you waiting for on Mother's Day?

When it comes to the outdoors or campsite, the large space in the back row can also be used as a children's entertainment venue, so that mothers who take care of their children can enjoy a pleasant time without worry and effort. At night, a family of three can "lie flat" together, open the panoramic sunroof in the car, and enjoy the stars on a summer night against the backdrop of 64-color spectral rhythm ambient lighting and hi-fi sound.

The new X7 exclusive "Queen Co-Pilot" is here for "her", what are you waiting for on Mother's Day?

The hardest working person in the family is often the role of the mother. As a mother, as a wife, many times she sacrifices her life and time to sweep away all kinds of troubles in the family, and it is rare to stop for a moment and a half to give her body and mind a carefree relaxation. At least, on their exclusive festival like Mother's Day, use the new X7 to accompany them out of the house, breathe the relaxed air, and let the hardest of them feel a moment of warmth.

Now that the flowers are in full bloom, bring your mother, wife and children, and start a trip from the city to the countryside. The new X7 is enjoying a value-for-new preferential policy, now choose the new X7 in Beijing, up to 40,000 yuan of official subsidies + 7,000 yuan of additional government subsidies, and the replacement benefits are comprehensively superimposed up to 47,000 yuan (the specific discount is subject to the local dealer policy), so that you can drive the car home with only a shocking starting price of 72,900 yuan.