
As soon as you eat spicy, you will have diarrhea and "chrysanthemum" pain, and what should I do if I have hemorrhoids after spicy food? You will know after reading it

author:Talk about bones

As a gastroenterologist, I often meet patients who love spicy food in the outpatient clinic. One case that particularly stood out was that of a chili lover who had a bright red pepper that was indispensable for every meal. However, while enjoying the spicy taste, he often suffered from abdominal pain and diarrhea, which eventually developed into hemorrhoids, which made him miserable.

When this patient first came to my office, he had a sad face, described his diarrhea as soon as he ate spicy food, and revealed the embarrassing symptoms of "chrysanthemum" pain. After some questioning and examination, I found out that he was not only a problem with chili peppers, but also hemorrhoids caused by long-term chili irritation. Many people may not know that consuming too much chili pepper for a long time, especially for those with already sensitive bodies, is likely to exacerbate the burden on the stomach and intestines and even cause complications such as hemorrhoids.

As soon as you eat spicy, you will have diarrhea and "chrysanthemum" pain, and what should I do if I have hemorrhoids after spicy food? You will know after reading it

Spicy food and the digestive system

First of all, the main stimulating component of chili peppers is capsaicin. This substance stimulates our gustatory nerves and produces a burning sensation. When this ingredient comes into contact with the gastric mucosa, it triggers local vasodilation and increased blood flow in the stomach wall, and sometimes stimulates increased gastric acid secretion. For some people with sensitive gastric mucosa or chronic gastritis, this irritation can cause stomach upset, pain, and even nausea.

Further, when capsaicin enters the small intestine, especially if it is not fully digested, it may accelerate intestinal peristalsis. This change may explain why some people experience gastrointestinal upset or acute diarrhoea after consuming spicy food. This excessive intestinal motility can sometimes lead to early emptying of the digestive system, where food is excreted from the body without being fully absorbed, resulting in the loss of nutrients.

For those who regularly consume spicy food, their stomach may develop some adaptation to capsaicin, but this does not mean that the stimulating effect of capsaicin on the digestive tract is completely gone. In fact, long-term high intake of cayenne pepper may lead to chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which may increase the risk of gastric ulcers in the long run.

Therefore, it is recommended that when consuming spicy food, it should be paid attention to the appropriate amount, especially those with a history of gastrointestinal diseases, and should be more cautious. If you feel significantly unwell after consuming spicy food, it is recommended to reduce the degree and frequency of spicy food, and seek medical advice and treatment promptly. In this way, we can enjoy the delicious taste of spicy food while protecting our digestive system from harm.

As soon as you eat spicy, you will have diarrhea and "chrysanthemum" pain, and what should I do if I have hemorrhoids after spicy food? You will know after reading it

The relationship between spicy food and hemorrhoids

First of all, chili peppers contain capsaicin, which is a very irritating substance. When capsaicin enters the body, it first irritates the gastrointestinal tract and causes increased intestinal peristalsis, which may lead to diarrhea or increased stool in some people. For people who already have hemorrhoids, frequent bowel movements can increase pressure and irritation in the anal area, which may not only exacerbate existing hemorrhoid symptoms, but may also lead to new hemorrhoids forming.

In addition, spicy food can also cause other reactions in the body. For example, capsaicin boosts circulation, but this may not be a good thing in some cases. In patients with hemorrhoids, excessive blood flow to the anal area may exacerbate venous pressure, which in turn can contribute to the development or worsening of hemorrhoids.

Although the direct causal relationship between spicy food and hemorrhoids has not been fully understood by the scientific community, the available evidence suggests that spicy food may be a factor in the exacerbation of symptoms in patients with hemorrhoids. Therefore, if you already suffer from hemorrhoids or often experience anal discomfort after a spicy meal, you may want to consider adjusting your eating habits.

Adjusting your diet doesn't mean avoiding spicy foods altogether, but rather focusing on the types of foods you eat and how much you eat. Appropriately reducing capsaicin intake and increasing dietary fiber intake can help alleviate hemorrhoidal symptoms and may reduce the chance of recurrence. At the same time, maintaining good bowel habits and avoiding sitting or standing for long periods of time are also important measures to prevent and treat hemorrhoids.

How to deal with the discomfort caused by spicy food in daily life

1. Consume in moderation

Capsaicin is the main ingredient in spicy food, which can irritate the stomach lining and cause discomfort. When you first try spicy food, it is recommended to start with a small amount, observe your body's reactions, and slowly increase your intake. This will help your digestive system adapt gradually, rather than overloading it all at once.

As soon as you eat spicy, you will have diarrhea and "chrysanthemum" pain, and what should I do if I have hemorrhoids after spicy food? You will know after reading it

2. Pair it with high-fiber foods

When eating spicy foods, try to pair them with high-fiber foods, such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Fiber helps food move better through the digestive tract, reduces capsaicin irritation to the stomach and intestines, and helps prevent diarrhea caused by spicy foods.

3. Drink enough water

Feeling dry mouth after eating spicy food is a very common reaction. Drinking plenty of water not only relieves this discomfort, but also helps the gastrointestinal tract process capsaicin better, reducing its irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. Avoid carbonated drinks or alcohol, which may increase stomach upset.

4. Use dairy products to relieve symptoms

If you feel sick after eating too spicy, you can try drinking some milk or eating some yogurt. Milk fat in dairy products can be combined with capsaicin, reducing its irritating effect in the gastrointestinal tract.

As soon as you eat spicy, you will have diarrhea and "chrysanthemum" pain, and what should I do if I have hemorrhoids after spicy food? You will know after reading it

5. Pay attention to the timing of your meals

Try not to consume spicy foods immediately before bedtime, as capsaicin may cause you to feel a burning sensation in your stomach or excess stomach acid while you sleep. It is advisable to wait at least three to four hours after spicy food before going to bed to give the food time to digest in the stomach.

With these simple steps, you can better enjoy the pleasure of spicy food while reducing the gastrointestinal discomfort that may be caused by eating spicy food. Eat healthy and live happily!

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