
In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

author:Shi Hai Guanfu
In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

Chinese have loved to read the stories of talented people since ancient times, and from ancient times to the present, many talents have indeed left anecdotes.

Like many talents, Li Ao, known as a "madman", is rich in feelings. However, after middle age, this untamed talent, like ordinary people, also entered the harbor of the family.

Who is Li Ao, what kind of emotional experience he has, and who is the person who let this prodigal son of the love field into the family. Regarding these questions, let Xiaobian answer them for you one by one.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > grown in mainland China and famous in universities</h1>

Li Ao was born in the northeast and grew up in Beijing. Like many old Beijingers, he prides himself on speaking fluent old Beijing. When Li Ao was 14 years old, he moved to Taiwan with his family and has settled there ever since.

Li Ao has loved to read since he was a child, and in middle school, he has read most of the Chinese and foreign classics. When discussing issues with people, Li Ao can always quote from the sidelines and put forward very sharp views.

With the improvement of his knowledge, Li Ao was tired of Taiwan's time-of-day education method in his third year of high school, and once took a break from school to study at home to study on his own. What is admirable is that for Li Ao's decision to suspend school, Li Ao's parents did not oppose it, but fully supported their son.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

After entering NTU, Li Ao quickly became famous for his maverick behavior. Due to the extensive reading of books, Li Ao often picks out the mistakes of the teacher's lectures in the classroom.

Because this practice touched the face of many teachers, Li Ao often quarreled with teachers in class. Whenever Li Ao and the teacher quarreled, the students of other departments ran to watch.

In addition to picking faults with teachers, Li Ao often wears a robe to class. On hot summer days, classmates often laughed at the sweaty man who wore a robe, saying that he was an old antique. But Li Ao believes that the robe is the representative of the ancient scholars, so regardless of the ridicule of his classmates and teachers, he still goes his own way.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

During the university period, Li Ao's reputation for being untamed even spread to Hong Kong, when a magazine in Hong Kong called "University Life" a magazine to select the "Four Monsters and Three Uglys" of Taiwan University, and gave the title of "Robe Monster" to Li Ao, and Li Ao gradually became known.

Although he had a wild style in school, Li Ao's talent and learning were recognized by everyone. When he was in college, the articles he wrote were influential at the time. At the same time, Li Ao's characteristics of "cursing" also began to be revealed.

Because he often publicly attacked celebrities, Li Ao often engaged in polemics with many cultural celebrities in the press and enjoyed it.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

According to the recollection of NTU faculty members, Li Ao was not asked a question or said a word during the graduation defense, and then he was notified by the professors to pass.

Li Ao looked puzzled and asked the professors what was going on. One professor replied: "You will definitely refute us as soon as we open our mouths, so it is better not to ask."

Li Ao's madness was ultimately based on his own talent. Li Ao's arrogance is not worth learning, but we must understand that in order to have the right to speak, we must have real talent and practical learning. If we don't have a genius like Li Ao, then we should study on the ground.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" > first love becomes a lifelong regret</h1>

In addition to personality and knowledge, Li Ao's difference is also reflected in his love. When Li Ao was 16 years old, he won a silver medal in the intramural essay competition, and a girl named Luo Junruo won a gold medal.

Li Ao, who has always regarded himself as a high-minded person, was very unconvinced by this, but when he saw Luo, he was immediately attracted by Luo's beauty and temperament.

From then on, Li Ao began to pursue Luo Junruo fiercely. Li Ao kept writing letters to Luo Junruo to pour out his thoughts. However, although Li Ao's letters were as numerous as meteors, if Luo Jun did not respond, these letters would sink into the sea.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

Perhaps it was Li Ao's persistence that touched Luo Junruo, and just when Li Ao was ready to give up on her, Luo Junruo wrote back to Li Ao.

In the letter, Luo Junruo expressed his good feelings to Li Ao and also said that he would go to NTU to study. Li Ao, who received the reply, was ecstatic because he could finally get along with Luo Junruo officially.

After Luo Junruo enrolled in school, the two quickly fell in love. In order to get along with Li Ao, Luo Junruo also transferred from the chemistry department to the history department and became a classmate of Li Ao. In the day and night together, the feelings of the two have become stronger.

Li Ao's talent and personality are the places that Luo Junruo admires, but this has become a barrier to their feelings. Luo Junruo's parents adhered to tradition, and they could not accept Li Ao, who was seen as deviant by others.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

In particular, Li Ao's refusal to wear ma Dai filial piety at his father's funeral made them think that Li Ao did not understand gratitude and etiquette at all, and it was not worth entrusting for life, so they strongly demanded that their daughter leave Li Ao.

Due to the strong opposition of his parents, Luo Junruo's feelings for Li Ao were shaken. Li Ao was a proud man, and after he knew what Luo Junruo's parents thought, he very generously let Luo Junruo make a choice. Under pressure, Luo Junruo chose to obey his parents and break up with Li Ao.

The teenager has been sentimental since ancient times, and the breakup has made the young Li Ao very painful. In order to alleviate the pain of missing, Li Ao once tried to commit suicide, but fortunately his classmates found out and picked up his life. After experiencing this incident, Li Ao no longer regarded love as sacred, but held a casual attitude towards feelings, and since then there has been another talent in the world.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="22" > after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained his true colors</h1>

Li Ao's image of daring to fight has made many people full of admiration for him, which has made his peach blossom luck always prosperous. When Li Ao was 27 years old, he became acquainted with his classmate's younger sister, Wang Shangqin, known as the Flower of National Taiwan University. Under the full pursuit of Li Ao, Wang Shangqin quickly walked with Li Ao. After establishing a relationship, the two quickly moved in together.

But after living together, the differences in personality and the trivialities of life between the two soon diluted the passion. After the passion died, Li Ao regained his true color and openly interacted with the movie star Wu Haidi as a couple.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

Wang Shangqin was very sad about this, and in order to leave this sad place, she was ready to go to the United States to continue her studies. However, when he left Taiwan for the United States, Wang Shangqin found himself pregnant.

The arrival of the child did not make Li Ao change his mind, and after giving birth to his daughter, the two peacefully broke up. In order to allow Wang Shangqin to raise his daughter alone, Li Ao paid Wang Shangqin a huge sum of money as maintenance.

Although he was split legs, Wang Shangqin's evaluation of Li Ao has always been very high. She once said in an interview with the media: Living with Li Ao is very happy, so that people will not think about other things at all.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

However, Li Ao's huaxin nature made his relationship with Wu Heidi not last long. After the two broke up, Li Ao got to know other women non-stop.

In the eyes of outsiders, Li Ao's career success is proud and enviable. But behind the scenery, Li Ao did not suffer a lot.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" > was once hit into a life trough</h1>

In fact, in addition to falling in love, Li Ao's main energy is still focused on his career. Li Ao is a workaholic, and he has published so many works that he can be stacked up to "equal body" (the same as height).

Because he often attacked the dark rule of the Kuomintang in his works, most of his published works were banned. Not only was Li Ao often followed by secret agents, but a bugging device was also installed in his home.

As the books and periodicals he founded were constantly shut down by the Kuomintang, Li Ao lost most of his income, and just when he was in a difficult period, a woman named Xiaolei came into his life.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

With Xiao Lei's support, Li Ao was able to barely make ends meet. Even after being suppressed by the Kuomintang to this extent, Li Ao still did not care, and he continued to use the pen as a weapon to fight against the Kuomintang government.

In order to discourage Li Ao from expressing his opinion, in 1971, the Kuomintang government found an excuse to beat Li Ao to prison. After Li Ao was imprisoned, XiaoLei followed him at first, often sending him things. But this separation of feelings is difficult to maintain after all, and gradually, Li Ao lost the news of Xiaolei.

During the most precious young adult period in his life, Li Ao spent nearly 6 years in prison before being released. After being released from prison, Li Ao learned that Xiaolei had been married to a woman. XiaoLei spent the most difficult years with Li Ao, and he has always missed Xiaolei very much, thinking that this woman is the most moral and cute.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" > empathize again after returning to the peak of his career</h1>

Shortly after his release from prison, Li Ao met Liu Huiyun, a graduate of National Taiwan University, at a banquet for his old friend Xiao Mengneng. As a talented woman, Liu Huiyun has a unique literary and artistic temperament, which has attracted the attention of Li Ao. After the two met, they quickly established a relationship and lived together.

After living together, because his works were banned and could not be published, in order to live, under the introduction of old friends, Li Ao once served as an associate researcher at the "Center for International Relations Research" at a university. Li Ao was very dissatisfied with this researcher position, believing that it affected his creation.

Liu Huiyun believes that the salary of this job can help Li Ao, and it can also protect Li Ao, who is monitored. Since then, the two have often quarreled over this issue.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

Due to his age, Liu Huiyun proposed the idea of marriage to Li Ao. Li Ao did not want to be bound by marriage and resolutely did not agree to marriage. Liu Huiyun did not understand at first and threatened to break up, but Li Ao was still unmoved. With the passage of time, Liu Huiyun gradually understood Li Ao's views on marriage.

From the perspective of career, Liu Huiyun is definitely a noble person who has made a comeback of Li Ao. With the help of Liu Huiyun, a bookseller named Shen Deng'en met Li Ao.

With the help of Shen Deng'en, Li Ao published "Tradition under Monologues" and was a great success. Since then, Li Ao has ended a years-long period of economic hardship and once again became a best-selling author.

Li Ao's return to the mountains shook the whole of Taiwan. At that time, the actress Hu Yinmeng, who was popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan, also wrote an article in the newspaper to express her congratulations on Li Ao's comeback. Hu Yinmeng's congratulations naturally attracted Li Ao's attention. The two quickly exchanged letters and developed into a romantic relationship.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" > and Hu Yinmeng's dream of love was shattered by the reality of marriage</h1>

After finding himself sandwiched between Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng, Liu Huiyun cut off his love thread, took the initiative to break up with Li Ao, and then went to the United States. Li Ao felt Liu Huiyun's generosity, and he sent Liu Huiyun 2 million Taiwan dollars as Liu Huiyun's tuition and living expenses in the United States.

After Liu Huiyun withdrew, Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng's relationship developed rapidly, and soon developed to the point of talking about marriage. In May 1980, the two were officially married. This is the first woman to make Li Ao willing to enter the marriage, and it is reasonable to say that the two should be able to live for a long time.

However, after getting married, the two gradually discovered each other's shortcomings, and after the aura of love passed, these shortcomings made the two intolerable. Therefore, only three months after their marriage, Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng announced their breakup.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

Throughout Li Ao's love history, Li Ao is very devoted to every girlfriend, but his pursuit is not a person, but a feeling of love.

This feeling of love cannot tolerate any worldly sand, but people are worldly, so Li Ao will lose this feeling of love after spending a long time with it, so these feelings are doomed to be difficult to last.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" > met Wang Xiaotun by chance</h1>

In 1983, li Ao was passing by a bus stop when he found Wang Xiaotun (then named Wang Zhihui) waiting for the bus with his book. Li Ao suddenly became interested and began to walk towards this Wang Xiaotun.

The closer Li Ao got to Wang Xiaotun, the more he felt that this girl looked good. Then Li Ao gently patted Wang Xiaotun's shoulder with his hand.

After Wang Xiaotun looked back, he was pleasantly surprised to find that it was Li Ao, the idol he worshipped. The two talked for a long time at the bus stop, feeling very speculative, and then the two exchanged contact information.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

Since then, the two people have often dated, and in the process of getting along, the spark of affection quickly burst out. Under the guidance of Li Ao, Wang Xiaotun changed his name and changed from nursing school to Cultural University.

Although the gap between the two is 33 years old, Wang Xiaotun feels cared for by Li Ao's company. Although she knows that Li Ao has a rich love history, she believes that Li Ao has 100% investment in herself, so she has strengthened her determination to go to the end with Li Ao.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="34" > love affair has been opposed by many parties</h1>

Li Ao and Wang Xiaotun went in and out of the school, attracting the attention of their classmates. Soon, rumors about "Li Ao is looking for young female students to be girlfriends" and "Wang Xiaotun is looking for rich old men to be boyfriends" quickly spread.

This attracted the attention of the school, and the principal of the school talked with Wang Xiaotun many times, hoping that Wang Xiaotun could break up with Li Ao.

In the face of the school's advice, Wang Xiaotun categorically refused to break up with Li Ao. She believes that it is because people in society are prejudiced against Li Ao, and these people do not understand Li Ao, but only judge this feeling by those smear remarks.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

After the school's advice was ineffective, he informed Wang Xiaotun's parents of the news of the two's love affair through his classmates. After Wang Xiaotun's parents received the news, they immediately recalled Wang Xiaotun with an urgent telegram.

After returning home, Wang Xiaotun's parents persuaded Wang Xiaotun. Wang Xiaotun's parents are actually fans of Li Ao, but Li Ao's age is older than them, which makes it difficult for them to accept.

There is also Li Ao's past, which can be called a flow, which also makes them afraid that their daughter will be hurt after being abandoned at will. After his parents, Wang Xiaotun's brother also joined the "persuasion" team.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

In fact, the fierce opposition of parents is understandable, because after all, all parents love their children. If we were the original parents of the Royal Family, and saw that our daughter was in love with an old man with a "flower heart", our reaction might be more intense.

Wang Xiaotun can tolerate unbearable public opinion and can not care about the opposition of the school, but she understands that this feeling will not have a good result without the support of her family. Under pressure from his parents, Wang Xiaotun and Li Ao became estranged, but still kept in touch.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" > After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed</h1>

After graduation, Wang Xiaotun went to Tainan to work as a primary school teacher according to his parents' wishes. Li Ao did not say much about these decisions. Before Wang Xiaotun boarded the train to Tainan, she received a letter from Li Ao.

In the letter, Li Ao wrote a love poem. A sentence in the poem, "Only if love is short, can love be eternal", made Wang Xiaotun burst into tears, and she made up and down the train to make a determination not to marry Li Ao.

In the days that followed, the two continued to communicate privately without their parents. After 8 years of long-distance running, Li Ao felt responsible for Wang Xiaotun and proposed marriage to her. Wang Xiaotun agreed without even thinking about it.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

When Wang Xiaotun told his parents the news of the marriage between the two, the parents learned that their daughter and Li Ao were still in a relationship and even wanted to get married. The Wang family's parents were difficult to accept for a while, and the mother protested and even proposed to jump into the river.

In the face of his parents' fierce reaction, Wang Xiaotun did not argue with his parents, but patiently persuaded his parents. He also said that if he could not marry Li Ao, then he would not marry in this life.

After Li Ao learned of this, he felt that he could not forcibly get married. Therefore, he went to Wang Xiaotun's brother and asked for his brother's understanding with Wang Xiaotun. In the face of the sincere Li Ao, the brother understands that the fact that his sister loves Li Ao deeply is difficult to change. Out of heartache for his sister, the brother agreed to come forward to persuade his parents.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

Under the joint persuasion of his brother and Wang Xiaotun, after a period of ideological struggle, the parents of the Wang family reluctantly agreed to the marriage.

After the agreement between the two families, Li Ao and Wang Xiaotun chose March 8, 1992 as the auspicious day. On the wedding day, Li Ao took his family and friends to Tainan to pick up his relatives after careful dressing.

After arriving at the Wang family, Li Ao and his bride prepared to meet their father-in-law and mother-in-law. Since his in-laws were younger than himself, Li Ao did not know how to call and salute, but bowed deeply to them.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

After a simple wedding, Wang Xiaotun became Li Ao's second wife and the last woman in his life.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaotun's feelings for Li Ao were right, and Li Ao not only gave him 100% love before marriage, but still did so after marriage.

The marriage between the two was happy, and after the marriage, Wang Xiaotun gave birth to a son Li Jian and a daughter Li Chen for Li Ao. The birth of his children allowed Li Ao to find the feeling of being a father.

In 1992, Li Ao married Wang Xiaotun and met his in-laws who were younger than himself: Deep bow grew up in the mainland, famous in college First love became a lifelong regret after the birth of the eldest daughter, he still maintained the essence of the flow of the flow once hit into the trough of life and returned to the peak of his career After the love illusion of empathy and Hu Yinmeng was shattered by the reality of marriage And Wang Xiaotun got acquainted with the accidental love affair and was opposed by many parties After 8 years of long-distance running, the love between the two finally blossomed

After getting married, Wang Xiaotun quit his job as a primary school teacher and became Li Ao's assistant, handling affairs other than writing for Li Ao. The two husbands and wives were harmonious and together, and spent more than ten years of happiness together.

Li Ao's life is complicated and difficult to evaluate. As a talented man, he has the wind and bones of an ancient scholar and doctor, and has the courage to dare to speak up, and these qualities have earned him respect.

However, this talented man who has been crazy all his life can return to the family after experiencing vicissitudes and be at ease as a husband and father, which shows that for anyone, the family is the last harbor.

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