
Xu Zijun's label counterattack: I am my own spokesperson!



Xu Zijun and Gao Yalin's hukou dispute

Gao Yalin provided Wei Jia with a hukou, which not only represents an important identity verification, but may also be a symbol of social status. In China, the Beijing hukou is seen as extremely valuable, not only as it is linked to better educational resources, but also to a higher level of social services.

Xu Zijun's label counterattack: I am my own spokesperson!

Wei Jia's relationship with Gao Yalin is complicated and entangled for the sake of Beijing's hukou. This complexity is not only because of the emotional involvement, but also because of the consideration of practical interests. Gao Yalin, as a party with resources, seems to be making a kind of transaction by providing such resources, and Wei Jia plays the role of the receiver in this kind of transaction.

Xu Zijun's label counterattack: I am my own spokesperson!

Xu Zijun's dilemma of being labeled


Gao Yalin's name for Xu Zijun circulated online — the labels were not based on Xu's personal actions or choices, but on Gao's subjective judgment. This labeling is an infringement on Xu Zijun's personal dignity and deprives her of the right to evaluate as an independent individual.

Xu Zijun's label counterattack: I am my own spokesperson!

The contempt translated into a misconception of her in society, which affected not only her career but also her social life. In this case, Xu Zijun was forced to bear the negative images imposed on her by the outside world, and these images may not be at all consistent with her real life.

Xu Zijun's label counterattack: I am my own spokesperson!

After getting the Beijing hukou, did you become an elite in Beipiao?


On social media, the discussion of hukou has become a funny topic. For some, the Beijing hukou seems to be the golden key to success, and this perception is expressed in a humorous way by many young people.

Xu Zijun's label counterattack: I am my own spokesperson!

A netizen even joked: "Isn't Beijing hukou more difficult to find than love?" This humorous expression not only shows the relaxed attitude of young people towards the real situation, but also reflects their keen observation of social phenomena.

Xu Zijun's label counterattack: I am my own spokesperson!

Lift the truth of the label

Labels are a simplified cognitive model of social construction that classifies and defines people through simple words. But this simplification often ignores the complexity of the individual and the diversity of contexts. In Xu Zijun's case, being labeled as "three" and "chicken" has become a fixed impression of her by the public.

Xu Zijun's label counterattack: I am my own spokesperson!

The formation of this impression not only comes from Gao Yalin's remarks, but also has to do with the dissemination of the media and the acceptance of the public. In the process, Xu's true identity and story are ignored and replaced with more frivolous and exciting labels.

Xu Zijun's label counterattack: I am my own spokesperson!

Label discount season, buy 2 get 3 free!

This topic has sparked a series of jokes and discussions on the Internet. It is used to satirize the pervasive phenomenon of labeling in modern society, pointing out that in many cases, people prefer to accept simple labels rather than to understand complex individuals. One user even joked, "There are so many tags today that I don't know which one to choose." This humorous interaction not only makes the discussion more lively, but also makes people reflect on the impact of labels on individuals and society in laughter.

Xu Zijun's label counterattack: I am my own spokesperson!

We can see that whether it is the provision of hukou or the labeling, there is a deep social structure and interpersonal dynamics hidden behind it. These issues touch on the dignity of the individual, the fairness of society, and the authenticity of information.

Xu Zijun's label counterattack: I am my own spokesperson!

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