
Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

author:Celestial Dragon Messenger

On the morning of May 6, in the northern Xinjiang of the motherland, a column of military vehicles loaded with heavy equipment drove by in a majestic manner, and the momentum was very magnificent! Where are these military vehicles going? They were heading to neighboring Mongolia to conduct joint military exercises with Mongolia's military.

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Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

This is a very important signal that in the current turbulent international political environment, China is strengthening its military trust with Mongolia and working together to maintain peace and stability in the region. And all this has a lot to do with the actions of the United States in this region.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

In recent years, in order to maintain its leadership position in the world, the United States has embarked on a new global plan, which is called the "Indo-Pacific Strategy." The strategy is aimed at reducing China's influence in the Asia-Pacific region, where it has been growing, putting pressure on the United States.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

Mongolia, because it shares a long common border with China, is in a very important strategic position in the eyes of the United States. Therefore, the United States began to pay special attention to Mongolia, hoping to turn Mongolia into its ally.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

Starting in 2023, we can see that US officials are going to Mongolia more and more frequently, and their attitude towards Mongolia is also very friendly. In a very short period of time, the US Deputy Secretary of State and Deputy Secretary of State visited Mongolia separately, and more than once.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

These visits are not just simple exchanges, but have a deeper purpose behind them. In doing so, the United States hopes to strengthen its relations with Mongolia and draw Mongolia into its camp as a counterweight to China's influence.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

This move by the United States can be seen as a diplomatic effort to build goodwill and trust in Mongolia by increasing its contacts with Mongolia and providing various opportunities for assistance and cooperation. In this way, the United States can use Mongolia to influence or limit China's development in the Asia-Pacific region. Of course, this practice has also attracted the attention of other countries, as it could change the pattern of international relations in the region.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

The land border between Mongolia and China is more than 4,700 kilometers long, and if Mongolia becomes hostile to China under the influence of the United States, it will be a big security security for China. Therefore, China must strengthen its military ties with Mongolia, consolidate strategic trust between the two countries, and prevent US infiltration and sabotage.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

This military exercise between China and Mongolia is very timely and of great significance. Such a large-scale movement of soldiers and equipment not only demonstrates China's firm determination to maintain regional peace, but also sends a stern warning to the United States.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

From an economic point of view, there are many benefits for both sides of the cooperation between China and Mongolia. In 2023, total trade between the two countries reached more than $16 billion.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

China is now in the middle and late stages of industrialization, and the demand for resources is very large. Mongolia is rich in mineral resources, and the two countries have strong complementarity in terms of resources. By strengthening cooperation, Mongolia can gain more impetus for economic development and improve the lives of its people.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

On the military front, China and Mongolia have worked together to fight terrorism and maintain stability, providing a solid guarantee for regional security. The two sides can also share their experience in countering terrorism, improve their ability to fight in the field, and enhance their deterrence against illegal armed elements.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

In contrast, the United States has limited interests in the Mongolian region, and it is difficult to provide real benefits to Mongolia. The real purpose of the United States is to drive a wedge between China and Mongolia and to allow Mongolia to join its strategic camp.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

Mongolia should see this clearly and not be fooled by the words of the United States. As long as we maintain close cooperation with China, the two countries will be able to achieve a win-win situation, and no external force can stop the development of bilateral relations.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

The military exercises between China and Mongolia demonstrate China's firm determination to maintain regional stability and oppose foreign interference. In the face of US intrigues and calculations, we will stand our ground and move forward firmly.

Loaded with a large number of armored combat vehicles, the PLA troops drove out of the country, and the US plot was doomed to failure

Domestically, China will further consolidate all-round cooperation with Mongolia; Internationally, we will continue to follow the path of peaceful development and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. No force can stand in our way in the pursuit of peace and development.

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