
Let me get more than 30 million copywriting secrets, just 10 minutes, you can quickly master!

author:Wai Kuai Society

I'm Ah Jun, and I share 1 Q idea every day.

This article may not be read by many people, because those who are both unwilling to learn and eager to earn a big Q easily often lack enthusiasm and dedication to learning.

If you are a responsible parent, reading this article carefully may help your child get close to a perfect score every time he writes an essay.

If you're an online marketing professional, reading this article in depth may double your annual income.

At this point, if you think I'm exaggerating, you can click on the upper right corner to close the page; If you think I have real talent and learning, you may wish to like or mark "watching", Ah Jun would like to thank everyone for their support and recognition!

Let me get more than 30 million copywriting secrets, just 10 minutes, you can quickly master!

From primary school to junior high school, my Chinese scores were always at the top, and I was able to get full marks in every exam. I can write an article that takes 40 minutes or even an hour to complete, and I can do it in just 10 minutes, which is not only fast, but also longer.

It's not because I'm so knowledgeable, it's evident from my current style of writing – it's even a little hard to compliment. What really adds to my writing is the "sense of picture" that jumps off the page.

If an article has a vivid sense of picture, it can deeply affect the reader. Especially when writing essays, if you can paint a vivid picture that can lead the grading teacher into your story and make them immerse themselves, then you will easily win high marks.

Now, let's stand in the perspective of elementary school students, to discuss what is the "picture sense", the following text must be read word for word, if you read it all, you may benefit for life.

Let me get more than 30 million copywriting secrets, just 10 minutes, you can quickly master!

For example, suppose your child is writing an essay that begins, "It snowed heavily today, and I went to my grandmother's house with my parents to celebrate my grandmother's birthday." Although this sentence is concise, it lacks a vivid sense of imagery.

So, let's try to add some detail to this sentence: "This morning, I opened the slightly worn curtains in my home, and I was amazed by the sight of snowflakes outside. In the yard, the shoes that my grandmother dried yesterday have been buried by snow.

I excitedly took out the blue down jacket that my mother had picked out for me at the mall yesterday from under my pillow, hesitated, cut off the tag, and couldn't wait to put it on. At this time, my father opened the curtain with snowflakes on his head and came into the house, carrying a big cake in his hand, and said to me with a smile: 'Today we are going to grandma's house to celebrate grandma's birthday.' ’”

As he spoke, he picked up the car keys on the coffee table and rushed into the snow. I opened the snow-covered black Santana door, and my dad had already started the car, and he rolled down the window, poked his head out, and urged, 'Son, get in with mom, we're leaving!' ’”

Let me get more than 30 million copywriting secrets, just 10 minutes, you can quickly master!

Isn't the rewritten paragraph more vivid and interesting, full of pictures? The difference between the two is that although the original sentence is concise and clear, it lacks a depiction of the details of life. And after adding details, it not only makes the article fuller, but also makes the reader feel as if they are there and feel every moment in the story. Such an essay can not only be completed quickly, but also easily get a high score!

Seeing this, did you start complaining: Obviously I came to learn drainage copywriting and advertorial writing, but I haven't even found an object yet, why did you trick me in and teach me how to teach children to write essays?

Don't worry, after mastering the above skills, it will become easier for us to learn to write drainage copy. Based on my years of writing experience, I have summed up a formula for drainage copywriting:

Eye-catching opening + reduce difficulty + guide stay + poke at the pain point + share experience (or example) + throw the hook.

Now, if I'm selling piano lessons, let's try this formula and see how it goes!

The first sentence is an eye-catching opening: In just 7 days, I have changed from a music nerd to a "pianist" who can play "Dream Wedding" smoothly.

The second sentence, reduce the difficulty: The method I use is super simple, even if you have zero musical talent, even if you are a novice musician, as long as you have 10 fingers, within 3 days, any piano music can make you feel easy!

The third sentence, guide stay: This method I learned at a cost of 20,000 oceans, and the rest of the content is definitely full of dry goods, and if you are not careful, you may miss the point. In case you can't find it in the future, hurry up and like and collect it so that you can learn at any time in the future!

Let me get more than 30 million copywriting secrets, just 10 minutes, you can quickly master!

The fourth sentence hits the pain point: I think back then, I signed up for countless piano classes and smashed into hundreds of thousands of tuition, although the teachers were very dedicated, but I just couldn't learn. Q spent a lot of time, and a lot of time was wasted.

Sentence 5, share experiences (or examples): So, how did I fight back? Don't worry, listen to me slowly. During that time, I searched for various study materials on the Internet day and night, and my computer desktop was full of downloaded files, and I even accidentally downloaded a bunch of viruses. After countless attempts, I finally found an easy way. Who would have thought that a novice musician like me would master the art of reading piano scores in just 30 minutes.

If you really don't know how to make up stories, it's also great to share some dry goods that you have collected from platforms such as Baidu and Xiaohongshu and read them directly to readers.

Sixth, throw the bait: time is limited (or other excuses), many people may not have heard enough, or some of the content has not been fully understood. Don't worry, I've put together this wonderful way to learn piano into a zip pack. If anyone wants to, I can share it with everyone!

Of course, when using different platforms, we need to adjust our bootstrap strategy according to the characteristics and rules of the platform. We also need to be constantly flexible. First of all, take a look at the popular video copy, observe and analyze how they set up "hooks" to guide the audience, and how they convert.

Let me get more than 30 million copywriting secrets, just 10 minutes, you can quickly master!

Remember, peers are always our best teachers. This will not change, not so much in the past, and not in the future. By learning from the best practices and strategies of our peers, we can find what works for us more quickly.

At this point, the basic framework of short video drainage copywriting has been introduced. You have the framework, plus the editing techniques you've learned, and it's up to your hands to use the tools.

Finally, I want to emphasize that no matter how perfect your copywriting strategy is, if you don't try to write your first copy, you'll never really master the art of copywriting. So, take the courage and start your copywriting journey!

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