
China's visit to three European countries, Lithuania bows its head? President: It is proposed to change the name of the representative office on Taiwan Island

author:Beacon front station

In recent days, China's high-level state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary have attracted the attention of the outside world. China's investment in Hungary has surpassed that of Germany, thus becoming the largest investor in Hungary, and China's investment is concentrated in high-tech industries, thus bringing huge economic and social benefits to Hungary. Hungary is a member of the European Union, because the EU has adopted a unified market mechanism, for which Chinese enterprises can smoothly enter the EU market through investment in Hungary, effectively use the rules of the European Union, and also improve the level of economic development of Hungary, so it is a win-win result.

China's visit to three European countries, Lithuania bows its head? President: It is proposed to change the name of the representative office on Taiwan Island

While investing in Hungary, China has also increased its investment in Serbia, and now Serbia and China maintain close cooperation, which allows for new economic developments. Serbia is a country besieged by the West, and China has helped Serbia in many fields, and many Chinese companies are investing in Serbia today. In fact, China and Serbia also cooperate in the military field, and China has exported the FK3 air defense system, thereby increasing Serbia's military strength. Serbia did not choose Russia's medium and long-range air defense system, which reflects Serbia's trust in China.

China's visit to three European countries, Lithuania bows its head? President: It is proposed to change the name of the representative office on Taiwan Island

China and France have had intensive economic and trade exchanges for a long time, and China has encouraged France to promote European independence, and now the economic and trade cooperation between China and France has entered a new height. According to foreign media reports, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausse has publicly stated that Lithuania intends to change the name of Taiwan's representative office in Lithuania. According to public information, the Taiwan representative office in Lithuania did not use Taipei as usual, so it violated the "one-China principle", for which China has downgraded the level of diplomatic relations with Lithuania and is currently maintaining the chargé d'affaires relationship.

China's visit to three European countries, Lithuania bows its head? President: It is proposed to change the name of the representative office on Taiwan Island

China's blatant provocation of the "one-China principle" against Lithuania is not only limited to reducing the level of diplomatic relations, but also countermeasures in the field of economy and trade. Hungary, also a member of the European Union, has gained the foundation for economic development through cooperation with China, while Lithuania is openly antagonistic to China, and has to pay a huge price for this. Judging from the statement of Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausse, Lithuania is already assessing the cost of supporting Taiwan Island, and the losses for Lithuania in the past few years are huge.

China's visit to three European countries, Lithuania bows its head? President: It is proposed to change the name of the representative office on Taiwan Island

Lithuania closely followed the U.S. strategy to support Taiwan, but it did not bring substantial benefits to Lithuania, and when it saw that many European countries had achieved a win-win situation through cooperation with China, Lithuania had already had a rhythm of repentance. For a long time, Lithuania has been closely following the United States, and when it is actively confronting China, it is also actively confronting Russia, thus becoming the "vanguard" of NATO.

China's visit to three European countries, Lithuania bows its head? President: It is proposed to change the name of the representative office on Taiwan Island

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