
The newly opened community canteen actually has a special window for freshly made roast meat, and the aunt and uncle said, "I really haven't seen it before"丨Community canteen Internet celebrity password (1)

author:Thoughtful client

Where aunts and uncles can line up, there is always something.

At about 11 p.m., several diners were chatting and entering the end of a long line.

The team moved forward in an orderly manner, and the reporters of the Morning News followed forward, gradually seeing that this was a Hong Kong-style roast window. Through the large pane of glass, you can clearly see the process of the chefs making and cutting. This roast window belongs to the recently opened canteen for the elderly in the Jingjing Good Neighbor Community.

"The community canteen also sells freshly made roast meat, which I have never seen before." The aunts and uncles in line communicated.

The roast meat made in the morning is almost sold at noon

On the inside of the glass, the roasted roast duck hangs from the hook and drips oil downward. A row of hooks is also hung with roast goose, barbecued pork, and roast pigeon......

"Half a catty of roast duck, help me cut it." Hearing the customer's words, the chef in a white robe took down a roast duck, raised the knife in his hand, and quickly cut it. The customer took the box from the window, "It's good, it's hot." ”

The reporter saw that there was a price list posted on the window, which read: Hong Kong-style roast duck 25 yuan a catty, Hainan Guifei chicken 28.8 yuan a catty, rose oil chicken 33 yuan a catty, honey barbecued pork 62 yuan a catty, and Shenjing roast goose emperor 65 yuan a catty......

The newly opened community canteen actually has a special window for freshly made roast meat, and the aunt and uncle said, "I really haven't seen it before"丨Community canteen Internet celebrity password (1)

Some people searched on their mobile phones for the prices of several old restaurants and roast meat shops in Shanghai and found that the prices here are more affordable. "After all, it's a community canteen, benefiting the people." The uncle next to him added.

In addition, there are classic cold pots loved by Shanghainese such as marinated money tripe, marinated shunfeng, benbang smoked fish, and sauced beef, as well as side dishes such as sauce radish, jade sauce cucumber, and Sixi roasted bran. "You can eat in or take out. It's good to buy it back and eat it yourself, and you can also entertain people. Grandma, who has visited for the third time, said.

The reporter asked Grandma: "This community canteen has just opened, do you queue up every time you come?" "Yes, there are quite a few people coming." Grandma replied.

The reporter came out of the community cafeteria after a circle, and it was already half past 12 o'clock. At the roast window, there are fewer people in line, and there are still a few roast ducks hanging on the hook, but the cut roast meat on the plate has gradually been sold out.

The newly opened community canteen actually has a special window for freshly made roast meat, and the aunt and uncle said, "I really haven't seen it before"丨Community canteen Internet celebrity password (1)

The window is open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for lunch and from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for dinner. "7:30 is the last time to serve food, after which customers can still sit in the store and eat slowly, and some people will eat until 9 o'clock at night." Xu Jianhua, the person in charge of the community canteen operator, a canteen, told the Morning News Thoughtful reporter.

The kitchen equipment supports freshly cooked roast meat, and the chef is from a well-known hotel

"The roast meat at the window has been sold almost at noon, what is it sold at night?" The reporter asked.

The chef who came over smiled: "I will do it in the afternoon, and I have all the equipment in the back kitchen." ”

Taking advantage of the gap between kitchen cleaning, the reporter went over to find out. The most striking thing is the large space furnace, the hearth is very deep, and the furnace wall can be hung around 10 ducks or geese. The barbecued pork is also grilled hanging on the oven. The method of rose chicken is different, it should be steamed first and then cooked.

The newly opened community canteen actually has a special window for freshly made roast meat, and the aunt and uncle said, "I really haven't seen it before"丨Community canteen Internet celebrity password (1)

The chef's surname is Sun, and he starts with the most distinctive roast duck and introduces the production method. "The ducks are bought from the duck farm and delivered every morning by cold chain truck. After we clean it, we marinate it and blow it. Wait until it can be hung into the furnace and roasted for 50 minutes, and then it can be baked. ”

"If you want to use fresh plum blossom meat from a big brand, we use the traditional Hong Kong method to marinate it with sauce, which is a very important step, so you must let the ingredients penetrate into the meat and marinate for an hour or two. Marinate before putting in the oven. The oil chicken should be selected from Qingyuan chicken in Guangdong, and the whole chicken should be marinated with the seasoned sauce. Chef Sun said that he came to Shanghai in 2003 to work as a chef and learn how to cook roast meat, and has accumulated 21 years of experience.

According to this rhythm, Chef Sun goes to work at 5 a.m. every morning, and by 8 or 9 a.m., the first batch of roast meat is ready.

The newly opened community canteen actually has a special window for freshly made roast meat, and the aunt and uncle said, "I really haven't seen it before"丨Community canteen Internet celebrity password (1)

Before coming to the community canteen to operate the roast meat window, Chef Sun and his family members who are engaged in the same industry were in charge of making roast meat in major hotels in Shanghai and exchanging experiences with each other. Hearing that he used to work at the Marriott Hotel, the reporter asked: "Is the roasting equipment in the back kitchen of the hotel the same as the community canteen?" ”

"The equipment is the same. It's just that the hotel's banquet demand requires more space, and it has to be eaten for many people. "Chef Sun learned a lot of experience in his early days working with his family in a well-known restaurant run by a Hong Kong businessman." We have also taken a number of apprentices, and they have gone to five-star hotels all over the country, such as Shangri-La, W Hotel, ......"

"Customized" cooking scales for the elderly

While cooking food for guests, Chef Sun and his partner are also observing, what flavors do Shanghainese people like?

"Over the years, I have found that most of the people who come to buy roast meat are local residents of Shanghai. Because the sweetness and crispiness of Hong Kong-style roast meat are similar to those of this dish, but they must also be controlled, not too sweet, and it is good to bring a little sweetness. ”

The newly opened community canteen actually has a special window for freshly made roast meat, and the aunt and uncle said, "I really haven't seen it before"丨Community canteen Internet celebrity password (1)

■Chef Sun, who has just finished work

The same is to eat duck, the difference between Peking duck and Guangdong roast duck is very large. "The former pays attention to the separation of skin and meat, while the Guangdong roast duck has crispy skin and tender meat after marinating, and there is juice when chewed." An experienced chef can also tell you about the history, "Many people don't know that Guangdong roast duck has a long history, dating back to the Southern Song Dynasty, more than 700 years ago. ”

Selling roast meat in a community canteen is a new first in Chef Sun's career. "There are many elderly people in the community canteen, and on the one hand, the taste should be good, and on the other hand, the service should be good. I make the dishes in the back kitchen and sell them in the front, and the waiters at the front stall will communicate with the elderly to see what they want. Roast duck with sweet and sour plum sauce, rose chicken with scallion oil sauce, some old people want to ask for more sauce, and give it to him. ”

The newly opened community canteen actually has a special window for freshly made roast meat, and the aunt and uncle said, "I really haven't seen it before"丨Community canteen Internet celebrity password (1)

As for taste, in order to adapt to the preferences of the elderly, Chef Sun learned to "customize" the cooking scale. "For example, if young people eat roast duck for 50 minutes, they want the meat to have a certain toughness. For the elderly, I will bake it for two or three more minutes to bake it more thoroughly. ”