
7 movements are repeated every other day to get rid of waist and abdominal fat and train abdominal muscle lines

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

When a person is fat, he first fats his belly, and waist and abdominal fat is a more stubborn existence, and it is a part that is more difficult to lose. How can you get rid of the fat on your body and regain a slim figure?

7 movements are repeated every other day to get rid of waist and abdominal fat and train abdominal muscle lines

If you want to reduce your waistline and develop a charming abdominal muscle line, we need to start from 2 aspects:

1. Manage the daily diet, mix three points of meat and seven points of vegetables, record the daily calorie intake within 1600 kcal, and replace high-calorie food with low-calorie food, so as to create a calorie gap for the body and promote the decline of body fat rate.

2. Strengthen calorie output and improve metabolism through exercise, such as walking briskly for 20 minutes to and from work, and using trivial time for 30 minutes of bodyweight training at night.

7 movements are repeated every other day to get rid of waist and abdominal fat and train abdominal muscle lines

Share seven fat-burning abdominal exercises, stick to them every other day, and let your body continue to burn fat for 12 hours, which can not only help you get rid of the stubborn fat in your waist and abdomen, but also help you practice an enviable firm and small waist.

Movement 1: Lie on your back and crunch

7 movements are repeated every other day to get rid of waist and abdominal fat and train abdominal muscle lines

This movement can effectively exercise the rectus abdominis muscle, making your abdominal line firmer.

Movement standard: Lie on your back on a flat ground, touch your head with both hands, take a deep breath, then contract your abdominal muscles vigorously, and slowly roll your upper body up until your shoulders are off the ground.

Action 2: Plank

7 movements are repeated every other day to get rid of waist and abdominal fat and train abdominal muscle lines

This movement may seem simple, but it can actually fully exercise the muscles of the waist and abdomen, improving the stability and balance of the body.

Movement standard: Support the body with your hands and toes, keeping the body in a straight line.

Action 3, Russian turn

7 movements are repeated every other day to get rid of waist and abdominal fat and train abdominal muscle lines

This movement strengthens the twisting force of the abdominal muscles and helps to create a beautiful waistline.

Action standard: Sit on the ground, hold dumbbells in both hands or straighten them together, and rotate as shown in the picture.

Movement 4: Raise your legs high

7 movements are repeated every other day to get rid of waist and abdominal fat and train abdominal muscle lines

A leg lift is a high-intensity aerobic exercise that quickly raises the heart rate and accelerates fat burning.

Movement standard: During the exercise, maintain a standing position, swing your hands naturally, and raise your legs alternately to parallel or higher with the ground.

Action 5, jumping jacks

7 movements are repeated every other day to get rid of waist and abdominal fat and train abdominal muscle lines

Jumping jacks are an easy-to-learn, full-body exercise that has a significant effect on shaping a tight waist.

Movement standard: When practicing, stand with your feet together with your hands hanging down naturally, and then jump your feet to the sides at the same time, while putting your hands together upward; Then quickly jump back into place, and your hands will hang down naturally.

Action 6: Squat

7 movements are repeated every other day to get rid of waist and abdominal fat and train abdominal muscle lines

The squat is a classic exercise that targets the muscles of the lower body, effectively engaging the glutes, anterior and posterior thigh muscles, and core.

Movement standard: During the squat, pay attention to keeping your back straight, tightening your core, your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, and your toes forward or slightly abducted. As the depth of the squat increases, you will feel the tightness of your lower back and abdominal muscles, which is the key to burning fat and shaping your line.

Tip: Just keep training every other day, and I believe that before long, you will have the tight waist you have always dreamed of. Remember, perseverance is victory, and let's work together towards a healthier life!


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