
Subsequent! The finale of the fat-headed and big-eared incident: the woman at the front desk has stopped working, and the store manager responds to the truth!


It was because of the phrase "fat head and big ears" that a fierce dispute between the takeaway brother and the clerk detonated on the Internet!

Subsequent! The finale of the fat-headed and big-eared incident: the woman at the front desk has stopped working, and the store manager responds to the truth!

Whose fault is this? Can't you just talk well? What kind of social problems are reflected behind this?

According to netizens, on May 8, a takeaway brother was choked by the female employee at the front desk when he was urging orders: "Why don't you die!" The little brother replied: "I have never seen you so fat and big-eared!" The female employee who was scolded for "fat head and big ears" instantly exploded, waved her fist at each other, and actually knocked the little brother's equipment away! This Nima, you don't hit people in the face, and you don't hurt people when you speak!

Subsequent! The finale of the fat-headed and big-eared incident: the woman at the front desk has stopped working, and the store manager responds to the truth!

After the video was exposed, netizens condemned the female employee's violent behavior and called it too much! @柠檬精专治各种不开心: How inferior is this young lady, she can't stand a word of fat head and big ears?

Subsequent! The finale of the fat-headed and big-eared incident: the woman at the front desk has stopped working, and the store manager responds to the truth!

You have to be so sensitive, how can you mix in society? @keyboard Xia: Even if people say that you have a fat head and big ears, that's not a reason for you to do it! Assault is a legal responsibility!

Some netizens said that in fact, the word "fat head and big ears" itself reveals a social prejudice. How does a person look, should he be judged by others? @东北大妞不怕冷: To tell the truth, if I was told to my face that I had a fat head and big ears, I would also be angry! Society is too demanding on women's appearance!

Subsequent! The finale of the fat-headed and big-eared incident: the woman at the front desk has stopped working, and the store manager responds to the truth!

@颜值即正义: Just because a person is fat, you can't say that someone has a fat head and big ears, right? Isn't this appearance discrimination?

After the incident, the manager of the store involved came forward to respond that he apologized for the employee's misbehavior, and that he had stopped work and compensated the takeaway brother for his losses, and the two parties had reached an understanding. It seems that the store still attaches more importance to this incident, and such timely public relations is quite decent.

Subsequent! The finale of the fat-headed and big-eared incident: the woman at the front desk has stopped working, and the store manager responds to the truth!

In fact, to put it bluntly, this is a trivial friction, which can be completely avoided. In life, we will inevitably deal with all kinds of people, and there will definitely be disagreements and contradictions. But everyone takes a step back and communicates with a peaceful mind, and many things will not escalate into quarrels or even hands. You say yes, right?

The conflict between the takeaway boy and the clerk actually reflects a deeper social problem: the spread of appearance anxiety, prejudice, and anger...... In a diverse and inclusive society, we should face differences calmly and resolve them with love and tolerance. What do you think? Have you ever had a similar encounter in real life? When you encounter conflicts, how do you resolve them? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share!

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