
Musk's brain-computer interface failed miserably in the first attempt at the human body! Shattered dreams of the fusion of humans and AI?

author:Dorolas's theory


Elon Musk, a veritable tech maniac, has once again been in the global spotlight. This time, his company, Neuralink, encountered a major setback on the road to a technological revolution that penetrated deep into the human brain. The latest reports show that Neuralink's first brain-computer interface subject experienced serious problems using the device. How will this affect Musk and his company?

Musk's brain-computer interface failed miserably in the first attempt at the human body! Shattered dreams of the fusion of humans and AI?

The event passed

Back in May 2023, Neuralink opened a new chapter in its human clinical trials after receiving approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This marks a substantial step forward in Elon Musk's long-held dream of connecting the human brain directly to a computer. Then, in January 2024, Neuralink completed the first human brain-computer interface implantation surgery. The subject was a patient who had suffered a spinal cord injury in a diving accident, and after the operation, he was able to control external devices using only his consciousness and even play chess on a computer.

However, the good times were short-lived. On May 9, Beijing time, Neuralink's official website released a shocking report. According to the report, the first subject implanted with a brain-computer interface device had problems with some electrodes in his body, causing the brain implant to malfunction, seriously affecting the speed and accuracy of the device. Although the company did not disclose exactly how many of the electrodes were having problems, they have already worked to modify the algorithm and fix the related software.

Musk's brain-computer interface failed miserably in the first attempt at the human body! Shattered dreams of the fusion of humans and AI?

It is known that the subject uses the device for about 8 to 10 hours a day, during which he can communicate with the outside world through brain awareness. The failure was apparently due to the movement of the subject's head, causing the device to shift or detach, a discovery that undoubtedly presented Neuralink with an unprecedented challenge.

Neuralink has been in the midst of controversy since its inception. Not only do companies face ethical issues in the animal testing stage, but also the technical safety of their human clinical trials. For example, back in February 2022, the U.S. Board of Pharmacologists sued Neuralink for violating the U.S. Animal Welfare Act for violating the U.S. Animal Welfare Act.

Despite the challenges and controversies, Neuralink's technological progress has been remarkable. The company successfully conducted experiments on mice in 2019 using tools such as surgical robots, N1 sensors, and flexible electrodes. In 2020, they embedded 1,024 flexible electrodes in the piglet's brain and completed the entire process within an hour; In 2021, Neuralink even allowed monkeys implanted with brain-computer chips to play computer games through their minds; In 2022, the company even achieved the feat of monkey typing through the mind.

From a financing perspective, Neuralink's performance has also been very impressive. To date, the company has closed more than $700 million in financing and is valued at more than $5 billion. These achievements have made Neuralink one of the most valuable brain-computer interface companies in the world.

Musk's brain-computer interface failed miserably in the first attempt at the human body! Shattered dreams of the fusion of humans and AI?

In this human clinical trial, Neuralink's scientists hoped to provide a new way of life for people with disabilities through precise brain implantation technology, allowing them to interact directly with external devices through their minds. In fact, soon after the surgery, the subject demonstrated the ability to control electronic devices, and he even played chess using a brain-computer interface, gaining huge social attention and praise.

However, the boundaries of technology are always accompanied by unknown risks. Judging by the recent equipment failures, the incident has planted a seed of unease for the public and potential users, despite the fact that Neuralink has made technical adjustments and software fixes in a short period of time. Questions are beginning to be raised whether this high-tech implantable device, while providing convenience, can also pose unforeseen health risks.

In addition, the practicality and ethical issues of brain-computer interface technology are also the focus of public attention. Every step of technology must be taken in a way that ensures security and respects the privacy of individuals. For Neuralink, finding the right balance between innovation and ethics was a challenge they had to face.

Musk's brain-computer interface failed miserably in the first attempt at the human body! Shattered dreams of the fusion of humans and AI?

Although significant progress has been made in brain-computer interface technology around the world, there is still a long way to go before it can be commercialized on a large scale. Current technological bottlenecks, high costs, and socio-ethical constraints are all important obstacles to future development.

The Neuralink incident could be a turning point, not only for the company's own trajectory, but also for the industry as a whole to be more demanding on standards and regulation. Many technology observers and industry experts are closely following the subsequent development of this event, trying to get a glimpse of the direction of future scientific and technological progress and possible legal adjustments.

Over time, the challenges faced by Neuralink and his team will become more complex. They need to pay more attention to the stability and safety of their products while maintaining technological innovation. This failure incident undoubtedly serves as a warning to Neuralink: in the pursuit of cutting-edge technology, robustness is as important as innovation.

Musk's brain-computer interface failed miserably in the first attempt at the human body! Shattered dreams of the fusion of humans and AI?

Now, the eyes of the world are focused on Musk and his brain-computer interface project. It remains to be seen how this area will develop in the future.

Further explore the challenges and prospects of Neuralink

Technical challenges

Neuralink's top challenge was regarding the safety and reliability of its brain-computer interface devices. This incident of electrode problems in the subject's body reminds us that despite the rapid development of technology, the complexity and sensitivity of the human brain require more careful technological development. BCI technology involves implanting tiny devices into the human brain, which not only needs to consider biocompatibility, but also to prevent immune responses, inflammation, or tissue damage that may occur with long-term use.

Data privacy and ethics issues

Neuralink's technology has also sparked extensive discussions about data privacy and ethics. Brain-computer interfaces are able to read and interpret the user's neural activity, which poses a potential risk of privacy violations. In addition, how to ensure that the people who use this technology are not forced or manipulated by the outside is another important ethical issue that needs to be addressed. The development of science and technology should not infringe on the freedom of thought or privacy of individuals.

Musk's brain-computer interface failed miserably in the first attempt at the human body! Shattered dreams of the fusion of humans and AI?

Regulation and standardization

With the development of brain-computer interface technology, the establishment of a regulatory framework is particularly important. At present, the regulatory policies for such high-tech medical devices are not perfect enough. National and international agencies need to develop strict standards and guidelines to ensure the safe use of technology and protect the interests of consumers. This includes testing, approval, monitoring, and aftermarket regulation of the equipment.

Popularization and cost of technology

The high cost of brain-computer interface technology is another big problem. Currently, the cost of developing and applying this technology is extremely high, which limits its popularity and acceptability. Future research needs to make breakthroughs in reducing costs and improving technology accessibility so that more people can benefit from it.


Despite the many challenges, Neuralink's research has great potential and value. For example, for people with impaired or complete loss of motor function, this technology is able to restore their autonomy and quality of life. In addition, brain-computer interface technology has also shown broad application prospects in the treatment of neurological diseases and the improvement of cognitive ability.

Musk's brain-computer interface failed miserably in the first attempt at the human body! Shattered dreams of the fusion of humans and AI?


Elon Musk's Neuralink project, while currently challenging, has also opened up new technological frontiers. Through continuous research, technological innovation, and ethical discussions, it is expected that safer and more effective BCI solutions will be realized in the future. This is not only a triumph of technology, but also a profound revolution in the way of human life.

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