
The girl was scolded by the delivery man for her fat head and big ears: insiders exposed more fierce information, and the comment area has been fried


Recently, a conflict between a delivery man and a waitress caused an uproar because of the words "fat head and big ears". The video of the girl beating up the delivery man went viral on the Internet, and the comment area exploded because of it. Judging from the video alone, it is difficult for us to see the front and back of the matter, but the exposure of many fierce materials shows us a more comprehensive story.

The girl was scolded by the delivery man for her fat head and big ears: insiders exposed more fierce information, and the comment area has been fried

The trigger for this incident was the girl's first ill-directed remarks to the delivery man. The delivery man waited too long, and after a few complaints, the girl was extremely excited, and even insulted the other party, "Why don't you die". In the face of the unwarranted abuse, the delivery man obviously couldn't hide his anger, he glanced at the girl and blurted out the famous sentence "fat head and big ears".

In the video, the girl really went crazy when she heard this, and beat the delivery man to ask him to apologize. This fierce reaction also made netizens talk a lot, most of them thought that the delivery man was not telling the wrong truth, and the girl overreacted. But some voices pointed out that this sentence hit the girl's sore spot, and the delivery man's approach was not considered.


On the other hand, there were also revelations in the comment area claiming to be "insiders". This netizen claimed that he was friends with the girl's father and had introduced the object to the girl, but the girl had eaten more than 2,000 pieces of bamboo for the first time they met. The man later complained to him that the girl was "too poor".

But the girl's parents doted on their daughter, not only regarded their daughter as a sweetheart, but also put forward a sky-high bride price and a door-to-door request, saying that it was put forward by their daughter.

The girl was scolded by the delivery man for her fat head and big ears: insiders exposed more fierce information, and the comment area has been fried

From these revelations, it can be seen that girls may be overly pampered and protected by their parents at home, resulting in a short-tempered personality and inability to recognize themselves correctly. She has been living in the bubble of "princess disease", and when the real evaluation of the delivery worker bursts this bubble, her inferiority complex and sensitivity burst out, and she can't control her emotions and react violently.

The girl was scolded by the delivery man for her fat head and big ears: insiders exposed more fierce information, and the comment area has been fried

Of course, we can't fully trust the veracity of these revelations, and they may be exaggerated. But this incident does reflect some social problems, which are worth pondering.

If parents spoil their children for a long time and tolerate their unrealistic demands, it is easy to cause defects in character and ability. A correct tutor should teach children the ability to live independently, to see themselves correctly, to be considerate of others, to remain calm and rational in the face of criticism, and not to be furious at every turn.

The girl was scolded by the delivery man for her fat head and big ears: insiders exposed more fierce information, and the comment area has been fried

The overemphasis on online beauty and dressing up has left many women with wrong aesthetic concepts in their hearts, and as a result, they have a serious lack of self-confidence. When denied, the inferiority complex is exposed. We need to cultivate women's inner self-confidence and sunshine mentality, rather than relying too much on their appearance.

We must recognize that language can be a form of violence and harm. The delivery man's words obviously hit the girl's pain point, and the woman's feelings should be carefully considered, and you can't just go your own way. But the girl's reaction is also too radical and out of control, and she needs to learn to restrain her emotions and communicate rationally to solve problems.

The girl was scolded by the delivery man for her fat head and big ears: insiders exposed more fierce information, and the comment area has been fried

This is a controversial case, and it is difficult for us to make a conclusive judgment on either side. It does reflect some of the problems faced by society, and we need to reflect on the obligations and responsibilities of family education, women's self-confidence, and speech expression in light of this case, so that social relations can develop in a more harmonious direction.

Parents need to keep in mind the importance of developing a healthy personality in their children's growth, not to indulge and spoil their children because of pampering, but to cultivate their independence and the courage to take responsibility. The right PTA teaches children to be rational and control their emotions in the face of difficulties and criticism, and not to get out of control easily.

The girl was scolded by the delivery man for her fat head and big ears: insiders exposed more fierce information, and the comment area has been fried

The whole society should reflect on the negative impact of wrong aesthetic concepts on women's psychology. We need to make women realize that although it is important to dress up on the outside, it is more important to cultivate the ability to think independently, psychologically and cheerfully on the inside. Only when women have the inner strength and self-confidence that negative comments from the outside world do not easily dampen self-esteem and inspire violent emotions.

Each of us should recognize the power of words, choose words carefully, and avoid hurting others. Especially when facing women, you need to be careful about the other person's feelings and not be rude. At the same time, women must also learn not to react aggressively and communicate with others with a rational and equal attitude in order to be respected.

The girl was scolded by the delivery man for her fat head and big ears: insiders exposed more fierce information, and the comment area has been fried

The various social problems reflected in this incident deserve our joint efforts. Only when all parts work together to make the family, women, and speech all develop in the right direction, can we build a harmonious and rational pattern of social relations.

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