
Telling the story of Chinese youth The original street dance drama "Our Life" premiered in Guangzhou


How does hip-hop tell the story of young people? On the evening of the 24th, the street dance drama "Our Life" premiered in Guangzhou, and the 80-minute performance received applause from the audience many times, and "burning" and "cool" became the keywords of audience discussion.

The drama is based on the true story of Guangzhou young volunteers and street dancers participating in social practice services, telling the story of the rebellious street dance teenager Ah Yu, the inferior girl Xiao Meng, and the optimistic and positive volunteer Tianhong who became acquainted with street dance, chased dreams in volunteer service, and joined hands to contribute to society.

Feng Shuangbai, chairman of the China Dancers Association and artistic director of "Our Life", said that this play innovatively presents the real life and true style of contemporary Chinese street dance and Chinese young people in the form of stage art.

Telling the story of Chinese youth The original street dance drama "Our Life" premiered in Guangzhou

Street dancers performed the scene of the "epidemic". Photo by Deng Ruixuan, Xinhua News Agency

On the stage, Cantonese opera, Wing Chun, Chicken Gonglan, English song and dance, Cantonese morning tea and other symbols full of Cantonese characteristics, volunteer service, war "epidemic" scenes, urban life and other real life scenes, were vividly presented by the actors in the form of street dance such as lock dance, shock dance, break dance, etc., which was refreshing.

Xia Guangxing, a national-level choreographer and artistic director of "Our Life", said that this drama wants to break through everyone's understanding that street dance is only a kind of self-entertainment, and through artistic expression, make street dance a powerful means of expressing the new era, new youth and new life.

Xia Rui, executive deputy director and secretary general of the Street Dance Committee of the China Dancers Association and general director of "Our Life", introduced that street dance from the street to the theater, from "imported products" to art forms that integrate local characteristics, has attracted more and more people's attention, "We strive to use street dance as a popular vocabulary to tell Chinese stories and send out the voices of young people." ”

Reporter: Deng Ruixuan

Editors: Wang Wei, Luan Ruohui

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