
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them

author:Xiao Li Monk
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them
Why is South Korea a weight loss mecca? After reading the comment area, I still feel a little sympathetic to them

How do invigilators pass the time? It was reported that it made people laugh at it

1. Wonderful opening: the "laughing fruit" of criticism

That day, Teacher Zhang suddenly received a call from the principal in the office, and his voice was a little serious: "Teacher Zhang, your behavior in invigilating this time is a little inappropriate, and you need to write a review." Teacher Zhang looked confused and thought: I have always been very serious about invigilation, what happened? He hurried to the principal's office, only to learn that he had been "notified of criticism" because his way of passing the time was too "unique".

2. The cause is revealed: the daily life of the invigilator

Mr. Zhang is a well-known conscientious and responsible teacher in the school, but the invigilation is a "big problem" for him. Because during the exam, he had to sit in the classroom for two or three hours at a time, and he couldn't look at his phone, read books, or communicate with students. In order to pass the time, Mr. Zhang racked his brains. He used to bring books with him, but then he found it easy to get distracted, so he started experimenting with new methods.

3. Plot development: a unique way to pass the time

  1. "Counting ants" turmoil

Once, Teacher Zhang noticed a small ant crawling in the corner of the classroom. He thought to himself: just enough to count how long this ant will have to climb. So, he began the long process of "counting ants". Unfortunately, he was so obsessed with counting that he didn't even notice the students handing in their papers. As you can imagine, he was "complained" by the students.

  1. "Dozing off" incident

Another time, Mr. Zhang felt so bored that he began to doze off. He thought he was just squinting a little, but he fell asleep. When he was woken up by the students, the exams were almost over. This scene was seen by the teachers who were on patrol and reported to the principal.

  1. "Writing a novel" idea

In order to avoid another trouble, Mr. Zhang decided to change the way of passing the time. He began to conceive the plot of the novel and wrote it silently in his heart. But unexpectedly, his expression was so engrossed that some sensitive students mistakenly thought that he was peeping at their test papers. This misunderstanding once again put Mr. Zhang in an embarrassing situation.

Fourth, the end: a reflection with tears in laughter

In the face of the principal's criticism, Mr. Zhang couldn't cry or laugh. He knew that his behavior was indeed inappropriate, but he also felt a little wronged. He realized that the way he passed the time while proctoring needed to be more careful and reasonable. So, he started experimenting with light activities such as drawing stick figures and doing simple math problems while invigilating. This will not affect the order of the exam, but also keep yourself awake and focused.

After this experience of "laughing anymore", Mr. Zhang deeply realized the importance of passing the time during the invigilation. He believes that in the future invigilation, he will definitely find a more suitable way to spend this "long" time. At the same time, he also hopes that other invigilators can take this as a warning and work together to create a fair and just examination environment.

How do invigilators pass the time? It was reported that it made people laugh at it

1. Wonderful opening: the "laughing fruit" of criticism

On a sunny afternoon, the tranquility of the campus was shattered by a sudden announcement. Teacher Zhang, a serious invigilator on weekdays, was named and criticized by the principal because of his special behavior during the invigilation. The news spread among the faculty and staff, causing quite a stir. Everyone is curious about what Mr. Zhang did to "break through" such a disaster during the invigilation.

2. The cause is revealed: the daily life of the invigilator

Mr. Zhang is a well-known "iron-faced selfless" in the school, and his invigilation style is rigorous and fair, which makes every student feel awe. But the time of invigilation seemed like a long ordeal for him. In order to pass the boring time, Mr. Zhang tried various methods, but the results were not satisfactory. Until one time, he accidentally discovered a "new world", that is, a "psychological game" with students.

3. Plot development: a contest of psychological games

  1. The beginning of "eye contact".

During an exam, Mr. Zhang found a special student named Li Ming. Li Ming is a top student in his class, but he is also a notoriously naughty ghost. He always likes to secretly observe the invigilator's reaction during the exam to judge whether he is safe or not. After Mr. Zhang found out about this, he decided to have a "eye contact" with Li Ming. He deliberately didn't look at Li Ming, but from time to time he would sweep his position with his afterglow. Li Ming was distracted by this sudden attention, and began to look up at Teacher Zhang frequently. The eyes of the two met in the air, as if they were engaged in a silent contest.

  1. Interlude of "Slip of Paper Passing".

Just as Teacher Zhang and Li Ming were making eye contact, a small episode suddenly occurred in the classroom. A girl sitting in the back row secretly passed a note to a classmate next to her. Teacher Zhang's eyes were quick and he immediately grabbed the girl's hand to pass the note. The girl looked at Teacher Zhang with a panicked expression, as if she was ready to accept punishment. But unexpectedly, Teacher Zhang did not directly confiscate her note or reprimand her, but smiled and said to her: "I believe you are a good student, but please follow the rules during the exam." The girl nodded gratefully and slipped the note back into the drawer.

  1. "Phone vibrates" accident

Halfway through the exam, Mr. Zhang's phone suddenly vibrate. When he looked at the screen, it turned out to be a WeChat message from his wife. Teacher Zhang thought to himself: This is bad, if the students see it, it will be troublesome. He quickly put his phone on silent mode and carefully hid it in his pocket. But at this moment, a sharp-eyed student noticed Teacher Zhang's unusual behavior. He immediately raised his hand and reported, "Teacher, your phone is vibrating!" Teacher Zhang smiled awkwardly and said, "Oh, the alarm clock was accidentally set." Although this explanation was a bit far-fetched, the students did not delve further.

  1. The principal of the "accidental break-in".

Just as the exam was about to end, the principal suddenly appeared at the door of the classroom. He had originally come to inspect the discipline of the examination room, but after seeing the various interactions between Teacher Zhang and the students, he couldn't help but laugh. He walked up to Teacher Zhang and said, "Teacher Zhang, you really know how to have fun!" But next time, you still have to pay attention to the image! Teacher Zhang scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Yes, yes, I must pay attention next time." ”

Fourth, the climax: an unexpected reversal

Just when Mr. Zhang thought that the turmoil was about to subside, an unexpected reversal appeared. It turned out that the note that was "confiscated" by Teacher Zhang did not have any cheating content written on it, but an apology letter written by Li Ming to the girl. Li Ming admitted on the note that he had previously misbehaved with the girl and expressed his sincere apologies. When the girl saw the note, she was moved and shed tears on the spot.

This scene was seen by the principal, and he was deeply touched. He walked up to the podium and said, "Today's exam not only tests your level of knowledge, but also tests your character and morality. I would like to give special praise to Mr. Zhang, although he was criticized in the circular, he used his own way to show us what real education is. ”

The principal's words caused the classroom to burst into applause. Mr. Zhang was also very surprised and moved, he did not expect that his "mistake" would be exchanged for such a result. He bowed deeply and said, "Thank you for your understanding and support, and I will continue to work hard to be a better teacher." ”

5. Conclusion: Reflection with tears in laughter

After this experience of "laughing anymore", Mr. Zhang deeply reflected on his own invigilation method. He realized that as an invigilator, he should not only maintain the fairness and impartiality of the exam, but also pay attention to the growth and development of each student. Since then, he has tried to use a more humane and warm way to invigilate the exam, so that students can feel the love and support of the teacher even in the tense exam atmosphere.

At the same time, this story also brings us a profound enlightenment: in the process of education, we should pay attention to cultivating students' character and morality, so that they can become people who are both knowledgeable and responsible. Only in this way can we cultivate talents who are truly useful to society and maximize the value of education.

Statement: The above video and picture content is taken from the Internet, please contact to delete the infringement, the article is a personal original, a virtual interpretation of the story, for entertainment only, does not represent personal views, no bad guidance, and must be investigated

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