
Can you lose weight by exercising more, eating less, or not eating? Don't do this wrong way to lose weight......

author:Human health care
Can you lose weight by exercising more, eating less, or not eating? Don't do this wrong way to lose weight......

Ms. Wang: I am 32 years old, 160cm tall, 62kg in weight, and have a body mass index (BMI) of 24.2kg/m2, which is overweight.

Doctor: It's true that you can lose weight quickly in the short term, but can you really lose weight by exercising more, eating less or skipping meals? Let's take a look at how to lose weight scientifically!

Can you lose weight by exercising more, eating less, or not eating? Don't do this wrong way to lose weight......

Obesity Lessons

Definition of obesity

Obesity refers to a pathological state in which the number or volume of fat cells in the body increases, and the excessive fat accumulation makes the body weight exceed the standard body weight by more than 20%. Studies in recent years have shown that obesity is a disease caused by a series of eating regulation and energy metabolism disorders caused by specific biochemical factors, which are related to various factors such as genetics, environment, and dietary structure.

Can you lose weight by exercising more, eating less, or not eating? Don't do this wrong way to lose weight......

Health hazards of obesity

Diabetes mellitus Obesity is a risk factor for diabetes, and diabetes mellitus is more common in obese patients; 70%~80% of diabetic patients over 40 years old have a history of obesity before the disease. Therefore, weight control is an effective measure to prevent diabetes.

Hypertension 30%~50% of obese people have hypertension, and once obese people lose weight, hypertension may be relieved earlier.

Hyperlipidemia and Coronary Artery Disease Obesity is also a risk factor for hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease.

Cholelithiasis Cholesterol synthesis, bile and cholesterol excretion in obese people are increased, which exceeds the solubility of bile acid phospholipids, resulting in cholesterol supersaturation and precipitation of crystals.

Snoring A large amount of fat accumulation around the nasal mediastinum that interferes with gas exchange during normal breathing. Snoring is more common in obese people, and 5% of snoring patients have varying degrees of breath-holding during sleep, called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS).

Other obese people are also prone to gout, and the incidence of cancer is about 15% higher than that of normal people, and so on.

Can you lose weight by exercising more, eating less, or not eating? Don't do this wrong way to lose weight......

Exercise lessons

Physiological effects of exercise

Movement is a sign of life activity, and as long as life exists, movement will not stop. When exercising, all systems of the body undergo adaptive changes, which in turn cause functional changes. Exercise can not only enhance cardiopulmonary function, but also enhance people's spirit and emotions, exercise people's will, and enhance self-confidence.

Science Movement

Scientific exercise refers to physical activities that can improve one's physiological function and quality and improve health under the guidance of scientific theories (including exercise human science, biology, medicine, psychology and exercise prescription). Scientific exercise can achieve the effect of exercise faster, improve the body's immunity, promote metabolism, etc.

How to exercise reasonably in healthy adults

It is recommended that adults do 150~300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (such as brisk walking, tennis, recreational swimming, cycling, yoga, etc.) or 75~150 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise (such as running, energetic dancing, hiking upstairs, aerobics or taekwondo, etc.) per week. In addition, do muscle strength exercises (e.g., weightlifting, push-ups, etc.) 2 days a week.

Can you lose weight by exercising more, eating less, or not eating? Don't do this wrong way to lose weight......

Nutritional support for weight loss through exercise

Advocate the combination of scientific dieting and exercise, which will make weight loss achieve better results. Weight loss should be about restricting the total energy of the diet, not just fat intake. During weight loss, it is advisable to consume more protein, moderate fat intake, and less sugar. Under normal circumstances, the proportion of carbohydrate intake is 55%~60%, fat is 20%~25%, and protein is 15%~20%; During weight loss, it is also important to maintain the proportion of nutrients consumed. Reducing food intake will lead to insufficient intake of various vitamins and trace elements in the human body, so it is also necessary to consume a certain amount of fruits to supplement the essential vitamins and trace elements of the human body.

Can you lose weight by exercising more, eating less, or not eating? Don't do this wrong way to lose weight......

Knowledge development

The principle of dietary attention for obese people

√ Reduce your intake of staple foods and skip snacks.

√ Eat more vegetables, soy products and fruits.

√ Eat lean meat, fish, eggs, milk, etc. as needed, and eat less fatty meat and animal offal.

√ Cook with less salt and no sugar, and the dishes should be light.

√ Do not eat too much dinner, do not eat before going to bed, and do not fall asleep immediately after meals.

√ Drink plenty of water every day.

Can you lose weight by exercising more, eating less, or not eating? Don't do this wrong way to lose weight......

What are the dangers of skipping meals?

Susceptible to digestive tract diseases If you skip meals for a long time, there is no food in the stomach and intestines to digest, and the secreted gastric acid will directly damage the gastric mucosa and cause gastritis, gastric ulcers and other gastric diseases. In addition, skipping meals for a long time may also cause gastrointestinal peristalsis to slow down, impairing the normal function of the digestive tract, and once you eat again, it will cause gastrointestinal burden and cause discomfort.

Susceptible to gallstones People who skip meals for long periods of time are more likely to develop gallstones. In the fasting state, the cholesterol concentration in the bile is much higher than after eating, and long-term fasting will cause the cholesterol to be unable to be excreted with the contraction of the gallbladder and the formation of gallstones.

Prone to malnutrition Skipping meals for a long time can easily lead to malnutrition. Without meals, the human body does not get enough nutrients from food in time to maintain daily needs, resulting in malnutrition and reducing immunity.

Accelerate the aging of the body Without meals for a long time, the carbohydrates in the human body are insufficient, which will affect its detoxification function for the body, and a large number of toxins in the body, including toxic wastes in the blood, can not be discharged from the body in time, so that the skin tone is dull and rough, and the aging speed is accelerated.

Can you lose weight by exercising more, eating less, or not eating? Don't do this wrong way to lose weight......

Content Sources:

People's Medical Publishing House published "Family Doctor by Your Side - Common Sense of Healthy Life"

Editor-in-Chief of the book:

Ren Jingjing, chief physician of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine

Author of this article:

Shen Shufang

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