
379 yuan, a Nokia replica mobile phone sold out, young people buy it as a CCD camera replacement?

379 yuan, a Nokia replica mobile phone sold out, young people buy it as a CCD camera replacement?

Cover News

2024-05-11 18:49Posted on the official account of Sichuan Cover News

Cover News Reporter Zhu Zhu

In 2024, when many smartphones are still hot, Nokia will "re-emerge" with its classic mobile phones. Recently, Nokia re-released a 1999 replica mobile phone, priced at 379 yuan, and then directly appeared on the hot search. On May 11, the customer service of Nokia's flagship store replied to reporters that the mobile phone is currently out of stock.

The reporter found that, like Nokia, Gionee, Motorola and other mobile phone brands that were once smash hits have not disappeared. With the popularity of CCD cameras, many young people still use old mobile phones as CCD cameras. Some consumers said: "CCD has been fried to thousands of yuan, isn't it fragrant to buy a mobile version?" ”

379 yuan, a Nokia replica mobile phone sold out, young people buy it as a CCD camera replacement?

Nokia's new mobile phone was sold out

Nokia is back on the map

Old mobile phones are focusing on niche tracks

When fashion is reincarnated, the familiar Nokia of the post-90s generation is back. On May 8th, Nokia officially released the latest replica model - Nokia 3210 4G, with a price of 379 yuan. According to the official Weibo of "Nokia Mobile Phone", the product was sold out within two days of the sale, and the three colors of the phone are currently displayed as "out of stock".

On May 11, the reporter saw in its official flagship store that the current Nokia 3210 2024 model can only be reserved, and the official customer service said: "There is no stock at present, and the product will be replenished on May 31." ”

In 1999, the classic Nokia 3210 was introduced, which immediately became a global phenomenon, selling more than 160 million units. Today, however, Nokia is left with a name, and when it sold its Devices & Services business to Microsoft in 2014, it withdrew from the smartphone market. Subsequently, in 2016, the Nokia brand was licensed to HMD.

With the emergence of new smartphones, many former mobile phone brands may have been squeezed their market share due to lack of innovation, and they have to take a back seat. Where the hell did they go? The reporter found on the e-commerce platform that a number of mobile phone brands, including Nokia, Duowei, Motorola, Gionee, etc., still insist on surviving in the cracks, most of which focus on feature phones below 1,000 yuan, elderly machines, student machines, etc.

For example, Gionee, the former star mobile phone brand, has not stopped production until now after it began bankruptcy liquidation in 2018. The reporter saw in its flagship store that Gionee mobile phones are currently on sale with more than a dozen mobile phones, with prices ranging from tens to hundreds of yuan, and a number of elderly machines are sold in tens of thousands.

The old mobile phone "turned red"

Can a mobile phone really be used as a CCD camera replacement?

By flipping through social platforms, the reporter found that behind the sale of Nokia's new mobile phones, in addition to netizens paying for their feelings, there is also a big reason why young people want to buy them as CCD cameras, and at the same time, many old mobile phones are also popular on second-hand platforms.

Since last year, CCD cameras, which exploded more than ten years ago, have become popular again. Compared with today's SLR and mirrorless cameras, the shooting effect of CCD cameras is more hazy, and many young people regard it as a must-have item for taking pictures, especially on social platforms, which has set off a wave of purchases.

For a time, the price of CCD cameras in the second-hand market also rose, and the popular models were speculated to thousands of yuan. Then the CCD camera replacement appeared, and it was these old mobile phones that people had forgotten. A consumer told reporters: "The effect of the previous mobile phone and CCD camera is almost the same, there is a sense of ancient atmosphere, CCD is now too high, and the price of old mobile phones is much cheaper." ”

The reporter saw that on the second-hand platform, the popular flat mobile phones include Apple 5S, Nokia N8, etc., and the prices are around 100 yuan, and some are even less than 100 yuan.

Under the popularity of young people looking for CCD camera replacement, Nokia's launch of a new mobile phone has attracted much attention. According to the Nokia 3210 2024 model year's introduction page, it has a 2-megapixel camera with a flash. Some netizens think, "Isn't this a CCD camera that can make phone calls?" Many also expressed regret that they did not get the goods. However, some netizens complained after experiencing the mobile phone: "The pixel is too low, and the shooting effect is still ugly, and it can't be replaced by CCD."

379 yuan, a Nokia replica mobile phone sold out, young people buy it as a CCD camera replacement?

Some netizens shared the experience of taking pictures of this mobile phone

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  • 379 yuan, a Nokia replica mobile phone sold out, young people buy it as a CCD camera replacement?
  • 379 yuan, a Nokia replica mobile phone sold out, young people buy it as a CCD camera replacement?

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